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Everything posted by Mazedude

  1. Probably one of my favorite Kaijin tunes. Excellent work dude! We need more jazz flute, indeed we do.
  2. Escariot... huh? Every event that I've said for sure I'll be at I went to. Regardless, meet me at M7. Taucer - dude, I'm so out of shape right now... I'll have to try to squeeze in some serious workout time if you want to have another flip-off. I do have some new tricks to blow your mind, but I'm very rusty, heh.
  3. Well, I haven't been able to make it to any MAGFests since the very first one, but... it's looking like I'll be able to make it this year. Can't say 100% for sure, and I know I won't be able to be there for New Years Eve, but I can probably show up New Years Day some time and hang out for a few days. I hope it works out; a lot of y'all I haven't met in person yet, could be fun.
  4. Highly recommended, especially if you weren't able to attend The OneUps Live in person a couple years back. My personal favorites: Airman, Metroid Title BGM, Vega, SMB2 Underground, and... the bonus track. I received the CD a few days ago and have already listened several times.
  5. Well, several people have used the word "addicting" to describe this, and I would have to agree. And, hearing this mix reminded to finally go buy Jillian's CD! So, I've been listening that as well... quite often. Excellent work. Mazedude says "more like this!"
  6. One of my favorite mixes from the project; still keeps the original Doom flavor, but really cranks it up a couple notches. I especially dig that the hint of the slap bass is still there, although chopped up and distorted a bit. This overall buildup and form flows very well too; the mix is a nice length overall without feeling like it drags or gets boring - sometimes a tricky thing to do with a Doom 2 tune.
  7. Ah, feel the nostalgia wash over me... man I loved this game back in the day, and I'm diggin' the mixes. Glad to see this finally come out, I've been anxiously awaiting it.
  8. You're gonna love being married dude. I've been there for a year and a half myself, and it's great. And incidentally, I asked her the big question on my birthday, so by all means, combine the celebrations! Nothing wrong with that.
  9. We really do need more TMNT mixes on the site, period. So many great tunes to work from, lots of untapped nostalgia to dive into, and TMNT 1-4 were all iconic games. This mix is awesome, the solos rock, and this brought back some great memories. Great job guys.
  10. Pretty much anything by this guy: http://www.xerxes-music.com/
  11. I find it quite amusing that I've actually beaten A Boy and His Blob, AND Deadly Towers, and even owned the latter way back in the day. Plus I've remixed songs from both games, bwuhaha. My choice for worst game music - Athena for NES. I owned that one too but never beat it; it was terrible. Just terrible.
  12. Very cool interview, an enjoyable read, and... HUGE thanks for the compliment nestled in there.
  13. I personally have had the distinct pleasure of hanging out with Tommy Tallarico, Jack Wall, Gerard K. Marino, and others in person. And, I've received e-mails from Peter McConnell, Alexander Brandon, Jeremy Soule, and a few more. ifirit has the right idea; the best way to introduce yourself with a compliment is to make a remix, send them a link to it, and hope they can check it out. Oddly enough my introduction to Tommy was made via my uber-silly Cool Spot mix! Know that you're only likely to hear back from English speaking composers though.
  14. Well you already got my track; the odds of getting a second or third depend on if I have insomnia and feel like writing again, like what happened on Bound Together.
  15. Dreeeaaammmmy... well done. Happy, yet kickass. Not the easiest thing to do. Kudos.
  16. Irriadin, Thanks for the tip; I'd never seen that before. Oddly enough, I didn't use a shred of Javascript in the design. A lot of Flash, a little bit of PHP, and a smidgeon of CSS, but no Java. Regardless, that little blurb of code you provided seemed to work, and thus I have implemented it. And thus will I need to bear this in mind for future projects, so thanks. Oh, and very pleased to hear that people are diggin' Kunal's site. I enjoyed putting it together, and Kunal was very easy to work with. And it helps that I like the music too, of course. Mazedude http://www.mazedude.com http://www.mazedudemusic.com http://www.myspace.com/mazedude
  17. I am very, VERY pleased to hear that everyone likes the design. It certainly had its challenging aspects, and I had to learn a lot of new code to get everything working right, but all in all I had fun creating it. It helps that I dig the music too. Mazedude http://www.mazedudeproductions.com http://www.mazedudemusic.com
  18. Hmm... some decent ideas here, but I feel it could've been much better. The marimbas in the beginning seemed a bit week, barely audible amongst the strings, and I felt the first couple minutes could've used some more imagination and variety. Of course, it's hard to do so with the source material being what it is, but still... I'm happy to see someone else tackle Myst. While I was hoping for more from this mix, it was still cool.
  19. Unbelievable... my redirect went down. Use this one instead for now: http://www.mazedude.com/music Enjoy.
  20. For those who have not yet seen the new design(s), behold: http://www.mazedude.com/music - new site built strictly for my music http://www.mazedudeproductions.com - new site built for my web design / multimedia work http://www.myspace.com/mazedude - completely customized MySpace page; basically a fusion of the 2 above pages, with less content. Enjoy! Mazedude
  21. Believe it or not, Dale North - Right Out of the Blue. http://dalenorth.com/blue.html An entire CD of ballads. If you're into that sort of thing. But trust me, if you're trying to set the mood...... this works.
  22. Ooh, another Cool Spot mix. Nice. Tallarico will be pleased. Cool grooves, nice effects, and I agree that a certain Christmasy feeling does come across. I like it. Well done. Mazedude PS - I'm quite amused that people are comparing this to the ultra-silly very-short Cool Spot remix I posted so long ago. Of course this is better.
  23. An excuse to make a whole bunch of Doom-esque original music? Well, I'm semi-interested. I don't really have any free time these days, but maybe I can contribute a couple things. E-mail me at mazedude@aol.com with more details as to a tracklist that you're looking to fill, and perhaps I can help. Just for fun. - Mazedude
  24. Hmm, certainly a different take on the material. Less of a "relentless driving machine" like the original, and more ethereal, more spaced out. I dig the special effects (all the cool reversed noises and such), and the guitar work is excellent. I wasn't a huge fan of the weird arc the song seemed to take though. Lots of swelling and dimming without an overall feel of things growing and building. Didn't really seem to climax... kinda like it got loud, it got soft, it got loud, it got soft, it got loud again, then it ended. Nice job with the notes on the pizzicato though; ya stayed a little truer to the tonality of the middle section than I did with my version. And I'm pleased to see other people tackle Doom 2 at long last. - Mazedude
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