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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. Hell yeah Guilty Gear. Awesome songs. I always liked this one, though less metal than the ones you guys linked:
  2. from Trauma Center!This is a serious funky-synth groove. Always loved this song whenever it played in dialogue scenes and such.
  3. She's alright. You can rack up a lot of kills with her if you happen to get fed enough, but otherwise she is pretty underwhelming (also she is one of THE squishiest champions in the game I believe).
  4. Damn, that's actually really cool. I could see my getting this if it ever has a commercial release. Pretty cool interface and some great potential. It would be a nice contrast to what I normally do when writing music. I'll keep my eye on this.
  5. Shucks, thought he would have done more than that. But yeah I was listening to it and it IS fantastic regardless. I think what bugs me the most about this fiasco is that it IS being translated and released in Europe. I sort of understand the whole not selling well in America thing though, the market isn't the same here. Still, there's a surprising amount of support for this game, and Operation Rainfall is still pushing regardless of what Nintendo has said. Though I kinda doubt it will really work (as much as I'd love that).
  6. Was really hoping this game would be released here. It looks so promising. I liked the combat system in FFXII and this one is similar to it in some ways, apparently. Also, can't go wrong with Mitsuda. *le sigh* Well I guess I'll still try to get the soundtrack.
  7. Yeah the mansion seems like it would be absent in this game. Considering in the games where she has the mansion, its full of trinkets and stuff that she has collected over the years. This being her first adventure, I doubt she would have the fortune built up to afford a mansion. Free roam condo maybe?
  8. So I've got a smurf account named AmphibiousFrog that is level 6 I play on sometimes too. I have like no champions unlocked but if any low level people want to play normal games then I wont have to skew the matchmaking too much with my high level account.
  9. Nonsense. Sounds pretty great in the low ends on my system, and I've got a decent sub-woofer. If anything the kick could have maybe a bit more punch, but its pretty good as is. Pretty solid groove you've got going on in this. I really like how the various synth sounds are meshing together. Overall a pretty tight mix, I dig it.
  10. I really like this. The beat is pretty solid, though adding more to it would certainly spice the song up. I really like the lead part throughout this, its very tasteful. Really nice bridge section too, before the crazy solo thing at the end. I thought it worked pretty well with the intro the way it is, though I suppose a cool buildup of sorts would be welcome as well. Still, sometimes its nice to have a song that just gets right to it with some rockin' beats.
  11. Eternal Sonata is a pretty solid RPG. Mainly because like everything in that game relates to music theory or Chopin in some way which I thought was just awesome. Its on PS3 too, but it was on XBox first. Tales of Vesperia and Star Ocean: The Last Hope are both decent RPGs also. My XBox needs more love actually, I only have a handful of games for it. So I'm going to keep my eye on this thread myself, haha.
  12. I always thought this was the official pronunciation. Either way that's how I say it On another note, just got to the Forest Temple myself, and I must say Adult Link looks really awesome in this game. I become increasingly impressed by this remake every day.
  13. Really happy with my source so I don't think I'll be rerolling. This is really exciting. Can't wait to work on it, and hear the mixes by everyone else once this is finished. Brainstorm, engage!
  14. Posting because I GOTTA. What an amazing opportunity! Nobuo Uematsu is a pretty inspiring composer to me. He's written some absolutely incredible themes over the past few decades. I would be so honored and thrilled to win this, the meeting or even just the music!
  15. Really liked that Alice thing you posted, so I gave this a download. Some very neat stuff in here!
  16. God dammit am I really going to go out and buy a 3DS in the next few days just so I can get this game? I have to consider this... Oh gawd, my wallet.
  17. Yeah I'll admit I've bought a few skins (And a big champion bundle). Worth it IMO, I play the game enough to feel like I should support the developers with my moneyz.
  18. Just finished some matches myself. For a free to play game I think its a pretty well made game. The mechanics work well and there are some really fun champions to play. My in game name is Hoser101 (though looking in to getting it changed). I generally have a premade group with 4 other friends I know in real life, but I'm sure I'd be down for a game with any OCR goers out there at some point. As far as champions go, here's the ones I've played the most in order of preference: - Lux - Irelia - Janna - Ashe I've dabbled in other champions (and have a bunch unlocked), but rarely will I play someone outside of these 4. At least I've got 'em unlocked if I ever do get bored though.
  19. Gonna try my hand at a bonus remix some time this week. But I'm stuck for what style I wanna go for. I could try to do another hard rock remix (though I think it will turn out more like a cover), or I could try an ambient remix. Perhaps I'll go with the latter. I've always wanted to take a seemingly intense song and see how it sounds when you "chill it out", so to speak.
  20. Its not like Square Enix is owned by Sony. They can release Final Fantasy games on any console they want. Hell, XIII was released on PS3 and 360. And Sony consoles have got remakes and ports of games that were originally on NES and SNES, so why would WiiU getting FF7 be out of the cards? Of course, I'm not holding my breath for an FF7 remake. If it happens, then that's awesome. On another note that Zelda tech demo sure was spiffy. The fact that it wasn't pre-rendered really surprised me, it looks absolutely incredible.
  21. Eilios pretty much has it right. Disabling the green dot light next to pretty much anything in FL Studio will essentially mute / disable it. However, why wouldn't you care about clipping? That's probably one of the things that matters most when it comes to making music. I look back at all my old music back when I sucked at FL Studio, and while I may have had some decent musical ideas there's just loads of clipping and it sounds extremely amateur. A clean, clipping-free mix is something you should strive for.
  22. Awesome tune! Some really sick synth runs in this song, and generally great synths throughout. Pretty solid beat, too. Have this on my driving playlist
  23. All the time. I dunno, I kind of understand the possible limitation and why having more than 1 tablet controller might not work, but it is pretty disappointing. There was an interview I saw where some guy was saying that each player could possibly have their own things displayed on their respective controllers to add an element of competition to a game, but maybe this wont be possible. Oh well.
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