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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. 20 minute of fiddling and I'm definitely impressed. For a free orchestral setup this is godly. Thank you so much.
  2. * Portal 2 looks amazing. I think it definitely has the potential to surpass the original. The co-op looks really fun, so long as you don't play with strangers. Though I could see it being awesome regardless. Super excited.
  3. I found this remix of the castle theme from Jazz Jackrabbit 2 by DjBjra on the Newgrounds audio portal a while back: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/314412 It's a pretty rockin' mix, I'd say. More mixes from these games would be welcome, of course. There are some awesome songs.
  4. Ditto. Granted I wasn't necessarily terrified while playing it, but there were moments when the sanity meter was low and something straight up freaky would happen. Good times.
  5. Uncharted 2 was an awesome sequel. Of course one of my favourite sequels of all-time would have to be Sonic 3 & Knuckles. That game defined my childhood.
  6. Some really amazing stuff. I'm a big fan of Joshua Morse so this album is a real treat. Really loving Air Shooter, but they're all fantastic remixes. Excellent production values all around. Great instrumentation. Love it.
  7. My roommate was telling me about this. Sounds pretty interesting, a more skill-based DotA experience, rather than relying partly on auto attacks and outleveling people so they don't stand a chance. I dunno, PvP arena based games have been pretty hit and miss for me, but it might be worth checking out.
  8. Greetings all. My name is Jordan Michael Reed. I tend to go by my full name for some weird reason. It just stuck I guess. Other aliases I've used online include: Hoser101, DJ-Draken, and JMR (which was taken here, hence why I'm using Amphibious) Basically I've been a LONG time visitor of this site. Most of the music I listen to regularly comes straight from here, or from actual video game soundtracks themselves. I love video games and especially the music in them. It's a passion that's developed over the years. Over the last few years I've also delved into composition and mixing using mainly FL Studio. I've gotten a lot more serious with it lately, so I decided why not join the community I seem so fond of to see if I can learn some new things and connect with some amazing composers, arrangers, musicians, and video game music enthusiasts alike. Looking forward to spending some more time here.
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