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Everything posted by ShadowBlade

  1. Indeed. Playing with another person sitting/standing beside you is best. When I played Tekken 6 online.....some dude was swearing at me because apparently blocking counts as "cheating" lol
  2. This one is for my fellow fighting game fans lol Do you guys/girls prefer to play online or offline? Why? Reason I'm wondering is, In SSFIV (and every other fighter) recently I've been playing more against the CPU on hardest difficulty than online people. Most all my friends hate fighting games as "it's just about pushing buttons".....poor misguided souls. Online with these games it just seems like sportsmanship and respect for the other player is dead. People bailing on you in the middle of a match, sending you hate mail and in Marvel Vs Capcom 2, tea baggin' your character's unconscious body after trapping you in an infinite combo. Anyway, curious to hear other people's opinions.
  3. Joe Perry....one of my favorite rock guitarists ever. I decided to tackle his spider man theme. As a little kid I absolutely could not get enough of this song. Well don't leave me hangin'. What do you think?
  4. Hell I'd do it. If I still had my acoustic and classical guitars but I sold them long ago. Aaron's suggestion of Martin Tallstrom is a great idea. Martin's playing seems to have that vibe you're goin' for Mordi. Who knows though? He might charge a seven figure price. No prob man, keep the killer music coming. As for me sounding familiar, there's alot of Chris' out there. I'm not even good or slightly popular lol
  5. Hey I've heard your stuff before Aaron! Most ambient stuff puts me straight to sleep. However, I find your work entertaining! I always look forward to pressing the play button so I can hear all kinds of new and interesting sounds. Didn't know you were on ocremix. This is my chance to tell you that you're work is awesome. Anyway. I've never been too picky with tone. That guitar, fake or not sounds better than the crap gear I've been having to put up with for the longest time. Never beat yourself up for using what you can afford. That is unless you're using a Fender MH-500 halfstack. Then and only then should one beat themselves up...... Building off that, if you know someone who has a really sweet acoustic or whatever, ask if you can use it! Like playing live with my band I'll be using a Marshall tube halfstack and (possibly) a high quality ESP guitar. Neither of which do I actually own but hey, if you know nice people......if I can't use the ESP for some reason I'll just stick with my Jackson. Anyway, I'm hoggin' the comments on this thread.......bye for now.
  6. Specifically how many? When I made it to about 5000 battle points I got B rank. No lie, I've saw people with less than 3000 at B rank. You can lose battle points and it doesn't seem to affect rank. So it appears that once you rank up, you can never lose it. Even if you start sucking at the game. Regardless I just didn't like the online match up system that much.
  7. I'm stoked for the online though! The license card thing is awesome. It records basic offense & defense, Stability and Advanced offense & defense! Finally a logical system that actually monitors HOW you play! Have they done it? Will they have finally done it? Made online in fighting games somewhat balanced? SSFIV's system sucks. It's not clear how it determines whether you're D - A rank. The online based it's entire system for matching up players on the player and battle points....which meant it assumed a D ranking player, or someone with low PP and BP is a scrub. Which us B ranking players get fooled. You think you're going to fight a n00b but in reality you're up against someone who should really be an A rank! Then you lose hundreds of points...... Don't even get me started on SF2HDRemix, Tekken 6 and MVC2's online....it didn't even try to balance player skill and it would just give me the same person over and over and over........ Either way the games still rock
  8. I've been a music makin' machine lately. Thanks to new software, some of which user SonicThHedgog introduced me to (thanks a million) I've been able to make more of my musical visions, both ReMixes and Originals become realities. The newest is my vision of Nina Williams groovin' theme from Tekken 3! Check it out on youtube! Check some of my other remixes on my channel if you like too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ljk8RQwcic I'm surprised I actually did a Tekken thing....I more of a Street Fighter fan myself. I was gonna do this as a metal mix but I decided not to. Gotta save all my metal and shredding for my band I guess.
  9. Yeah that happens. Checking back through the forums and my god man..........I'm the only one who's replied to this? C'mon people this deserves feedback!
  10. Gotta be honest. I'm just not feelin' this one. I've got a burning hatred for hip-hop and Gwen Stefani so perhaps my opinion is slightly biased. I dislike many of the tones. Especially your main bass there. It sounds....detuned? The part with the oldschool chiptune sounds was epic though. However, there's some real dissonant parts that were totally "bananas". I'm not sure if that's the effect you were going for or not. I also thought the outro was cool but could've been executed better. In my opinion this would be much better without Gwen's vocals. I know I'm sounding like a real jerk right now but like I say I just wasn't feeling this one. No song's perfect. I must hear more of your stuff though! Your remix likely appeals more to hip-hop fans and it certainly deserves more views and feedback.
  11. Would love to hear it. However, the link doesn't work
  12. Of course it's about money. I just don't get what made Shuma and Jill so special.
  13. 32. The game will ship with 38 characters. If you count the DLC Shuma and Jill. We got 40 characters as promised. They have 6 more characters to reveal. What I can't figure out is WHY Jill and Shuma-Gorath are DLC. It makes absolutely no sense. Why reveal DLC characters before they even announce the full roster the game will ship with? Maybe it's because of the special edition (which I pre-ordered) having a voucher to get Jill and Shuma when they are released. Even still it's ridiculous that those two are DLC....
  14. Awesome drumming! Gradius III has good music it seems. I never heard anything past the second level in the arcade version =/
  15. I believe the spelling you're looking for is "Criticism". Yeah the X-Men theme isn't a whole lot to work with. It's just catchy. I was going to do a guitar solo....but I dunno it sounded cool. I found the guitar solo just sorta killed the vibe of the song though. So I scrapped it.
  16. Indeed I did mean Marvel Vs Capcom 2. X Men Vs Street Fighter was killer though. I always used Rogue and Gambit. Fond memories. Strangely I've made both an X-Men Theme and Street Fighter Theme remix this past while. Guess I'm more stoked for Marvel Vs Capcom 3 than I realized.
  17. You can never have enough lol Mvc2 proved that
  18. She's my favorite Street Fighter character. Maybe even my favorite game character. So last month I had the crazy idea of making an electronic type thing out of her theme. However I threw in lots of my own original melodies and riffs. I submitted this to ocremix last month. I wonder if the judges shall approve it. Time will tell Pump up the volume! Let me know what you guys/girls think. Note: I've had conflicting opinions on how loud the kick drum is. On my sony speakers and headphones the kick (and drums in general) cut through very well. Listening to it on other headphones and various speakers has shown otherwise. I suspect this has to with the bass of various speakers etc =/
  19. That's my first youtube vid. Someone's already givin' it the thumbs down even. I feel as though I've grown.
  20. Wait Phoenix is in? Edit: Omg she is. We need some more X-Men back! I was hoping for Rogue with the power stealing ability from XvsSF
  21. You introduced me to the drums I used in that song lol. Which again I must say thanks. Even though I still suck, the drums sound at least 600x better than what I was using before lol
  22. *facepalm*. Okay I posted it there now.
  23. So today I made a remix of the X Men Theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTteIaHDsWI You can tell me how much it sucks either here or on the youtube comments.
  24. So I made a ReMix of the X Men theme today. I know it's not a video game song but it is a remix. So this section of the forums is the right place? Right? Right!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTteIaHDsWI If you don't want to give feedback here on ocremix, feel free to leave your hatemail in the youtube comments!
  25. I'm sooooo tempted to Rick Roll this thread.
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