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Everything posted by ShadowBlade

  1. Yeah that's true. It's just I think the game could do without the x-factor. It's just frustrating when you're whole team is wiped out like that lol What is it with fighting games and the power boosts these days? Tekken 6 has a similar system.
  2. You do have legit points. My previous posts about studying the game to get better aside, the one thing that is really starting to turn me off this game is the X-Factor. Tonight I was playing some guy/girl of equal rank. I was mopping the floor with him/her. I had already used my x-factor. Then he's down to hulk. His/her last character. Turns on x-factor and using just that one character, chip damage, and a few combos my team was DESTROYED. After that I just turned it off and went back to playing guitar. I'm sorry but that is a kind of loss I just can't take. I put all I had into that match and I get screwed by X-Factor and "HULK SMASH"........what kinda bullshit is that? Thing is it's far from being the first time it's happened......
  3. The Corporate assholes at youtube have blocked my remix from the world. So listen to it on soundcloud.
  4. Okay so tell me what ya think
  5. K I removed that link temporarily!!! Too much damn low end when I tried it out on some better sound systems!
  6. So I did an electronic/metal type cover of "Hold It Against Me". It's not perfect but hey I tried. Check it out I'll post a soundcloud link later, for now, suffer with youtube. Muahahaha
  7. No, but knowledge is power. If you're really good at something, it's because you've learned many many aspects of how it works and you are able to put it into practice.
  8. Shoryuken.com says "If you really want to get good at the game, it's important to deeply understand how the game handles your character's movements, attacks, and defense options." In short, learn every aspect of the game you can to get good at it. That's what I'm striving for lol
  9. That's an Ibanez JEM 77 Steve Vai signature (one of my all time favorite guitars). However, that particular model has been modded. LED light inlays and a "rock mirror" finish! Wish I owned it........
  10. Now that I understand more about the game and it's system I'm starting to get a lot better. and let me just say......Last night I was experimenting with teams and characters I haven't really tried and omg. Dante, Iron Man and Super-Skrull are just immense. Try this in or close to the corner. Dante: Down + H rapidly > Quarter circle back + H > H rapidly > Hyper combo > Super Skrull's Inferno > Iron Avenger. Let the bodies hit the floor.
  11. Instead of that, use your money to buy this Trust me it won't take you 10 years to learn a song lol
  12. Well it's pretty much impossible for me to play a high-gain guitar solo without shredding so.......lol
  13. Cool. Yeah I could play the lead on guitar. Shredding too. Maybe even a banjo or something. I never really played it but I'm pretty sure Wild Arms had this old western type of plot........
  14. You pretty much summed this up lol
  15. Honestly, guitar vst plugins are terrible. These plugins you are using are no exception. I've never heard any guitar vst that sounded even close to the real deal. You just can't get the sound of a guitar (especially electric) and solid state, tube or hybrid amp through computers. Plus, for rock music, you just can't get the same stereo effect of having a double tracked, panned rhythm guitar and that is one of the most important elements of a killer rhythm tone. That's my two cents on guitar plugins.
  16. DjMystix! You're stuff is awesome! Yeah I'll have to do something about the volume. Well, I don't know. Do you guys think I should finish it, really polish it off and then submit it?
  17. Let me just say.......I hate rpg games. Except for the Xenosaga trilogy I really don't like them. A friend of mine said I should make the Wild Arms theme into a metal song. So I made this I don't really plan on expanding upon it but what do you all think? Youtube cuz soundcloud isn't wanting to work =(
  18. Good Job! I posted more info in the thread.

  19. On a more serious note, this is very good. If I had one big complaint though, is that this is just waayyyyyy too long. There's really not much variation at all and it honestly gets very boring come 4 minutes. Then I realize I still have nearly 6 minutes to go. In my opinion if you shorten this up and throw in more variation and original parts it will be awesome. Just changing what tone is playing the melody won't fool anyone.
  20. I think this was the exact expression on my face the second I hit play
  21. Yeah it's been done before but meh whatever. This is one of Earth's most repetitive songs I swear....... Anyway I came up with this electronic thing and then picked up my guitar and played the main riff did some solos etc. and this is what I got. Oh yeah and I used a synth to harmonize with the vocals a bit in the chorus. I also ask a question with this remix. When you were a teenager, or if you still technically are (like me). What was your dream? At night, guitars, being a less crappy musician and hot girls are all I dream about. Not necessarily in that order. Let me know what ya'll think of this here tune as well.
  22. Probably not lol. I think in X-Men Vs SF every single character had at least one infinite....
  23. A very true comparison indeed. However, an unnecessary comparison. I think you missed the point of my post that you quoted. People will tell themselves that the game is perfect and the sole reason they are having trouble is because they're not good enough. That's true, but only to a point. There are often imbalances in fighting games which can rob you of wins and of loses you otherwise deserved. Hardcore or determined players and fans deny that fighting games have these flaws. Like I've had super hard-core MVC2 fans tell me that the game is "perfectly balanced" and the only reason I hate infinites (things that accidentally exist in the game) is because I'm "too n00b to block them".......No. I hate them because they make the game boring.....
  24. The amount of butthurt fans in this thread is just lol I used "spending countless hours in practice mode", (which I personally don't do) as an example. I don't really give half a shit if I'm good at the game or not. The reason I do play the game is because.........wait for it.........I think it's still fun. Thing is, I'm not afraid to point out things I don't like. Things I think could be improved upon. So true.
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