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Ivan Hakštok

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Everything posted by Ivan Hakštok

  1. I see people grabbing the Tekken 3 Jin's theme xD Wouldn't be my first pick though
  2. This could be nice, I've always loved the Tekken games and the music was great! Count me in for this one if it happens.
  3. This one is great. At first it seemed it's just a straight cover but later it expanded and blew me away. That organ near the end was a really nice touch. Also this track makes me wonder why nobody had the idea of an OCR-Unplugged album xD
  4. I've redone this from scratch once again, and I'll abuse the fact that there's too many people online xD Feedback appreciated!
  5. A bit of physics here. The decibels are a measure of ratio between two powers, with the formula L = 10*log(P1/P0). So in other words, a 0 dB value is just a relative term, which in terms of sound would mean that two sounds are of equal loudness. So when referring to the human hearing, sounds are compared to the lowest loudness a human ear can hear, because it's probably the only valid milestone in loudness levels (there is no max sound a human ear can hear.). But when referring to audio output, it's quite hard to describe a minimum loudness a speaker can produce, so all loudness is compared to a nominal value (the highest one where clipping doesn't occur).
  6. I've just downloaded it and reaktor player informs me about some error :/ Gonna update it and see if that fixes it
  7. For those not familiar with the source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1ju8GtkzQg So I stumbled upon this song while checking Hiroki Kikuta's works and it was awesome, so I knew I had to remix it Anyway, I still need to work on the drums and a little bit on the mixing in general, maybe minor arrangement tweaks and it will be done. Feedback is wanted and appreciated, hope you enjoy it
  8. The intro wah-wah effect gets tiresome very soon, and sometimes the sound it produces had really high frequencies compared to the rest of the arp. Also, I don't find the bass and drum sounds very good, and the open hat is a bit too loud, it sometimes distracts me from the main melody. I'm also not a big fan of the lead at 2:00, or better to say the effects on it. Still, overall it's pretty catchy, nice job.
  9. Now I finally have a motive to listen to every OCR track like I always intended to, so I started from number one, it's now just a question of how many I can listen before the deadline Reviews: Shinobi 'ShinShurikenJam' Bonk's Adventure 'Prehistoric Xmas'
  10. Didn't expect the flute to come in after the opening bars, though I must say it's just a tiny bit too loud. I definitely love the bassline, especially the parts where it follows the lead. The panning transition at 1:30 didn't really sit well for me, just the flanger would've probably been better. Overall, pretty good for the first ReMix ever
  11. Actually, I do this even when there's no music. Like, I get random beats and melodies in my head and just start tapping my fingers or feet, I even throw in some air guitar chords/riffs. And it happens a lot, yesterday I wrote an exam at college and after a while I realized that I was tapping my fingers the whole time and that it might bother other students.
  12. Agreed with top 5, only quickly browsed through the rest of top 100. List looks okay though, but why isn't in top 10?
  13. After 5 months, I reworked this track completely, wanted to submit it but thought it would be nice to get mod feedback first.
  14. They aren't? Been a while since I've had any of those so I don't really remember.
  15. I've tried this on my linux pc. Managing around it should be no problem for FL or even Reaper users because of a similar interface (and vice versa, from LMMS to FL or reaper), but it's still rather buggy and doesn't recognize parameters from some VSTs (for example I couldn't get SimulAnalog's JCM9000 plugin to work, it would load the plugin okay but it didn't show any knobs/sliders/etc). Since it works on windows, I'd recommend this to people who wanna learn the very basics of sequencing/mixing, and not be limited with time like FL or Reaper demos, but I hardly recommend it for serious work. Although I might do a small remix to showcase it's abilities if I find the time
  16. Just checked the official explanation on youtube's blog, and it says: "if a blog or site is responsible for driving a significant amount of a video's views, that site will be credited on the page" So I guess it's based on what site made highest traffic recently. If it's updated daily or weekly, that could explain why Reddit was listed (if most views that day/week came from Reddit instead of OCR)
  17. As far as I know, it's automatic and indicates the site from which most users came to watch the video.
  18. I agree that Max Payne has an excellent story, but the original poster wanted rpgs, so it doesn't qualify While we're still on non-rpgs with great story, I should probably say that in my opinion, best storyline in gaming belongs to Legacy Of Kain series. In fact, it might just be my favorite storyline ever.
  19. Well, actually I don't hate those games, but Spoony has some good points. Even before I watched Spoony's reviews I simply didn't like some aspects of the games, in FF VIII's case the story, and in FF X the obnoxious characters (except for Auron). Great thing about them though were the gameplay and ofc the music (yes, I DID like the junction system ).
  20. Congrats, I hope judging process will benefit from this in terms of speed
  21. Surprised nobody mentioned Vagrant Story... The plot, dialogue and gameplay were just great. It isn't very long (took me some 10 hours) but with New Game+ which unlocks all those extra goodies, you'll have at least 2 playthroughs. Just a note that the game is pretty hard if you don't get a hang of how different weapons work early on. P.S. Also it has the best one-liner in vg history - We should wait for reinforcements! - Reinforcements? I am the reinforcements.
  22. I wonder if anything significant happened on 11/11/1111 at 11:11:11
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