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Everything posted by ShadowBlade

  1. Sweet. I somehow knew you'd want sonic on it lol. 5120? I assume you mean the Peavey 5150ii? That's the amp Jun Senoue has been seen playing on several occasions. Maybe I'm wrong but I've never heard of the 5120. As for the 5150ii, Van Halen's old signature amp, I occasonally jam with a guy who has one. It's got some of the best distortion out there. Louder than hell though. Another killer guitarist who uses it, "Jorn Viggo Lofstad" from Pagan's Mind out of Norway. For amps, I'm a huge fan of Engl. The Invader just destroys. Costs so much though. I plan on buying one sometime though. Then when I'm jammin' some Symphony X I'll have a tone similar to Mike Romeo's!
  2. K, In the spring me and a bandmate are gonna make this killer Kamelot style Symphonic/metal cover of This song Got a lot of great ideas and all for it. Even have just the vocal track......but I can't figure out the bpm. I thought it was like 132 but that didn't work. I put in a basic drum beat with the vocals and it didn't fit.... Can anyone with superior counting skills tell me the BPM? Any other ideas as for what we should do to the song?
  3. I smell an Elitist. They said from the get go that most characters from MVC2 were not returning. They are focusing mostly on characters that have not appeared in a capcom fighter before. Also, I don't know why everyone obsesses over how many characters were in MVC2. 90% of the cast was just copy pasted from a previous game and programmed to the new four button system. 2 is very over rated. The only innovations it really had at all was 3 on 3, combining/switching out super combos and a unique soundtrack. On a different note, They've dumbed the controls down again..........why do video game companies insist on treating us like retards lol.
  4. So I made the kick louder and made a new ending. Still don't know what to do with the strings. Here it is
  5. Hsien Ko and Sentinel revealed. Thus proving that leaked twitter feed was real after all lol
  6. Thanks man. Finally someone else who digs the crazy piano! I'm gonna keep building off this mix keeping you people's suggestions in mind. So I'm going to add in some bigger, more intense build-up to the end. I personally like the fade out with the metallic slam, but I'll try to come up with something better leading up to it. I fear that if I add in too many more original parts, there will be hardly anything left of the source. I'm not certain what to do with the string parts besides sustained notes and suspensions. I'd add in more counter melodies but I'm pretty sure it would get muddy and more dissonant than necessary. I dunno I'll cook up something and then post it when I got it updated. Probably tomorrow.
  7. You mean it doesn't get louder when I turn up my speakers lol? I also never said to ignore the noise. As for polishing off my tracks with super high quality production....yeah I know this a remixing website and the main focus on this site IS "the mix" but I'm not a record producer. I've always focused on musicianship, composition and showmanship. As long as it's not recorded in a tin can I'm cool with. and phoenixnomore definitely has the skillz
  8. Talkin' bout Duck Tales OoOO-Oooo Not familiar with the Duck Tales game. I disagree with Protodome, I didn't find the quality bad. Though there is little bit of static goin' on. As for volume, just crank up your speakers guys. Problem solved. Overall it was well played but in my opinion you should expand upon it. You know, bass percussion etc. Then it could be truly mind blowing! As for your piano tone you're talking about. I'm not a tone whore but for me the piano was just "meh".
  9. A vintage maverick ya say? The singer in my band has an ESP (Eclipse I think). Personally, I've been looking into getting an ESP custom built. Even better.....Caparison! Those cost a fortune though. Up until recently I've been all about Ibanez and Jackson. Jackson's have less than stellar intonation I find. Strangely, most of my favorite brands are Japanese. Though I do love LAG outta the UK. Can't find em' here in Canada though =/ I'd kill for Stephan Forte's signature LAG without the ugly red pick up. If you haven't heard Stephan and his band "Adagio" from France. I strongly recommend the album "Archangels in black". Kevin Codfert is killer on the keys. I hear Stephan has a solo album called "The shadows compendium" in the works. Heavy metal and Gothic/horror themes make me squeal like a little girl. EDIT: Random Bells........
  10. Sounding better......random bells. I actually like the strings you got going there better than the guitar. It's just more fitting. As for asking about mix.......I honestly don't care about production quality really. I've always been about composition and playing ability.
