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Everything posted by Troyificus

  1. Currently revisiting Mushroomhead's XIII album. Nu-metal goodness at its best!
  2. ZombiU certainly has my interest, though I look forward to seeing how it's going to differ from, say, House of the Dead or similar. New Super Mario Bros. U looks pretty much the same as the Wii version just on a larger scale with more Yoshi. I'm still hyped for the Wii U, especially now we've the bastard offspring of an X-box and Onlive controller to play the 'hardcore' games with
  3. I find this one quite quirky and friendly http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02420/ Edit: ah sorry, mis-read and didn't notice to wanted mechanical AND quirky etc. Sorry!
  4. I'm pretty excited about the Wii U, especially if Nintendo make good with the hardcore gamers and offer up something to really get your teeth into. I mean I'm all for a new Super Mario Galaxy/Universe/Multiverse/Space Time Continuum, but a port of Arkham City would send me into complete rapture ;oD
  5. It's an amazingly fun source. I'm about halfway finished with mine!
  6. The entirety of Imaginaerum by Nightwish. On repeat. It's like a dark dream through a fair ground!
  7. Sir_NutS, the man who gave us 'Welcome to the Metropolis' (plus others of course) having "pretty limited talent"?! I disagree most strongly!
  8. I think it's because it doesn't have a distinctive tune. The Parasite Eve tune had a very obvious hook to it, this one doesn't
  9. I'm sad to say that I'm in the same situation as HoboKa. I've tried several different styles but nothing seems to sound right I'm going to keep trying but I can't guarentee I'll be able to make an entry.
  10. Holy hell I LOVED Gunstar Heroes! I am so in on this one!
  11. This is possibly the most cheerful piece of music I have ever heard, massive kudos!
  12. Thanks for the 1st place vote and the awesome feedback on the last PRC, really appreciate it!

  13. Got the feedback, thanks a lot I really appreciate it! =oD

  14. Wow 4th place! I am totally shocked at being voted 1st place twice, I honestly thought my entry was the weakest of all of them. Massive thanks for all the feedback; I'll try and put it to good use for the next entry
  15. Well I've got a taste for it now, so I'll be entering as often as possible
  16. Wow, by happy coincidence I've just purchased the TunedIn app for Android! OCR goodness on the move here I come!
  17. Wow, listening to everyone elses entries makes me a little embarrassed about my own. Still, at least I got an entry in
  18. Made my entry! As poor as it is, I'm still pleased to make my first submission to a PRC
  19. I like the Police Cell tune, might actually manage to submit something for this one
  20. Thanks for the feedback guys! I'll see what I can with it
  21. This is something I made when I first got Mixcraft using samples that come with the program. I wouldn't consider it finished by any means and there's no mixing on it at all but any thoughts or feedback would be nice as I've kinda lost my thread with this piece
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