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Everything posted by Ramaniscence

  1. Just a thought, but i'd think song could really benefit from alittle more 808. Kinda of like Rayza's Sonik Elektronik or whatever.. I mean hell, it's practically ALREADY an electro funk song. I'm not saying do the whole SONG like that..I'm just saying...I might work? >_>
  2. im sure you'll hear elsewhere before you read this, but I can bullet-point it for ya No more 40 man raids, the cap is now 25 PVP grind is replaced by a points system. You PVP, and at the end of the week, get points that you can use to buy gear with. No more honor decay. New Arena Battles, where you start a roster, similar to starting a guild, where you can do 2 man, 3 man, or 5 man teams, and they are not only cross-realm, but alliance can fight alliance and horde can fight horde. There's more, but those are the big ones. is the 25 man cap retroactive for MC/BWL/AQ40/Naxx as well? or will those stay 40 man. that pvp stuff sounds NICE. very VERY nice. i imagine this will help alleviate the honor grind. it may actually take longer to get the stuff you want, but at least you won't have to play 20 hours a day to do it. also, i totally predicted the Arena Battle thing last night. i'm not even joking. some guy made a thread about the colliseum in orgrimmar, and i posted saying it could probably be used to organize 3 or 5 man fights. edit: 1up.com is still broken. i wonder what's going on over there... Heartless Gamer writes "There is quite a few surprises waiting in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. The raiding scene in World of Warcraft is going to dramatically change once Burning Crusade is released. Here's the long and short of it: all of the new high-end raid content will be capped at 25 heads. Indeed, all the raid content that was mentioned in today's demo, with the exception of Kharazan (which is designed for 10 players) is being designed around a force of 25. Blizzard has completely done away with 40-man raiding; Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and Naxxrammas will still exist, of course. There just isn't going to be any new 40-man content. How's that for earth-shattering?"
  3. [Illidian] PvP + Horde: * Ramaniscence - Solidok - Level 18 Tauren Warrior * Ramaniscence - Solidus - Level 8 Tauren Druid * Ramaniscence - Ramaniscence - Level 1 Undead Priest (probably not even gonna go anywhere...) [Hakkar] PvP + Horde: * Ramaniscence - SquirrelBaby - Level 60 Tauren Druid (Christine my asian girl gold farmer ) [Lightening Hoof] PvPvRP + Horde: * Ramaniscence - Shabutie - Level 11 Undead Priest (shared w/ Christine) [Illidian] PvP + Horde: * Ramaniscence - Solidus - Level 22 Troll Priest Christine has a level 37 druid she's working on somewhere new now...not sure where . I need to kick that h0e off my shizzle already.
  4. Yes! How many freakin' people have to say this before it becomes understood?! The Horde is no more or less evil than the Alliance. Both sides have "evil" classes like Warlocks, both sides have their "good" classes like Druid or Priest. Largely, the sides are neutral. You have scum on both sides. Do any of the people calling the Horde evil remember Lord Garithos from the Frozen Throne? Honestly, the whole mentality of "evil Horde" is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to WoW. Or in a much more OBVIOUS sense: "So far, Onyxia is seen in two guises. The first is Lady Katrana Prestor, through which Onyxia influences the politics of Stormwind and has tremendous influence over the Human's leader. The other form she has is that of her true form, a dragon the size of a small town." Evil horde INDEED.
  5. And for the sake of mentioning it: WoW pretty much DOES follow the WC3 lore in a weird entangled way explained over countless wikis & the manual. Giving the horde a single class or making the bloods elves "evil" doesn't COMPLETELY FUCK UP THE WHOLE THING. But there's somethign that you need to understand right here and now: If you're playing World of Warcraft for it's tie in to the original lore, get out now. WoW is a constantly changing MMO, & WarCraft 4 WILL come out one day. Then what? Will WC4 pick up where WoW is when WC4 comes out? Will the alliance & horde ties still be broken? Will they be mended again? What happens when Arthas comes & the scourge invades? Will their be a 3rd faction? What happens when Blizzard wants to bank on StarCraft races & the Zerg crash land on Azeroth and you have to invade a lair & fight the 80-man level 100 raid against the OverMind? It's just like Ultima Online. In theory it was an excellent online version of the original gameplay elements & world...but overtime they HAD to deviate from the story to keep the game alive, and before long everyone had completely forgot about the original game elements all together. Bottom line is: Play WoW because it's a fun MMO based in a familiar setting, but if you're expecting it to ALWAYS make direct and un-challenged ties to a story line...you're gonna get disapointed pretty badly, and pretty often. Question: Is this how ALL alliance people think? (We're PALADINS OF VIRTUE ridding this evil world of the horde!!) Also: Before you go off calling the horde "evil" I'll have you remember that ACCORDING TO WARCRAFT LORE the orcs are no longer bound to the blood curse, let the remaining humans leave Kalimdor with a promise to never return, & fight only to defend their borders. For God sakes Taurens are tree hugging hippies who are a peaceful race.
