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Everything posted by Mazedude

  1. Bwuhaha... boy, this one grows on you. When I first heard it ya know, I was quite biased, cause - I remixed the same level. And I did it first! Competition, heh. Anyways, yeah - this one is quite good. The heaviness is great - gives it a relentless sense of marching forward. Deadly, evil, creepy, and musically diverse to make the full song a nice listen as well as a great mood setter for the background. And that growl sample is awesome. That one sound strategically placed where it is throughout seriously adds a TON to the mix for me when I listen. Very cool. -Mazedude
  2. So, soooo sweet. Makes ya go "aaaaaahhhhhhh........". Ya know, I've been kinda wanting to make a nice pretty remix at some point here... and I always think to myself "ya know, I should make a pretty remix sometime, like that Secret of Mana mix Mustin and Kassie did..." Then I listen, and realize how beautifully simple it is, and yet still pulls the heartstrings. Wow. This is just beautiful. If only we could hear it with real orchestral instruments sometime... ahh....... -Mazedude
  3. Ah, a truly cool remix. Ya know, I played this puppy in my apartment when I was down in NYC, and my room mate who's a R-n-B Hip-hop singer perked up and popped in the room with a "whoa - dude - what is that?! That's nice!" I agree... that bass just grabs ya from the get go - and everything else in there just flows nicely. The vibe lines are fun, the electric piano thing is simple and adds a nice balance to the mix, and the intermittent strings give it a nice overall tone. And that shaker thing in the mix - is that a real maraca? Sounds like it. Very cool. I like this one a lot. Smooth, yet edgy... hip hop, jazz, whatever, it's nice. And I haven't even played the original. -Mazedude
  4. Silly rabbits, I used a LOT of Doom 2 themes in this one. 'tis a Medley of sorts. Kinda my little game here to see if anyone can correctly count the number of levels I worked into the mix. Go for it. -Mazedude
  5. Now now, if you study classical literature, you will see that the term "Sonata" not only refers to a form based on recurring themes and development, but also to an actual style as well. While this doesn't follow A section, B section, development, recapitulation, and all those rules (that tend to make songs too damn LONG in my opinion), it does in fact capture the essence and quality of a sonata style, even when compared mildly to classical pieces of centuries past. Don't know why I felt the need to write that; perhaps to make it seem like I learned all that crap in college for an actual reason, heh. -Mazedude http://listen.to/mazedude And yes, I too commend McVaffe on a nice tune. I can play it on the piano too, did ya know that? Ask McVaffe, I was hanging out with him in NY the other day. Good stuff.
  6. For your information, that lead instrument is a Bulgarian bagpipe. Made from a different method than the more conventional Scottish bagpipe, the sound does tend to be a bit sharper. And dammit, but that was a really hard sample to use, so gimme a break. How many remixes on this site even try to use a bagpipe, huh? Huh?! Yeah.
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