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Everything posted by starla

  1. I am very much wanting to do this. Of course the tighter the theme is, the less people who are compelled to participate that week. I might do that once we have a loyal following. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/OHC004 This weeks theme is great. Be there, 5 Pacific 8 Eastern <3
  2. Just so everyone knows (and before flooding Rama), I'm overseeing the submissions at http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/FBRC2008 so if you need to edit your entry, I'm the person to ask. As it stands the system won't accept multiple entries so I'll add them manually for you. I'll do my best to keep an eye on the thread but AIM, IRC or forum PM is the best way to get a hold of me. I'm happy to help, so don't be afraid to ask! The system will auto-tag and rename your song so all you'll need to do is upload and name it.
  3. You could always throw a degrader on it to convert it to 8 bit immediately, but you'd probably have to play with it to get the sound just right. You'd be able to trigger that with a pedal. I prefer Arguelles degrader in buzz, the fruity buzz adapter picks this up just fine.
  4. Songs must be completed by March 16th, 11:59 PM EST. It's likely we will be using http://compo.thasauce.net/ for submissions, however this system does not currently support multiple submissions so these will have to be added manually. Rama should keep us posted (and update the first post in the thread when this is finalized).
  5. It shouldn't accept your second vote, I can see that you've voted already. If you guys have suggestions for themes, there is a severe shortage of them... Just let me know and if it's awesome, I'll throw it in the rotation.
  6. *** Atmuh has quit (Killed (Services.EnterTheGame.Com ([Ref#:94450 - Expires:9/24/08 7:00:00 PM] [Q] Insecure Connection (Type A10 - Port N/A)))) That's a long ass ban. Have you changed any settings recently that might have caused this error?
  7. Seconded Again, he's quieted down since this thread appeared. We might be alright here.
  8. Please do not downplay the stalking. You were right outside my room, I was around the corner from the elevator. You didn't ask if we could be friends. You asked directly for a chance to be "lovers." Your social understanding is poor. I am scared because you still don't understand why this was wrong, and I imagine this is also what murderers/rapists say when they're on the stand. Sure this may sound like overreacting, but I seriously would fear living in the area. Is it fair for me to have to leave because of this? I've been around since 2001. I just want you to ignore me. That is all. For all those of you defending him, that is fine, but he has really shut up today so you haven't been able to see it in action. If you guys really want I can post some logs but this thread is on its way to being locked. Maybe I can find the logs of him posting pictures of himself autofellating.
  9. What's lol is the fact that a lot of normal forumgoers joined #ocremix to witness the drama, and he's shut up. Maybe we can have you guys keep coming :D i think the problem is fixed for now Much lav <3
  10. Monobrow, your opinions of late have been ridiculous. edit: your sig is so amazing
  11. He's not asking you to devote your life to it... we just don't want to see midi rips for this project. Someone has challenged you to remix a song they love, just give it the same justice you hope for someone to give your song. <3
  12. We really don't need any more splitting in the community, but like i said - one person can heavily impact everyone and just not realize it. We'll see what happens.
  13. bruefox r badmen Also, I herd u haet bruefox.
  14. lol @ irl drama Guy needs mental help. He waited outside of my room at Magfest for over an hour, for me to wake up. Funny thing is he probably listened to Posibolt sleeping (I was out doing ThaSauce stuff. Seriously, who sleeps at Mag?) Long story short is unfortunately he is not breaking any rules, so mods can't do anything to get him to leave. Just spamming and being obnoxious. I guess sometimes you can't tell if you're doing something wrong if you have aspergers. It's true that one person can really bring down a community. I've had a bad manager before (she actually worked on the ET project, so you can figure what kind of skills she had) ... Think of her as a combination of Order of the Phoenix Dolores Umbridge and Hillary Clinton. Needless to say, having that kind of impact on you daily can start to grind away at your sanity. When you see pages and pages of wikipedia copypasta and day ____ of guitar practice, it does start to get grinding. I know he's not doing anything specifically "wrong" but I mean, how many times does it take before this guy realizes everyone has one-on-oned with him, told him to go outside and try to be a bit more socially normal, and then put him on /ignore? The problem goes past just ignoring as Flik said. I wish we could all be friends but I'm past that with him, being literally frightened of what he may do IRL because of his condition. I've got him on ignore, but I just can't stress enough that since he's not really doing anything specific wrong, we can't really do anything about it...
  15. I rerolled because I wanted to get something that was more my style and that I could work with. Optimal results, yo. I'm really happy about my current choice and have a lot of ideas.
  16. Linkjing Donuts and Steben - amazing work. lol Crazy game related things? I used to stay up for days at a time playing the original Sims. Oh, and I wrote a love song about Protoman.
  17. I concur. This looks like fun, i'd love to have homebrew stuff like this for gba.
  18. You'd think a RAID 1 would be smart and the controller would write to both drives at once, but unfortunately that's not how it works normally. There's a hardware 0 and 1 and 0 is the main drive, 1 mirrors it. So data is written to 0 normally, and the hardware RAID keeps 1 constantly copying drive 0's data. There's always a wave of new drives that fail when newer technology is released. This is pretty common knowledge of just about any hardware. i.e. Xbox 360, I love mine to death but how many first gen ones are red ringed?
  19. Bump for tomorrows compo, again this is open to everyone. We have a broad theme this week for open interpretation. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/OHC003 This week we're trying for 1 hour of main time, 15 minutes to finish up and render, and 15 additional minutes to upload and get everything settled in. Once we figure a good format we'll stick to that so that we can all get maximum enjoyment out of these compos!
  20. I'm talking about software that is used to back up. Scenario 1: You tell your computer to back up nightly, but you leave Outlook open constantly. Your Outlook data has everything in it, sent emails, contacts, tasks, calendars, inbox - everything you use to run your business smoothly. Your software sees the file is in use and never copies it to your backup. Your drive fails, and you don't have a copy of your Outlook.pst. Granted this is something that could be prevented by closing Outlook, however most automated backup software won't pop up with an error if a file is missed. You'll see it in the logs, sure, but that doesn't help you after a hard drive crashes. Scenario 2: You're smart and set up a hardware RAID 1 with two identical mirrored drives. You expect that if drive 0 fails, you can pop drive 1 in its place and get the data off right away. 99% of the time this will work just fine. But what happens when drive 0 doesn't instantly fail? Instead it fails over time with constant read errors and bad sectors? This data is then mirrored to drive 1 as 0'ed out data. Then drive 0 gives out. Now you have one mechanically failed drive, and one partially zeroed out drive. Scenario 3: You have a proprietary external enclosure with its own built in software. The software compresses and encrypts the backups, and then creates a table of contents "key" that will allow access to the backup. In the middle of creating the backup, it gets 98% of the way through and the original drive fails. You are left with a backup that is essentially "bricked" and the company that made it (iirc this was an iomega) says that due to the encryption, you cannot access any of the data without the table of contents "key" which was never made due to the failure at 98%. These are all true stories. I prefer to back up data using Windows Explorer. I have every right to be paranoid and change my drives yearly, and stay away from the super new drives (750-1TB) considering that I work in data recovery and see these failed drives daily.
  21. Once everything is compiled we should be getting our song lists likely tomorrow.
  22. It takes longer to install the original Sims and all its expansion packs.
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