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Everything posted by psychowolf

  1. mine originated on from the second place i signed up to. the metal gear solid forums. so of course i went with my 2 favourite bossbattles psycho mantis and sniper wolf. before that and in most other places im known as killer2099 which originated from 2 things. 1: my utter lack of imagination when coming up with ps3 online names and thinking of what other words start with k aside from karl. 2: i was at the time collecting the spiderman 2099 comics so i knew thats where id get the numbers from.
  2. What can i say, its pure RoB goodness that ive come to expect from him since meeting him like idk what a year ago or something on fb. he's a pure joy to listen to, this guy has got class out the wazzoo and its about time he got on here. Well done RoB
  3. Too many to count. The medley that plays during the fight with liquid ocelot in mgs4 is one that stands out.
  4. YES! thank the lord for someone who cares about sam's work, despite his own view on his work, his work IS inspiring to both hear and see. i personally wish him well with his stuff and hope for his fiery return with a vengeance.
  5. my new years resolution? 1080p
  6. dude its dream theater, expect this kinda stuff from them. they love to just play music. they like to mess around with how music is made. weird drum patterns, weird chords, long ass songs that go on for up to 40 minutes long, ending one album with the same note the next album opens on. tell me what in there makes sense to you? its why i love em, they're bloody crazy.
  7. look guys im a bigger conspiracy theorist than all of you but conspiracies don't help the situation now do they. focus at the problem at hand which is making sure those bribed officials dont get a say on your internet. isn't that what your second amendment for guns is for? that if the government gets corrupt you are within your right to kick em up the arse and say no, bad government. ive heard many a time americans fight for their right to the second amendment and the right to free speech (which i believe is why you wanted freedom in the first place) well the first 2 amendments aren't there to bully your neighboor they are there incase your government is corrupted and starts doing things against your will. im not saying go out shoot people, im saying go out and defend your freedom. (the right to bear arms doesn't mean just weapons. it works in tandem with the first amendment the freedom of speech, because words cut deeper than any sword.) words will always retain their power.
  8. so once again the issue of net neutrality is at threat in america atm http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2014/11/10/obama-to-the-fcc-adopt-the-strongest-possible-rules-on-net-neutrality-including-title-ii/ so i gotta admit its pretty cool the prez wants the net to stay free but unfortunately i know there was a vote about a week or so ago for you americans and from the average of what i know of the views of the american population hate obama, so im guessing alot who did vote voted against him? idk much about the way politics work there. either way ive been informed that the guy that has control of whether net neutrality happens is in the fcc was either a previously at a cable company or was paid off by one. all i wanted to do was reinforce the idea for you guys that we need to fight for net neutrality AGAIN. for those of you who are american to contact your state politicians and vote yes for net neutrality. and do your best to be MORE informed than i am. edit: and because he wants it to become a utility if we win this time, it'l be the last fight we do. net neutrality will be here to stay and you won't have to fight for it again Companies won't be able to unfairly price you either, since it'll be regulated and equal for everyone
  9. ok, sure there is that possibility BUT she has also stated to love video games since she was little, if thats the case then this video shouldn't exist. with anita there is too many inconsistancies like for example we know she borrowed video from other youtube videos we've established that the quality of her videos do not equate to the amount of funding she got via kickstarter to make them. which just leaves you with alot of open ended questions about her. and to me that just is not trust worthy material, regardless of the fact she is fighting a battle i side with her on. to have her as the figurehead of feminism in gaming when her character leaves alot of questions about her is worrying to me.
  10. ...not really, i mean aside the classical (spanish) guitar in both i hear no real similarities. maybe im going mad though, who knows.
  11. My god are you lot STILL going on about this shit? Its all bullshit.
  12. http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2014/10/gamergate-nowhere-on-my-site-does-it-say-we-are-journalists-says-destructoid-owner/ literally appeared on my newsfeed a day later. someone is watching this place and taking our advice i swear.
