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Everything posted by Rockos

  1. Well. Stuck out but the ambience is not quite there and transition kinda sucks. It feels pretty quiet. Sick anyway ^^. Dubheadz! New update here. (Please note that there is the minimum mastering for this track. I'm not finished yet. This is an overview !!) Comments please! Source:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_i3-f_smXU Remix:
  2. New update. But I've hit a wall in the production. I'm creativily stuck and cannot further progress because I don't know how to introduce the 2nd part of the song. So next update will be in long. Hope this little short mix could stimulate you ears to ear more.
  3. Thanks. anyway that's unfinished. And Dubstep is hard to love by the way ^^. It's different so much of the normal electronic genre.
  4. Ok! NOW THIS SHIT IS SICK AS EVER. I'M SO HEADBANGING Time to leave some comments. It's not finish of near yet but that's what I've done and wanna share with you guys. MEGA UPDATE FOR DUBHEAD! ^^ I'm so happy. Note that I copied the first part two time for u guys to have more time to listen to it. Remix:
  5. Hi guy. Now that I have a little spare time, I wanna show you a demo of my next project. I'ts beta (Synth are only midied so don't complain). Early but wanna share with you. I Think This Will become sick. I'll try at least. Version 0.1: Edit: Source:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_i3-f_smXU
  6. Holy Cr**! THIS, THIS is awesome. As refered by others, variety in the wobble partern could help it a lot, but It's catchy anyway. And at 1:59, the bass is tacking so much place, it doesn't let place for the rest of the sounds. You should KEep it as dirty but verify its loudness. And the intro's a bit wacky but that's my opinion. Hope this help. BTW, GOOD TRACK. I DIG IT. PLEASE FINISH IT !!
  7. Thank you. If the mix won't pass, I'm gonna use your advice and see what can be done. I'm gonna update this thread as soon as I receive the judge decision.
  8. Nice start. But it feel pretty empty. You need more synth and especially in the low part. Well, keep it up anyway any song we make is a practice for the next one.
  9. Ok been mastering for long and I hope it pays it. This, this is the submission file. Thanks to all who contributed. Maybe I'll be back to WIP if this do not get passed. Or maybe I'll jump to something new. I'll see. Thanks again to all feedback. Many thanks. Final :
  10. Thanks guy on this one. From what gario's said, I tried to remove a little bit of bass cause this was getting muddy. From what ambient said, Each time I get the mid-range a little up, it sounds muddy. I'm having trouble mastering the track cause I started with the soundgoodizer and this IS WHOLE CRAP. Never use this plug-in except on individual channel. I learned that by this song. Now it is pretty hard to get a good overall sound. And only 1 question for ambient: What does 'Minimalistic' mean? ( I'm french/quebec you know )
  11. LAst update. I only need to know how guys you find it? Top final And submission.
  12. I didn't know what to do after I completed the game. So I flooded Hell and I Dug a giant palace and circled all the palace with lava. It was kind of funny, and I didn't finish to flood hell (Need More water). Interesting game since there's gonna be lot of update.
  13. What do you do guys when you finished the dungeon and have mined hellstone to get the last stock equipement?
  14. NEW update. -Adding one synth. -Remove the very hi frequency hi hat. -Little mastering. -Added two bar to the ending.
  15. I hope that will pass. Cause your main part is missing a little more energy. But that's the only probleme here. All the song is pretty good.
  16. For the snare, I would put an EQ on it and boost the low and low-mid + I would layer it with another snare or clap. Edit: Adding some reverb (Not much but a little bit would help).
  17. haha thank you. But it is an 2 year old project. Maybe I could take time to write it again since I got better in musical composition. Maybe I'll do one that I'll submit. You make hesitent cause I was sure I wasn't posting it for submitting.
  18. I love it. It kept the ambience as mortal kombat is. I would play with this song in background!
  19. Nice update! Pretty well turned out. But i'D check your dubstep section cause the snare is as weak as is was. But the bass got corrected. Cheer up!
  20. You guys are really hard with seth. I'm canadian. I don't know what fox presents on T.V. But I found the family guy interesting. I watched all episode in english and in french. Maybe sometimes it goes too far but many of the jokes where funny. No? Even if you don't like Seth, you don't have to say he's a douchebag or his show are total crap. Some people actually like it. We don't have the same humor everywhere. And flinstones remade? It could be funny. Why don't you sit and watch. You don't like it, don't watch it that's it. Don't criticise things you don't like.
  21. Nice. I know you won't post it. But every tracks make the next better. This sounds really really good in production. I cannot get this kind of production even after long time spend on FL. It's amazing.
  22. Wow for the humanizing thing. I'm not able to even do that. I don't know the source, but it's well played!
  23. I don't have any experience in the kind of music. But it's catchy even if I don't know any of the two source. Maybe someone that knows both would help.
  24. Wow Very nice but I found something pretty weird. When the piano arragement got in It was Nice but there is a transition with the bass from being cool smooth to rather very rash. The bass sound too distorted at some point. And then the cool break come in and what? I don't know this snare lack in high range and the ride too. But I dig the lead very much. The bass could go down instead of up and would be nicier. When the lead get cutoff now it could get up like you did. ( suggestions ) This put me in head banging mode ! I loved the way you added some dubstep discretely. I was even more banging. But I found the snare a little weak. The kick too is a little weak cause it get kicked out by the bass itself. Bass a little too overheilming ^^. Overall. I DIG IT! THIS TRACK SHOULD GET FIRST PAGE ^^ But work is needed at some points. Hope it helps.
  25. A little Update!! Rework on EQ very much. Deleted ending. Added new ending (The transition is a bit rash. I have to find a solution.) No main change to synth but re Eq. Enjoy! (Sorry the hihat is very high. It's a rendering error. The next version gonna get this corrected.)
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