  11. I think you should just pick which one you like best. The acoustic guitar gives it sort of a folkish vibe where as the piano gives at a more epic feel.
  12. Yeah I take that comparison back. If T-Pain or Ke$ha covered this I would rage so bad. Funny story, I hate T-Pain, Ke$ha and especially Drake SO MUCH that I have actually lost it in a pool hall once. I was flirting with the cute girl at the bar and I just lost it. I was like "I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THIS SHITTY MUSIC". So yeah, after listening to it more I've come to like this a bit more. I know that the song doesn't need a solo but I'm a huge hair-metal and Yngwie fan so......it's natural for me to throw guitar solos everywhere.
  13. What effects exactly do you have going on with the guitar? I just heard distortion.
  14. Random bells..................... Anyway, I still like everything else Guitar is alright.....the harmony you did there, sounded kinda not so good. Moar reverb and some slight delay for leads I always say. Also, use neck pick up for speedy runs and bridge pick up for more sustained melodies. What guitar gear do you have? and "Moar reverb and some slight delay for leads I always say." lol rhyme
  15. It's on soundcloud now I notice no difference in sound quality between youtube and soundcloud. I assume youtube loses those frequencies even your dog can't hear. Moar feedback plz
  16. Yay feedback at last. Thank you Muahahaha yes! I intentionally kept the piano playing the melody at it's regular pace for several reasons 1. when I sped it up, it didn't sound much like the source anymore. 2. I thought it was more atmospheric and chaotic with the main melody being slower than the rhythm. I'm not certain what you mean by "drums don't have any sense"? Drums are inanimate, they don't have sense lol I shall post it to soundcloud now. I don't get all this youtube hate.
  17. I would be more than willing to play real guitars for this track. However, I wouldn't have my hands on an late 80s/Early 90s Marshall JCM900 and killer mics till late February or early march. If you would be willing to wait a while and could send me the sheet music and or tab for this, metal is my area of expertise so to speak, I will give you real guitar playing and if you so desire, shredding so awesome you'll shoot flames out your freakin' ears.
  18. I pressed play and I think I just heard what it sounds like inside the mind of a serial killer.
  19. I've actually just discovered that I like every one of your remixes but this one. The Star Fox one is especially killer.
  20. Needs Johnny Gioeli on vocals again. Check out Hardline the (better) band he was in before Crush 40! I got to be honest I just didn't like this one at all. So far I'm the only one who seems to not like it. The vocals are terrible. It reminds me of some robotic boy band now and my god....did you auto tune it? That is a sin for which there is no forgiveness. The rhythm was actually pretty good but you cut out much of what would be the palm mutes and that speed metal style Jun played it with. Doing so killed much of the energy of the original track. The leads are basic leave more to be desired in the tone department. Overall I just didn't like it. The power and emotion was lost, the vocals were bad, no guitar solo.... This was like if T Pain or *cringe* Ke$ha covered Crush 40. It just doesn't work in my opinion. I know I'm gonna get flamed, but if I didn't tell you how I honestly felt about it then what good is feedback? It took courage to take this song and put the spin on it that you did (any type of hip-hop or electronic remix of a Crush 40 song makes fanboys go bananas)....but this mix doesn't prove to me that it works. However, if you get better non auto tuned vocals, a guitar solo and change up some of the tones. This has potential. This is a work in progress like you say. I hope the finished one totally kicks my ass. Over and out.
  21. Didn't say they weren't allowed. There's just so many great remixes on this site that have plenty of views but absolutely no feedback. I didn't want this remix to become one of those.
  22. I know...Your thread has like 50 views but it says the song only has 15 plays and no feedback.......srsly people, I don't know why you view the thread if you have no intention of listening to the person's music. That aside, I liked the arrangement, though it gets a tad boring after a while. Like you said it's pretty laid back. My only issue with this song really is that the intensity is sorta the same throughout......I kept waiting for this one really big, epic chorus to come out and just punch me in the face......but it didn't happen.
  23. Hey, sweet channel! Love the world stuff. Especially Egyptian! Check my channel out if you like http://www.youtube.com/user/Shad0wBlade92
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