  13. When it comes to games I don't particularly care about people's personal political views. So... id actually agree with brandon this once. its why I stopped reading kotaku long ago, why I stopped reading things by leigh alexander, why I don't watch anita. In my view its down to the consumer to get rid of sexism. I don't want to feel guilty for enjoying a medium. I mean look at it this way. derek and the dominos made the song layla, turns out the piano player killed his mother by strangling her. does me loving this song make me agree with him killing his mother? No I again bring this up because that is how the modern feminist movement has been framing the situation and its not that simple. why can't people just get along and enjoy life? EDIT: it was the drummer jim gorden
  14. i think this is where the problem lies, from what ive seen the main one is the stupid feminism articles that have been plaguing kotaku and other gaming sites rom the past few years where the entire focus should be gaming, not bringing political views into the equation. http://kotaku.com/5910857/straight-white-male-the-lowest-difficulty-setting-there-is the thing is the main ones that people are unhappy about is articles like this and stuff like this: http://kotaku.com/we-might-be-witnessing-the-death-of-an-identity-1628203079 this is what they mean by corruption because its basically a corruption of gaming journalism from news about our favourite hobby to political views, sponsors causing impartial reviews on games. it was a noble cause, but why did it begin when quinn had an affair and got her dirty laundry thrown into the public eye? idk maybe it was originally a public hunt against her because of a group of people hated her because of past indiscretions (idk whether she stole money from that gamejam thing and i don't partcularly care) if they truly cared this gamergate situation should have begun 7 years ago as bardic said. which brings up the idea that this was actually a set up to make the public rise up against the feminist movement that began with anita. i mean look who are the major leaders of the gamergate side. thunderf00t, a known anti-feminist. internetaristocrat: a guy known for publicly humiliating tumblr sjw's adam baldwin; He now considers himself a "small government conservative libertarian". and from what i know of mundanematt he has personal issues regarding zoe quinn from what i know. so what am i getting at? gamergate as a movement was corrupt from the beginning and those still backing it should leave while they still have their dignity.
  15. have you not heard of doritogate? http://kotaku.com/5957810/the-contemptible-games-journalist-why-so-many-people-dont-trust-the-gaming-press-and-why-theyre-sometimes-wrong kotaku themselves explain why. i shall leave that information to you. all of the information needed for what people want to stop in gaming journalism "It involves 1) criticism of GTTV host Geoff Keighley doing interviews while seated between bags of Doritos and bottles of Mountain Dew that were wrapped with ads for Halo 4, 2) a Eurogamer column by Robert "Rab" Florence about that, the occurrence of British games journalists at an awards show making promotional Tweets for a game in hopes of winning a free PlayStation 3, 3) an apparent legal threat by journalist Lauren Wainwright and/or her editors that compelled Eurogamer to remove a reference to her in the piece that quoted a Tweet in which she seemed to deem the contest as not that big a deal, 4) the removal of which quote from the article compelled Florence to quit, 5) the listing, since deleted, on Wainwright's resume, of having done work for Square Enix, a publisher whose games she's covered, and 6) from there, an avalanche of complaints and suspicion about the coziness of the gaming press with the public relations wing of the companies whose games they cover." as well as the guy that got fired for giving a bad review of kain and lynch who were one of the websites sponsors there ya go buddy.
  16. I've agreed with everything djpretzel has said so far,I too am not that optimistic. She needs more inclusion in her view for me to actually get behind her. which is why I suggested she go for the community not the big companies. You say she has alot of followers. How many are male gamers compared to female/transgender gamers? I don't think the numbers will be that high, which brings back my idea of inclusion. if many feminists would stop acting like all men are the problem and instead actively try to involve us in helping this shit storm would have ended days ago.
  17. all im saying is this way of doing things is not getting people on anita's side. i mean have you seen what happened this past few month? THEY HAVE DUG THEIR HEELS IN and big companies won't care, they're more invested in the money and what will sell well. you're suggesting my advice is not to bother with challenging things. no i didn't say that. what i said was that she needed to focus more on the community and less on the big business side of things. because as we have all seen many are very willing to shove out sequel after sequel after sequel. look at it this way, sort out the community first, they are then less willing to buy the next sexist racist whatever game that comes out, the companies get wind of this shift in perspective and evolve to follow the money. Edit: and the main issue here is getting people on her side to help with this issue atm. girls getting subjected to verbal abuse and sexist bs is not on, yet most feminists ive seen have generalised men to being misogynist which already left a bad taste in my mouth. look at emma watson, she actually made me feel as if i can help women and girls with this issue. the issue here is inclusion. you include people into your rally and you have a much better chance of making a change.