  6. New Podcast: DPDA: Official Doug & Doug Podcast. Coming to an internet near you Holiday Season 2021
  7. For the record, it's: Server / OCRemix Name / Char Name / Race / Class / Illidian / Ramansicence / Solidok / Tauren / Warrior / Illidian / Ramaniscence / Ramaniscence / Undead / Priest Gorefiend / Ramaniscence / Ramaniscence / Undead / Priest Archimonde / Ramaniscence / Solidusrama / Troll / Priest And expect another undead priest on Lightening Hoof sometime in the near future. Note: I also have a Tauren Shaman named Squirrelbaby on Hakkar that I have a 17 year old vietnamese girl play for me...no seriously. It's usually NOT me, but it may be sometimes.
  9. Aw please, Jill. I didn't stop because of being "forced" to. I've had (and still have) other stuff to do, also I know when to stop. Not to mention that I have a life "outside" of OCR. However this is something that you still have to learn in your young life. Happy birthday anyway. You weren't force to stop POSTING or ATTACKING pixietricks? Because...I can understand how you stop POSTING because you "have a life" (which is cool, seriously, I mean I know probbaly 99.999% of the site probably does, too. But I'm glad that you're so glad to be in that margin that you decided to announce it), but had you CONTINUED to make posts, in the tone in which you were, you would've been silence. WHICH I'm pretty sure you were probably told on a person basis, and definitely were told multiple times in the thread. So in that sense, you WERE kinda forced to stop making MALICIOUS posts in the thread.
  10. Cute. We do these things irl XD Damn straight. Wierdos. Damn straight. And it's "weirdos," to you, bubba. pwnt.As per usual, D-Lux OCR is following WYHT's "Turn-based chatting" in threads now? Sad day.
  11. Yea, I was beginning to wonder why my order from November 2nd wasn't goin' through, AND getting a little worried that the charges my randomly popup after being 2 weeks late, and I'd over draft because I forget about it or something >_<. Looks like that won't be a problem, though. Hurry!!
  12. Super Ultra Repercussions of Fowl Lamentation SE Tournament Plutonium Platinum Uranium Bismuth Edition Plus Directors Cut featuring the ONLY SONG (that wasn't complete silence) cut from the ENTIRE PROJECT!
  13. From what I understand, L2 raids to a lot of strategy, especially castle sieges. My friends played it for quite sometime before they switched to WoW. At which point they did because the guild they were in created an alliance, overthrough the guild that was basically running the server, and after they had done that there really just wasn't much else to do. That, and the grind to the max level took an incredibly ridiculous ammount of time... ..and one of them got banned for saying "eBay".
  14. it's funny because it's true. anyways, archimonde and illidan? which do you play on more often, and which faction? I've been teterrng between both pretty evenly. Except daytime play is more Archimonde nighttime play is more Iliddian, and I'm horde on both. Tauren on Ill, Troll on Arch.
  15. People from WYHT play on Arch + a hot asian my friend knows, so I went there, and my IRL friends play on Illidian, so =P. I wanna make a darkelf somewhere though, you down? So....what you're saying is...you'd rather just...level...and fight the same monsters over and over so you can get better weapons to...fight the same monster? Where the hell is the fun in that? YOU'RE NOT LIVNIG IN THE WORLD OF WARCRAFT, YOU'RE LIVNIG IN THE FOREST OF FEELINGS
  16. To quote Leo from VGCats: "HAY A GRL! LET'S CYBER!!!!" HYE U LIKE VIDEOGAMES? I LIKE VIDEOGAMES TOO! GOT MSN???? LETZ CAM! Oh WouldYouHitThis, how you fill my mind with such pointless drivel.
  17. Yea...seeing as I actually have a job to fund it, and I've recently found myself with a lot more internet freetime due to some exceednig retard circumstances, I've caught the black plague of the internet, AKA WoW. It's a lot of fun for now, teetering between Archimonde and Illidian trying to raise 2 different characters for 2 seperate friends circles is proving to be quite tedious, though. Oh well, I have money o burn now =P
  18. YAY FOR USE OF KIRBY IS A PIMP!! Which reminds me, you should list the songs you use as background music somewhere...because KIRBY IS A PIMP absolutely needs pimpage!
  19. Hellllooooooooooooooooo karma, meet Rayza!
  20. hahaha is it just me, or is it that our listeners are WAAAAAAAAAAY too gullible heheheee (it was Rayza's idea! Shoot him not me!) Bye-bye Rayza. *bam* RIP RAYZA. :cry: Tune in next week for VGDJ with Aurora and Effector! More like Aurora and FusionBackup
  21. OCRE would be so happy right now.
  22. Anyone who knows me even remotely well knows that I'm 100% sold at the mention of Coke and Pizza. Though I will admit... That certainly is an added perk.
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