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Everything posted by Troyificus

  1. Wow 2nd place!? I'm genuinely shocked I must say, I really didn't think my entry was going to do well. Thanks once again to Argle; you're an excellent mentor and I hope you sign on as a star again so someone else can benefit from your knowledge
  2. If you wish to keep any faith in humanity that's probably for the best.
  3. My entries in! I can't big Argle up enough as a mentor, the detail of the criticism he provided was most excellent II should probably mention that my entry isn't entirely finished...
  4. Actually I could probably get behind that One serious question though; if a game was on a portable device AND a home console (such as Game Gear and Master System which shared many many games) can it still be used for this round?
  5. It'll be interesting to see if anyone opts for a country and western song
  6. Voted! I'm annoyed that I didn't get anything done for the final, life issues and illness got in the way sadly. Voting was very very difficult as everyone has improved ridiculously well, so a huge well done to all involved and a massive thank you to Mind Wanderer for bringing it all together. Bring on Season 2
  7. Yeah, a Day Sauce setup would probably fit your needs for a compo like this.
  8. OK,I'm finally committing to this initiative I claim Warfare from Command and Conquer. There is a WIP but it's still, uh, a work in progress
  9. Holy shazba, that's one hell of a hell of a switcheroo. This will be very interesting I'm sure.
  10. Same here! This sounds like an awesome idea, get on it!
  11. This makes me wish I could play lead guitar a whooooole lot better. I'll have to see what I can do with a few VST's
  12. Well done you piano playing pioneers! Looking forward to your choices for next round
  13. Well if another star does choose to sign up before the deadline I'll be happy to participate, however if not I'm still happy to wait til next time.
  14. Well done Jaka! I really need to get my WIP up and running...
  15. Voted! Well done to everyone; a varied lot of entries this round!
  16. Hmmm, I was going to sign up again but it would require 2 more stars with The Eluryahn having just signed up as well. I'll wait until next round
  17. I had the same problem, I just assumed it was my browser acting up! *EDIT* I haz an entry! Like I said over on Tha Sauce it's more experimenting with drum and bass than a proper song but it hasn't turned out too badly in one's humble opiniono.
  18. I seem to have some Sort of block when it comes to Mega Man tunes. I'm working on something, not sure how good it will be though.
  19. Dude you got a lot of nuts (see what I did there!?) in forcing another Mega Man mix upon us. However it is a pretty awesome tune, so I'll let slide this time.
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