  18. because people are idiots. regardless of my dislike of her methods and general character, no one deserves death threats, when both sides "proof" is entirely conjecture how can you even care? besides which no matter what anita says the one's who decide to change the industry is the paying customers who don't buy games because of their own moral values. and in this case from what we have seen for the last few months. there will always be "sexist" style games. there will be the occasional politically correct game now and then but the only ones that will change the industry is the buyers of games. And further more creators of games will choose to make games how they please. telling someone that they shouldn't do something makes them WANT to do it. she really needs to focus on sorting out the community not the gaming industry but she already has a terrible reputation nowadays. what a sad state of affairs.
  19. I personally think we need to stop worrying about potential sexism iN games and more about the sexist attitude of gamers. This is the real problem and it needs a real solution. we as gamers need to stamp out of sexism in the gaming community. No more bullying no more harassment. We work on that first. Multitasking is doable but it knackers you out after awhile and to solve this we need alot of stamina.
  20. I was merely being broader with my scope, not ocr as a community, I meant gamers. there is no "debate" if both sides are just throwing insults. It doesn't fix anything,because at the end of the day the legit people wanting less corruption in gaming journalism are being shouted down by the feminist opposition who are also being insulted and shouted down. I see no solution here. I see two people fighting over which issue is more important. Both and neither are important. There will BE no safe ground till everyone calms down ignores it and then maturely ask the question of what we CAN do as a community to solve both these problems. But you can't do that while everyone has fire in their eyes. and lets face it I could leave this thread but I can't escape it everywhere else in the gaming community.
  21. Or we could all stfu about this and move on with our lives. im personally sick of this situation. Its most likely an elaborate trolling by 4chan and the best way to stop trolls is to ignore them. no one is winning in this war. everyone is suffering from the fallout. if we as a community want to last we need to stop now because we won't if this continues any longer. games are for fun, this bullshit is not fun.
  22. From an unbiased source in this debacle, from the ifred facebook page. sorry zircon but those that believe in their hearts that quinn is the devil will never listen to her. "IFred, International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression shared a link. 2 hours ago To all those asking about the Depression Quest game. To clarify, as of yesterday we were not aware of any donations made on behalf of the game. However, it was brought to our attention that donations were made by an individual, and we can confirm these donations were made as stated here: http://ohdeargodbees.tumblr.com/post/97275528664/depression-quest-donations Additionally, we were aware that there was a link to our organization as it has sent many people needing help to our website for education and resources. We weren't aware of any direct relationship to donations, though we welcome and are thankful for support given to our organization through this effort. We do not endorse the game but we do see it has done a lot to raise awareness for depression and hope to use some of the gaming skills to create tools we think teach kids about the importance of hope and health brains. To those that have made donations in the past day because you thought Depression Quest did not donate, we are happy to refund those donations and we plan to follow-up directly on paypal with that note as well. We would appreciate if you can share this information with your networks so we can get back to our work with the limited resources we do have at hand - teaching and sharing hope, and ending stigma. If you haven't done so, please do check out our new www.schoolsforhope.org program and get involved in your local community. Thanks much for all that have been reaching out to ensure transparency and accountability. We appreciate the support of our mission and wish you all health and healing. Thanks for helping to #shinelight #endstigma #sharehope. Let's all get back to making a positive impact on the world!"
  23. This. so much this. thank you djpretzel for explaining it better than I ever could.
  24. the thing i see is the feminism that anita is bringing to the table when really the issue is, that issue is slowly being dissolved with the insurgence of strong female characters appearing in more and more games. so why would you need more salt when there's already salt on your food? if anything we need to sort out the gamers themselves, what with their reactions to this whole situation. we need to as a group clam the fuck down.
  25. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/racism http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/sexism The only definition that matters is the one used in the dictionary im afraid. making up your own definition does not help your case but muddles the discussion. and did i say that we can only address 1 thing at a time? no, what i said is that we are already sorting it out without the need to bash each other for not agreeing with each other. what needs to be done is that we need to start looking at fixing other things too. why try fix something that is already being fixed?
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