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  • Real Name
    Justin Taylor
  • Location
    Whiting, IN


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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Bass
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

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  1. While I agree with you to an extent, keep in mind that the original "final wav" due date was over 2 years ago. I busted my ass to get my first song done before that due date and I had a LOT going on at the time. People shouldn't claim tracks that can't do, it's that simple.
  2. So OCR is looking at July 1st for the release of FFVI: Balance In Ruin. Anybody know how far back in the que this album is?
  3. I saw most of the judges commented on the ending, and how it would benefit from more source, so I figured I'd go into detail on how I used the source during those parts. The original bit at the end (starting @ 2:50) is actually a variation of the original source "riff", being {ONE - and - a - TWO - and - a - THREE - and - FOUR - and} and replaced the {and -a}'s with triplets and the single {and}'s with doubles (this part is also played during the "solo" section starting @1:11). Everything is still in 5/8 except the china, which is acting as a precursor to the part that starts at 3:31. The 3:31 part is a polyrhythm of the main 5/8 source rhythm (but with triplets and doubles) played on guitars/bass/kick drum, and the snare is keeping it 4/4. The last 2 parts are actually still using the 5/8 source as a base. Aside from the key change, the triples and doubles (the {and} and the {and-a}) from the source are the ONLY thing being played by the rhythm section, the ONE, TWO, etc, are being played by another guitar, faintly. So yes, it's sort of an original part, but it is basically just a variation of the original source rhythm. I hope that made sense!
  4. soooo what are we waiting on at this point?
  5. As long as it's released before the FFVI album...
  6. Zidane's Theme passed the panel. Pretty stoked about being 2 for 2 on this album! (Assault of the White Dragons is a Direct Post) Now LETS FINISH THIS DAMN THING...I hurried my ass off to get Assault done before the original deadline... which was over a year ago now.
  7. Are we still waiting on tracks to be handed in? Or has it been subbed yet?
  8. Wow, this is one hell of a mix! 2 of Uematsu's best works mixed into one truly awesome arrangement. I'm loving every minute of this.. Parts of this track remind me of a track I made for the upcoming FF9 project. Very, very good mix. I don't even want to imagine how long this took. Also, congrats on winning the EBP contest!
  9. Both are great, but I think # 1 is the way to go for the album..
  10. Hell yea, I really enjoyed this mix! There needs to be more Metal Gear on OCR!
  11. I'll be handing in my 2nd track tomorrow.
  12. aww thanks bros Brandon's right, I IS NEWCOMER.
  13. I'm hyped for everyone to hear it!
  14. I've always loved the MGS4 OST, and the Laughing Octopus track has been one of my favorite tracks since I first heard it. I'm really glad that this track was on the Badass cd. Great work dudes! WE NEED MORE METAL GEAR REMIXES!
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