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Everything posted by Troyificus

  1. That's weird, I definitely voted in this round but it's not showing on Tha Sauce Anyway, nice work to everybody, Supercoolmike included!
  2. I seem to remember that in the last compo it was Boomer Kawanger. Weird how these things go around.
  3. Oooooouch. Having broken several bones in my hands and arms over the years I feel your pain, brother. To be honest though; it might have been worse if the glass had broken. Picking bits of broken window out of your fist is not a pleasant pastime for anyone. May your bones mend quickly and without incident!
  4. Ha ha! Sorry dude, the correct sentence should have been "Sold to the man wearing the funny hat!". I am a native English speaker and I tend do it wrong half the time
  5. I'mgoingtoregretthisI'mgoingtoregretthisI'mgoingtoREGRETthis Sting Chameleon (X1) Web Spider (X4) Grizzly Slash (X5) Commander Yammark (X6) Chill Penguin (X1) I am also without a team!
  6. You guys are so mean! I vota that you shall not be allowed to vota again! The closing date for entries has already passed, the voting stage will finish today.
  7. I appreciate that you used a Mega Drive cover as opposed to a Genesis one
  8. Awww Cash voted for me, I feel bad now Thanks for win guys, the next source has been chosen and submitted to the Hobo!
  9. An entry has been entered! Just something to get back into the swing of things
  10. Yes indeed, there isn't much to work with here. Might have to be a midi-rip type thing if I do end up managing to get something in!
  11. I don't think Bundeslang gets enough recognition for the work he does for PRC. And I don't mean the actual organizing of the competition; I mean that he has to think up a humorous title from the source(s) every single time! Well done that man!
  12. Blimey, that round went fast. I'll be sure to vote to make up for my lack of submission
  13. Voted! There's a few tracks this round that will be making it onto my mp3 player
  14. I may have been a liiiiitle preemptive when I said I would be in I'll definitely be ready for the next one though!
  15. Oh Mega Turrican, my first true love. With any luck my laptop screen will be fixed in time to participate! Good choice, DusK!
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