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Everything posted by ShadowBlade

  1. Yeah the ranked match thing is weird. Every time I search for "same skill" it gives me someone 300x better than me =/
  2. I think people DEFINITELY missed my point. I'm saying that this game is way easier to get the hang of then past Vs. games. What I mean is somebody who understands how to pull off some basic combos and link together supers is still a decent match up against a player who understands how to do, but has not mastered some of the more advanced aspects of play. I can pick most any character and just rapidly press light - medium - launcher. Lead that into a team air and finish with the supers. Using that simple formula the highest I've gotten with Iron Man, Trish and Dante is 130 hits. I know the combos in this game are supposed to be more over the top but back in X Men Vs SF etc......it did not work like that. You HAD to really be on the ball to do that kind of damage. I'm not saying "easier to get the hang of" it's really a problem at all with MVC3. I'm just saying unlike SF or many previous Vs games, skill is not as black and white.
  3. The thing I notice about this game is that a decent player can still lose to someone who only half knows what they're doing. That's because the system is dumbed down from previous Vs games and most all the characters follow an almost completely identical move set. The key to the game is still to knock em' into the air after a ground combo(s) - team aerial - hyper combo(s) Rinse, dry, repeat. You can pretty much pick a character at random and start discovering combos etc with them right away. So I doubt your muscle memory will forget lol
  4. Lol well I have 30 more loses than wins so......... I agree though. All I keep seeing is Dante, Sentinel, Zero, Amaterasu and Deadpool. I have only saw one captain america. No MODOKs (as expected) and one C.Viper.....
  5. Well I managed to get through a couple hours without it crashing again......let's keep that up! I'm officially done with the online. Unless I'm playing against someone on my friends list or someone I planned to play against. This is the first fighting game where the amount of spamming has honestly ruined the online for me. More on topic, Zero, Dante and Amaterasu have some pretty insane chain combos. Like 20 hits per combo 0_o My personal favorite stages are The Hand Hideout, Shield Helicarrier and Metro City. Poison in the background! I still think it's due time she/he got in a game as a playable character. I don't count that one final fight game........
  6. Nope. What usually happens is without warning the screen goes black and the sound is gone. It's like the tv shut off. The TV is still on though, as is the Xbox. Another thing that happens, like last night, I was online. I have a great internet connection and so did the person I was playing against. He went to do a super combo and.......sound dies and screen freezes. So I waited a bit and then restarted the system and it tells me I "quit the match early" etc. The person I was playing against said his game did not freeze but I just stopped doing anything. My characters just stood there. That's weird to me. I've NEVER had a game lock up online and not affect the other person's game.
  7. I guess you better not buy it because from day one we all knew that's how it was gonna be lol LOL @ People raging at this game. This game is 100X more balanced than MVC2. However, I'll agree that the speed in which you can spam beam attacks is absurd and unlike any fighting game I've saw before. The main reason it's a pain in the ass in this game is because everyone moves at the speed of death and floats in the air longer than the second coming. The only thing that I think is flat out broken in this game, and online I have yet to find one person who disagrees........the damned X-FACTOR!!! If your opponents characters are all at about half health and you can land a few team aerial/super combos on them......you win. You can annihilate the other team with just your last character.....They might as well have just said in the instruction manual "Push all four buttons to gain a ridiculous advantage once per match". It's broken because it does insane damage, all your characters heal faster and it's the only time the characters don't move at retard speed. X-Factor can gtfo. P.S. Checked the disc and there are no problems with it. If it keeps crashing like this I'm sure not what to do. I have the special edition of the game, I'm not sure if that would make any difference.
  8. I'm having SERIOUS problems with this game crashing! It crashed on me in training, online (which it penalized me for), arcade mode etc. Every day it crashes at least once.
  9. Beware X-Factor Sentinel spammers. I just played against this guy or girl online who was using Sentinel, Magneto and Storm. I had Morrigan, Dante and Trish. I knocked out Storm and Magneto easy but he used the x-factor with Sentinel and my god.......spamming the "neutralize" beam he totally destroyed Dante and Morrigan! Both of which were at like half health and the chip damage was immense. However, I was down to Trish and with the x factor, she handled that $h!t LIKE A BOSS. As for the Galactus "one hit kill" move, as has been said you can throw him off but it seems like ya gotta have at least two characters still standing. My strategy for him has become using the x-factor and constant hyper combos to the face......
