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Everything posted by ShadowBlade

  1. However all my amps go to 11.
  2. NICE WORK. Once again I'm forced to use this image
  3. Yes on a scale of 1-10
  4. Awesome! Thanks! Anyone have any suggestions on expanding this song?
  5. Well I guess what I mean is it depends how much bass you already have in the mix. Like a lot of my songs have a fair amount of bass in the drums and bass instruments already and I find if I have much bass on my amp there gets to be just too much lol
  6. Lol glad you enjoyed that track! Yeah we make quite a team it seems. I've been thinking of expanding it into a full song but I guess that will depend if it gets enough good feedback and if Sonic is up for it.
  7. As I learned if it's getting mumbled and heavy. Turn down the bass on your amp. Recording you should have the bass at like 2-3 on your amp. Check the thread "Tame the bass for unicef". My guitar amp in that track had it's bass set at 2 and it turned out pretty thick but not muddy.
  8. Would someone please explain to me what the hell Gy!be is?
  9. So I been practicing getting the right amount of bass in the mix. I wrote this little track and played the guitars. Sonic th hedgog did the drums and some other crazy things to make it sound moar awesome. Tell me how it sounds on your system!
  10. Lol yes I see your point. Still I thought it was a decent discussion of copyright and youtube's removal of things.
  11. That is so true lol. Like there's so many labels in metal. Thrash, Death, Progressive, Neo Classical, Melodic Death, Glam, Power Metal, Symphonic Metal, Black Metal, Folk metal.....
  12. I don't know. Plenty rappers have "sampled" stuff in their songs and been sued for it. Just ask Rob Van Winkle. Then again, he was profiting off of a bass riff from a queen song that he never had permission to use. or MCHammer and Rick James.......
  13. Lol those Sandman covers just get cooler. Wonder why Jazz is such a popular genre to cover that song.
  14. 1. So I assume you got permission to do all your remixes? Properties of Sega etc.? Maybe you did, but I doubt it. 2. My remixes that contain copyright material have ads placed by youtube in them BECAUSE they're copyrighted. So youtube makes money whether you got permission or not. 3. Who's call it is...yeah it's the original artist. However, they're not the one making the call. The label is and it's not about protecting the artist's rights for them. It's about money. 4. The players create the game. My remix, you're remixes etc. are not hurting Britney Spears, Sony Records etc. MASSIVE change purses and you know it. The right of "intellectual property" is not evil. Destroying creative, non-profit tributes to intellectual property IS. Clearly your mentality is "It's mine and I'm not sharing". All in all, if they remove my remix totally in the end that's cool. It's not mine and I know that. It's a tribute. Obviously, If Gene Simmons has created hell. I'm going there.
  15. My thoughts exactly. That dude also made a "disney radio" version of Slayer's Raining Blood! It was epic.
  16. hmmm interesting
  17. Oh well the particular thing that got me talking about this is I recently did a Britney Spears electronic-metal thing. I listed it on youtube as Britney Spears "Metal" and got flamed because it's not "true metal" basically lol I run into stuff like that all the time. I was wanting to hear other people's experiences with genre nazis. For me I guess the only genres of music is "good" and "bad".
  18. Agreed and are you really from Banff? I could never survive in that town....so many gift shops.
  19. Never said it was fair use. If people making these remixes were profiting off them, then yeah. Youtube is evil for protecting rights when they're not being assaulted. Plenty of talented people (probably most of the people on ocremix) have their remixes on youtube. Even if their remixes are not submitted to ocremix itself. Remixing is a win-win situation. The remixer gets credit for doing a good job and the original artist gets more recognition and probably more sales etc. It's evil because what's it really about is the fact that the record companies don't want the recording to exist in any way unless they're getting every last red cent from it. So they in turn can screw the original recording artist out of money they deserve.
  20. I think most musicians face this. For example, many of the metal songs I do by myself have electronic drums and bass and some other synths. Though I use my guitar for rhythms and leads as well in the songs. Literally every time, some elitist claims it's "not metal" because I'm using synths as well. I guess then none of Rob Zombie's albums are metal either. The beastie boys must not be rap because they use lots of rock rhythms. They must also not be rock because they rap.....but I'm sure somebody gets offended if you call them rap-rock. Am I the only one who gets legit angry with people who insist on nitpicking every detail of the song genre wise? What are your thoughts on genre nazis?
  21. Changing the pitch etc doesn't really avoid copyright, it can just get you past the initial BS. Like one of my remixes uses the same key etc of the original song and it took weeks before it said "matched third party content". It didn't get disabled or anything though. Just got ads. I've posted the remix on youtube again and so far it's only blocked in Germany. I can live with that......unless they go crazy with it again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q55ieok7QJM
  22. This basically.
  23. Okay I'll re post it and see what I can do.
  24. So as I pointed out in the "original song" section of the forums, I made this and youtube blocked it. It's a heavy metal remix of a Britney Spears song. The second I uploaded that to youtube......surprise. Matched 3rd party content. I expected that because, well, I don't own the copyright I just made it for fun. A few of my other remixed tunes have that as well. Difference is, those other vids are still available. It says that my metal remix is "not available in some countries". I figured it would probably be just a few but no.......it's every country in the world that anyone actually lives in. It appears Sony is launching a full scale assault on anyone uploading anything music related...... Explain why the second I post mine it gets flagged yet there's still other remixes of the song made by random people on youtube?
  25. Sounds pretty sweet I think. but it'll sound better once you get the 5150 lol
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