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Everything posted by psychowolf

  1. I will not be coming due to being poor and the fact E3 is in ... california? and im like oh idk.. a hours train ride to london. I'm an extremely sad panda right now ;-; Hope you guys enjoy your trip to E3 meanwhile im going to summer of sonic next month in london.(don't judge me im a big sonic fan) Excuse me i'm gonna weep in the corner so make some room guys.
  2. This my friend is your opinion i personally feel they have stepped finally in the right direction to shut up the people going "we want classic sonic to return" and basically this will please everyone or at least what they think will please everyone. Ever since sonic went 3D people have complained about the games: character designs, Story, Voice acting, (although seeing as adventure was the first one to include voices i feel thats understandable) The "friends", (who i feel have actually added just alittle to it, after all no one complained when tails,knuckles the chaotix crew were created and used) The gimics,(such as the sword and the rings from the wii games) People have complained that sonic shouldn't be in a car after all in the sega racing game, yet they have never once questioned why mario is playing tennis or golf. I feel the sonic franchise has attracted complainers, granted shadow is bloody tough and sonic 06 was glitchy as hell due to being released too early in the scedule But the gameboy games were great and unleashed was rather good imo (apart from looking for medallions that sucked) and i haven't played colours but the ds version i enjoy quite abit, and i loved the daylight stages in unleashed so at a guess id say its gonna be good. The issue is sonic isn't ment to be for hardcore die hard fans Its ment for kids, much like we used to be.
  3. I persoanally hope it comes to pc i no longer have a actually current series console. Either that or i'll have to buy it for xbox and play it around my mates house when they go to sleep, or buy it for ps3 and play it on my "old" ps3 i sold to my parents as a dvd player and my dads ps3 and play while theyre out... hmm... What you talking about willis, The ds super mario game was really good and i havent played a mario game since super mario all stars for snes, Really brought me back to my childhood which was awesome.
  4. Gotta admit i found this remix and downloaded it in its earlier beta stage, and even in its beta i loved it. theres something about it... kinda floaty love the piano with the sinth in the background youve done quite well with this sockpuppet5, this is going on my mp3 regardless of wether its accepted by ocremix judges but i think it definately is worthy of getting through.
  5. D: bonesaw is no longer ready D: You have saved us all from eternal damnation Rest in peace macho man.
  6. ....what did i just watch? @.@ Its cool you can do the creepy atmospheric music, i do enjoy abit of that now and again. Definately going in my favourites tho.
  7. This album sounds cool so far and im only 2 songs in. Nice work halc i will enjoy the rest of this album i know it
  8. Is all i have to say about texas But seriously the only thing i don't want to experience but will about texas when i eventually go visit my friend there, is the heat. But i think i'll go with plenty of cooling stuff just to be sure. ...wait wasn't this tread about sony?
  9. Ok the first one with the weird time signature, the first lower beat i kinda disliked but as it goes in with the other parts joining it it works really well. Personally i prefer the later time signature 120bpms I'd say chrono trigger has been done to death remix wise but to be honest it was an amazing game so it rightfully deserves the remixes anyway...but im going off track. Don't give up with the program it takes time to learn new things with anything and as protodome stated "you learn by experimenting". And as i learned with drawing you don't get better at it if you don't practice and experimenting And i'l just link a tutorial i found And if those are any help that'll be great Don't give up mate your on the right track just need a little more coaching and direction to succeed Good luck on learning more about FL Studio and the terms and stuff
  10. I've been waiting for the soundtrack. Thanks alot Doulifée and all the guys that worked on the fangame
  11. Just bought them both on digital download and atm i'm leaning more to the instrumentals, Forgive me it just takes abit longer for me to get into them if they have lyrics. From what i've heard from many their damn good anyway. Hopefully with these albums contributions we might have a chance to demolish cancer from existance. So for those of you out there sitting on the wall about these albums... Dont. Get Off The wall Its all for a good cause. You wont regret it.
  12. Donated 5 dollar's, atm I'm kinda poor till i get my first full pay check from my new job. I mean after all the years of enjoying the albums and remixes this site has put out i think its only right to help put something back. I hope my contribution helps.
  13. Living in the U.K but maybe they do, just don't advertise them well enough But what i've seen their hard to find but maybe thats just me being blind.
