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Everything posted by ShadowBlade

  1. Sweet! The chaos dimension was the only thing I thought was cool about Shuma Gorath lol. Since we now have 3 Darkstalkers in the game......will capcom finally gives us a new Darkstalkers game? It's been like 13 years hasn't it?
  2. Everyone screams "handicap" at that video. I dunno though.
  3. Practice what you preach. If we're all done the flame war now, I see they've made another "fightstick" for MVC3. It looks terrible and costs nearly 200$
  4. look i made the text big go me
  5. Well I don't google such things usually. Plus that doesn't look like an official release but hey I'm willing to accept when I'm wrong.
  6. Okay this has been said in the past, but your synths are less than amazing and the drums, while beat is decent, they have the punch of a little girl. The bass is a little loud at times and is repetitive. What I mean by loud, is it seems to over power some other instruments sometimes. The bass also gets a tad annoying after a while. The arrangement is pretty good and fun overall, but needs more variety and better tones. Then it will be truly awesome.
  7. Okay there is NO WAY you can possibly know that the SFIV DLC was already on the disc. That's BS good sir. The SF IV DLC is almost entirely costumes and wallpapers and other useless things. I find it highly unlikely that low demand DLC would be already on the disc. In the case of Jill Valentine, Shuma or any other incomplete character, I can see capcom locking them away on the disc. It's easier to just add in the missing files and unlock them. Takes up less space in the end. Plus, characters are high demand DLC. If they lock them away, they can release this DLC at the drop of a hat when the time is right.
  8. Agreed but I still laughed.
  9. LMAO That was good
  10. Ya I've been experimenting with different lead tones and running em' through the "love philter" effect you hear in that link. Gives it that porno vibe lol
  11. Update I think it's rather bad ass
  12. So rather than try to do a note for note electronic cover (syncing it's a nightmare) I thought I'd do my own original song combined with the super sexy swingin' voice of popstar Selena Gomez. The song is "Naturally". I actually really love her voice. She's cute too. Though I don't think I love her nearly as much as .I'm making two versions. A electronic one (this one) and a Metal one. I haven't done much to it yet in the way of instruments and all this side chaining and what not. I wanna make these mixes totally destroy! So any tips at all would be great. anyway Let's do this thing
  13. Indeed. Phoenix should submit it. "Life is like a hurricane....here in......duckburg"
  14. I do so love my metal lol This track is seven different kinds of bad ass! It reminds me of In Flames and Scar Symmetry. Try throwing in some growls and/or singing The solo guitar tone just doesn't match the quality of the other tones and the solo itself is less than face melting. The tone's not what kills the solo though. You gotta work on your phrasing there. Make that thing SING.
  15. Okay this OcRemix user sent me a click super imposed over the song. It changes between 132 and 133.5 now I just gotta get the tempo changes right and it should be good. So far it seems to be coming along. I'm gonna make this remix so killer, Chuck Norris will play it with his windows rolled down in traffic...and still be JUST as a bad ass. Thanks a million you all
  16. K I think I officially give up. I just can't get the drums in sync no matter what I do.
  17. NVM I got it fixed lol. I'm new to this "beatmatching" thing. I had the track starting again on the wrong word.........
  18. Damn the timing! My mix of it's going good too, but after the first chorus.......I may have found my solution though. I'll talk to ya tomorrow bout it.
  19. I just sent you a pm.....I can give you the acapella I have of it. It's the official one even! Yeah so Basically just 2 bars in, cut out the damn breath and boom ya got it right? P.S. Let us see who can make the superior Selena Gomez mix......muahahahaha I gotta wait till the snow here melts before I can do my metal one......hmm maybe I'll make an electronic one too.
  20. AUTO TUNE!!!! Don't make me come over there......
  21. Awesome. I'm a total retard when it comes to this production stuff lol
  22. Aye, I already knew the key and how to play it. Thank you for figuring out the BPM good sir or madam. You know, I've only been on this site a few weeks and you've saved my ass several times lol I'll PM ya and see how to send ya the files.
  23. Shade hit the nail on the head. As for Phoenix being elitist....you appear to be raging because MvC3's roster cuts out many of the old characters, specifically the ones you enjoy. You say those characters were stronger, and with some of them I agree wholeheartedly (Gambit and Rogue dammit!), but that's still opinion none the less. Maybe yur not elitist but 8/10 people online who are complaining about characters are. I didn't outright accuse you, I just said I "smell" an elitist. My nose has been known to fail me though. Also, the development team has to push to get the characters in the game from marvel and capcom sides. People gotta cut em' some slack......
  24. I'm havin' some serious issues here lol The main issue I think is actually.......I have the acapella track. I put down a simple kick beat on every quarter note. I try to sync it up but here's thing which I think *might* be the issue. See, she takes a breath before she actually hits the first note of the song. There appears to be two bars leading up to the actual verse, with the breath happening at the tail end of the second bar. I notice, into the actual beginning of the tune.....I still have the breath in there. Throwing it off beat. I do believe the song is 133 though. Despite slicing it up, I can seem to get the breath into the right spot.....hmmm. EDIT: No I think still got the BPM wrong.......damn
  25. The Prophet Rozovian speaks! I shall experiment till I find it I suppose. Any ideas as for what else we could do to make this song totally bitchin? So far the ideas we have floating around for it are A mix between electronic drums and real ones Real bass guitar & electronic bass Metal rhythm with more variety than the original Strings, brass, and choir to give that symphonic touch Solo duels between me, another guitar player and keyboardist some original riffs and melodies.
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