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Everything posted by Troyificus

  1. Excellent work everyone! And thanks to everyone who left feedback for me, it's much appreciated!
  2. Ah, I'm glad to see someone else went down the 'non-electronica' route FreakyT Coincidentally I was going to have a harpsichord intro as well at one point. My entry is in!
  3. Ooooh I'm liking this source! Might be time to break out my new orchestral VST
  4. That's right. It's a reasonably painless process though
  5. Yikes, listening to everyone elses entries kinda makes me wish I hadn't entered mine, it does not stand up well! Nice work everyone, it's going to be hard voting!
  6. My entry is still very much a WIP, mainly due to me being massivly uninspired by the source that I chose (hakstock's was awesome however).
  7. Same here, when it did come to vote it was too late! Stupid timezones... Good round everyone!
  8. That's due to Christmas I guess? Who's choosing the song?
  9. My entry is in! My first submission for about 4 months I think. Blimey.
  10. Loving this mix, definitely captures the feel of the game. Excellent work so far!
  11. Loving this source. I've got to get something in before Wednesday due to the RWTS compo, hopefully the shorter time period will give me some focus
  12. Out of interest; what will happen if 0x25ec does forget to choose a source?
  13. Out of interest MW; do you make the novice/star pairings randomly or do you choose them yourself?
  14. Novice again for me, I'm using my Avatar's theme Skull Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7H257n8y1s
  15. I must redeem myself for not getting an entry in last time! But oh gods my last Mega Man compo ended so badly. Going to have look at all the source tunes properly this time....
  16. My votes in! And couldn't you extend the mixing time to 3 weeks and leave the voting to 1 week?
  17. My chosen source was Archon on C64. Very cheerful tune. Now I'm back up and running again I'll see if I can produce a bonus mix for this round.
  18. I had a ridiculously busy couple of weeks with work and kids and whatnot which prevented me from getting anything done, then on Saturday night when I actually had some free time my laptop went completely haywire and wouldn't let me open an explorer window, let alone my DAW. I reckon I've found the issue; a corrupted wav file on my desktop that Windows was trying to generate a preview that was essentially creating a very local denial of service attack ha ha. Here's a PSA people; friends don't let friends use dirty wav files.
  19. Phew, that takes the pressure off a bit. Thanks WillRock for voicing my concerns
  20. So whats the numbers so far chaps? Yes I am aware that I could go back and check myself, but this post serves as a bump
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