  14. Did not know this, Thanks for the info its always nice to be informed of stuff
  15. What gets me is back when i used the network i thought to myself "why dont they allow payment through paypal?" If they had done so we wouldn't have this situation atm, all we'd have is "hackers have personal information of all users" Which lets face it isnt as much of a big deal But its too late to look at the what could of been's Sony will escape this whole thing somehow and It'll be down the consumers to be vigilant, and the hackers will disappear into the night never to be heard of again Many of the playstation network users will be wary to use their credit cards with the system and hopefully make it easier to get psn cards seeing as i haven't seen around my local game shops Which lets face it would of been a much safer option to begin with, playstation network cards which you set up to your username and can be topped up at game shops.... sony pay attention to my ideas, these are fffing gold.
  16. I'd personally love to hear a "c" side seeing as someones already asked for the b side. ...brandon i love that picture, the hedgehog looks like he just wants a hug As i read backwards through this and i know of the hatred this album seems to have in the sonic community(unnessicary in my opinion), which i am sad to say i am a part of. Taste depends on your very own style, if you dislike this album move on and find something you do like. Saying that remixers don't understand music and listeners do is retarded, thats like saying just because i play super hang on i can build a motorbike from scratch or something. I don't understand shit about music but i know what i like and dislike love the album? enjoy Hate the album? move on
  17. I've been waiting for more remixes from this source. I must admit i was blown away by the style, completely different feel to the original version yet still in a sense staying true to the source. Personally loved the audio clips of the sirens and helicopter noise, adds to the feel of the corrupt city in needs of someone to protect them. Whatever it is i'm enjoying it alot. Keep up the good work mate.
  18. Well someone has stated they didn't do it to save face but theres a secretive conversation going on between sega and bombergames, now wether this is conjecture or actual truth it may be sega talking to them and maybe involve giving them a lease to it, to port it and sell it at a profit perhaps? Either way the main reason is due to them porting SOR2 to iphone right now So yeah maybe right now it was to protect their IP But i gotta admit this just doesn't seem like something sega would normally do, Its uncharacteristic. Can't wait till Sonic 2 HD is released just to see the reaction from them.
  19. congratulations you two
  20. If your gonna use Mame i suggest version 1.33 and RomNation.net and emuparadise for the rom's seeing as those seem to work best on that version strangely. (mainly romNation) Normally i wouldn't suggest the sites But seeing as mame is rather fickle with what rom's it allows theres not much else i could do if i want to help put you in the right direction. I tried the newer version and it didnt recognize most of the roms i had so i downgraded again. Must admit right now i've been testing out Hyperspin and it keeps freezing on me for some reason, not sure why but i'm working on figuring it out.
  21. This is something im planning to do when i move out and get my own place. *asks what frontend your using then realises my mistake when i realise hyperspin is one* >.< Atm all i have is emuloader just to use with mame.
  22. Argh it was released when i was at work >.< Just finished the album on the first listen, ... ... Do you guys realise i love you? ... But seriously this album kicks so much ass that we've run out of ass's to kick. Personal highlights are Bubble junkie and under construction imo these two tracks are amazing well done DrumUltimA, Harmony and benjamin briggs. Not to say that the rest are bad. No far from it, but those two tracks are the kinda style i enjoy it was refreshing to hear them. When i heard part of "sound of speed"(green hill not the album...well kinda) in the trailer i fell in love with it Each track shows dedication and hard work and for that as a listener i thank you guys for it. So yeah gonna put this album on repeat for all eternity And also rexy if that album ever happens thanks for the idea :3
  23. Theres also this here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KCOQF2RJ Well atleast the ones who got it originally are being helpful and spreading the game around to promote it.
  24. I would love to see a sonic cd remix album, As for the versions it would have to be both An idea would be to do two discs- 1 for japanese and one for american. Or a mash up of both versions for a level. Wish i could help but i have no skill on any instrument. But this is all distracting me from being hyped about this album, really cant wait.
  25. I feel this is too good of a remake for Sega to flush down the pan, they don't want people to remaster a series they have left behind in the dust? Why? exactly? i mean they allow sonic fan games and this is all this is anyway.(just not involving sonic or his games) I'd suggest uploading personal links here but idk if that's against ocremix's regulations regarding content But either way i'm gonna megaupload it regardless.
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