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Everything posted by starla

  1. http://www.ocremix.org/amazon/ *ahem*
  2. What sort of applications are you going to use it for? We'll have different suggestions for you if you are just looking for a good standard sound card, or setting up a kick ass DAW, or looking for something that will provide good recording quality.
  3. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15446 http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=390924#390924 http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15445 http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15441 Happy thread #5! It was a spam PM that was sent to everyone. Select all, mark as read, done.
  4. I'm going to agree with the headphones notion. There are some decent ones out there, a lot of mixers here use sennheisers. I've got a low end pair but they're still pretty fantastic.
  5. More like itt everyone falls for atmas trolling nice work
  6. You attact flies with honey, not vinegar. Yes, I'm aware of the XKCD comic. The point still stands.
  7. So much fail that's really dissapointing. I download new songs nearly every time they come out on XBL. Even after a couple replacements, I still think the 360 was a fantastic investment.
  8. At first, I said "no way, that can't be him." But I looked closer... his ears look the same, eyes, eyebrows, face shape... I say we get in contact with someone and find out this guys name.
  9. I would expect if you've ever programmed, you'd understand a bit better - for example writing a wonderful function to call instead of writing the same code over and over will make the code smaller and more efficient. Also, the remixer collab database is pretty sweet-town.
  10. Steffan - Very impressive, I reeeeally hope you finish it! It was my roommates request - he was all sad that it wasn't finished and didn't get to the "good part," what you have so far is pretty phenomenal and there's great lead in to more. I'm likely going to just open a site to host the late entries since there are going to be so many (including my own)!
  11. Sometimes it's not landing the job, it's being able to withstand the environment. I field tech calls all day and i STILL get the "Can I talk to a tech?" meaning "Can I talk to someone who isn't female, since you're obviously a receptionist?" I have people go as far as trying to "test" me on my knowledge, and actually apologize when they realize that no, i'm not reading from a script. Now of course this isn't true of every company that has to do with technology - but to me it seems that a hiring manager placed with the challenge of hiring two possible applicants, one male one female, with identical credentials may choose to place the male in a more techy job and the female in more of a paperwork position - because he thinks that she might bruise her little hands and heart working with tough guys all day. I do, however, feel this has changed significantly in even the last 10 years. Most of the people who scoff and ask to speak to a technician (someone male) are likely older and used to a different generation.
  12. injury, because i'm accident prone. starla is a smashing pumpkins song. I also did saprossarx for a while, greek for "rotting flesh"... since we're all bags of rotting flesh on this planet, waiting to die
  13. The Sims has everything. I have probably put more hours into The Sims than many WoW addicts have put into their level 70s. You can design stuff, of course. There's economics and money handling/planning, controlling characters and manipulating every detail of their life. I know I love sim/play god types of games. Cooking mama for sure didn't hold my interest - however when I bought Pokemon Diamond, two other girls (granted they were half my age at least) also picked it up at the same time. And to respond to V-classik Altibot - that's not always the case - sometimes guys don't like the fact that their woman is all up in their everything and plays games with them, or will be sore when she kicks their ass. More often then not though, it's good to have someone to play Rock Band or co-op Gears of War with.
  14. Can't you just rent Grandma's Boy? in b4 no girlz on teh intarwebz
  15. c'mon guise, X-2 was awesooooooooooooooooooooooooooome ...or at least Yuna's outfit was
  16. Y'all weren't interested when I spammed it, seems like brawl central right now. I also invited you guys to StarCraft. Again I'm pretty glad we're all finally playing. I have a question about etiquette- If someone you know is playing, is it polite to just join the game? I'd assume so if a ton of people are playing, but if it's some sort of clan server i'd stay away. Does this sound about right?
  17. Exfoliating Glove Doctor II: Revenge of the Dry Skin
  18. Mine is kind of funky because there are other starlas, searching for starla_injury works or just add me directly from the steam ocremix community page. Hooray for this finally being organized
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