  10. .....No it's not. If you shifted the intervals, and adjusted them from a major key to it's parallel minor key and scale, you've now got a song in minor + a different melody. If you meant that you shifted the intervals to the "relative" minor key, Like C major scale to A minor scale, you're still not in the same key. Even though both scales contain the same notes.
  11. Well I spent some considerable time with the game today both on and offline. Not like 5 hours but a few. So far this is absolutely awesome! Phoenix, Trish, Dante, Morrigan and Felicia are my faves so far. I do have some minor complaints though. 1. Galactus can be real hard. That's cool, but I hate WHY he can be hard to beat. Because he has some completely unfair moves. Some of which I can't seem to find a way to block or escape. 2. Jumping is just bad. Most characters float for a ridiculous amount of time by fighting game standards on even just your basic neutral jump. Doubled with the fact that the game is a bit slower than previous installments.......this leads to lots of online "keep away games" where you're just chasing the opponent's last character around. Depending on what character you have at the time...it can be more of a pain than necessary to K.O. the n00b. 3. Health. Is it just me, or does much of the cast really lack in the health department? None is worse than Phoenix for this. She's a quick and powerful character so they balance that by giving her low stamina I know. I think they over did it though. Big time. Much of the rock tunes guitars don't seem to cut through very well. Like Hsien-Ko's theme. I've had it on surround sound, headphones, various speakers and it's damn quiet. All that aside I'm freakin' lovin' this game.
  12. Picked up the special edition today. Looks great. Good music. Guitars are too quiet. Gameplay is a tad slow. Many characters are made of paper. Phoenix. Load times are super fast. Not enough stages. The stages are awesome though. Galactus is an @%$hole. This game rocks. That is all.
  13. I love 80s and Early 90s metal bands. My favorite music actually. So I made a track that reminds me of that time. I do plan to eventually flesh it out into a longer song with vocals and jam it with my band but who knows when that'll be. So for now, it's just some cool riffs and shredding! Try not to choke on the hair spray. What do ya think?
  14. As usual.....no feedback lol I thought it was pretty sweet. I'm really not digging the guitar part that much though. It just doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the vibe imo. So all in all it's cool. RaNd0m BeLLz
  15. That's really good! Needs more powerful drums in my opinion though. Castlevania music = Epic. I subscribed to yur channel =) check out my channel to if ya like. Oh, one more thing the mix needs. More cowbell.
  16. This is, as kids in the 90s would say......"dope".
  17. So basically....I just improvised some licks over top of this track I made. Tell me what you think. Yes I'm aware I added an absurd amount of chorus and what not to the guitar lol Let's rock.
  18. Yeah I'm just callin' it done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1TzvKCvp2M Turned out pretty bad ass all in all.
  19. Thanks for the feedback! =)
  20. I like shorter songs. I'd rather have 1-3 minutes of sheer freakin' awesome that I can enjoy listening to repeatedly than 10 minutes of Dream Theater wankery. Yes I said it, I don't like Dream Theater.
  21. If you're using really crappy headphones why listen with those to give someone a critique? Because it definitely is the headphones that must be killing a lot of it for you. I say this because the guitars are in fact, panned and you're perceiving it as being in the dead center. Which totally kills the punch. Also, the soundcloud link has better quality I notice and toss those headphones stat. I do practice, I have been every single day for the past six years lol. This was written a about 5 years ago as I pointed out. I just thought it was a cool riff. After all this it's when you say "this isn't heavy metal" I'm pretty convinced you hardly read my original post. I said I remember being influenced by the F-Zero GX soundtrack, which was electronic combined with metal riffs. Yes, I realize now I should have called the thread electronic/metal or something. Even still...... I appreciate you listening and if you didn't like it, you're totally entitled to. I just find it hard to take your critique seriously when you admit to listening with bad quality headphones and seem to miss some details I pointed out about the song from the first post on the thread and even in the youtube video.
  22. You can't hear the last 20 seconds? Strange. Really? Everyone bashes the hell outta the tone lol
  23. So I wrote this when I was about 14 or 15 years old. It's just a short jam but I recently decided to record it for the hell of it. I believe it was influenced by the F-Zero GX soundtrack at the time. The game had this awesome drop tuned metal/electronic soundtrack. So I guess that's what I was going for. Pick your poison: Youtube! - You can leave angry comments and see a picture! Soundcloud - Better sound quality and you can see a pretty waveform! I'm aware the tone sucks but it's all I got.
  24. Yeah Capcom's pretty much like the Axl Rose of video games.
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