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Everything posted by Rockos

  1. Even more old than the blaster master remix! But I stille got the project. I just lost the wav for the kick and snare ( I Think ^^ ). Anyway enjoy a little bit more chrono trigger. Remix : Source : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7OxaY53Xy4
  2. 2 Years old production. It's sitting in my hard drive and cannot be modified cause of the project getting lost. ( Format ) Remix : Source : Edit: Darkhia is my old production name. But it sounds stupid since I grew up ^^.
  3. Thanks. Pretty neat if it helped you to get some ideas ^^ We're a community. I'm gonna continue working on. Very appreciated feedback. Many thanks!
  4. This is a 1 year old mix. The production is not wuite there and will never get submitted but if you guys wanna hear it, it'll be there sitting!
  5. Here just bought two items on ocremix amazon stores. Hope this worked cause it cost high to ship in to canada.
  6. Nice cover. But I don't feel the dry guitar from the intro. Otherwise, The lead is pretty nice. Very good cover.
  7. ONE thing. It is way too conservative. I love the fact that it is but it's better without the same choice of instrumentation. Hmmmm. I would double check on this one.
  8. Wow. Really. This is THE song. For the drum, it sounds weak a little bit in my headphone. A little touch on the kick and snare should do it. And unlike the others said, the drum pattern is pretty nice, since drum and bass is the genre that the pattern look nearly always the same. But a little break could be added at some part. I don't know if it is tindeck, but the intro sound distorted. Otherwise, I REALLY LOVE IT. Listened two time already. Only the time I wrote this
  9. First of all. Yeah it looks like a dubstep track. But you'll need fix your compression setting seriously. Your kick is too much overhelming. It throws ou everything away. Your lead is pretty much hidden in this. The lead is pretty weak. You could wub it or change the tonality all the way. Otherwise, good track. And since I'm no pro, Anyone to help this guy out. Dubstep listener please
  10. The filtered string sounds good to me. Anyone to back me up! PRetty nice. I love it. A little bit compressed sometimes but acceptable volume change and 'dynamicity' (Is this word exist? Or I invented it with my french native language?).
  11. Thanks! This is what I needed. Gonna get on work soon. Stay tuned for an update.
  12. It's very hard to complete a mix when nobody's around and helping (Since I'm not an artist or a pro but only an amateur that try to contribuate). Any review would be apreciated.
  13. THIS IS AWESOME. I won'T post a dubstep comment cause I want to keep this website clean as possible. But Holy crap. I can go sit back with my small little dubstep mix
  14. Love the way it start. IT remind so much the original. Then it break at 0:18. Just wow. Wasn't waiting for that . From 1:38 the part sound 'silent' till the end. It'S still nice. Hope to see this on front page.
  15. PRetty neat. I think the bass lack of change. It just go around and get cutoff a little bit. Maybe adding another bass line and sound will make a difference. Like Feed Me or Zedd.
  16. Bought this Ep and some other Ep and album from this guy.
  17. Even more work in: -Removed the old crappy intro. -Shortened the intro. -Change the transition at 1:40. -More Eq'ed done. -Added some pad and balanced sound stuff. Update: NEED REVIEW ^^
  18. This guy as potential. He did this in BUZZ! HE's a killer. And this is awesome Edit: Or buzz's a guy?
  19. It just got reviewed by the panel. Effectively need work. I'm gonna upload a new track nearly. Stay near.
  20. Here 20$ since now i'm part of the community and been listening to ocr since 2003
  21. Tried but nothing came in mind. Sorry.
  22. 2 weeks and still '1' feedback. Updating the thread.
  23. I agree with the bass a little bit weak but the intro of the remix worked perfect for me. High and mid sounds ok to me. I don't see the time in tin deck. I'll presume it's about 0:40 to 0:50. The first transition here is 'crap'. Not to say major crap but can be updated and worked. But I loved the remix and the choice you made for the synth is pretty nice. I dig it. Some work could be done on the drum kit though but I LOVED THE PAN trough this. Never played the game. First time listened and found it far good. Keep it up.
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