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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. Wat. I don't know how I feel about this. Surely they will change their minds in the future. (I hope?) I'm hoping they just misspoke and meant that you wont HAVE to buy it separately, not that you can't.
  2. VGL is absolutely incredible, its good that you decided to go. Personally, I cried. Real tears.
  3. Original Ninja Gaiden trilogy on NES is nuts. I have Ninja Gaiden Sigma on my PS3, but I haven't played the 2nd one. This looks so badass though, so I think I might try to play through the 2nd one in order to fully appreciate this amazing brutality.
  4. Doing a song all in one day can either be a blessing or a curse, really. It really depends. I recently did a compo where you have 2 hours to make a song, and it just happened to be one of the better songs I've produced. However, if you work on a song for too long at one time your ears could get tired and you might start missing things and your song might not turn out well. Quite often its good to take breaks in between music making sessions to give your ears a rest. Writing a song over many days is certainly possible, and it gives you time to really flesh things out and create a finely polished product. However, I find that you can sometime lose the inspiration for a song if you take too long working on it. I've personally started a lot of songs and many go unfinished simple because I take too much time to get back to them, or I just can't think of what I wanted to do with the song when I do come back to it. But it really depends on the person, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to writing and producing music. Find what works for you.
  5. Listened to that song on the compo last night. Glad to see you're gonna work on it more, that bass was pretty sick. Nice to see that you rebalanced the lead, fits much nicer into the mix now. Also the new melody along with the bass and chords are certainly giving me Metroid vibes. Having those chords panned pretty hard to the left is interesting. I hear you've got some things panned to the right to counterbalance this but it seems a bit unbalanced having those full chords panned mostly to the left, but it might just be me. Intro theme is great. The lead is pretty sweet, I like the chipness. If anything, the lead is just a TAD too loud compared to everything else. That background stuff sounds really nice. Nice full chords, cool arps going on, great stuff.
  6. Everyone I know who had a Gamecube never had theirs break on them. There was also some test I watched where they dropped all 3 of the consoles that gen from certain distances and the Gamecube was the only one that survived all of them. You must have had terrible terrible luck. Or beat up your console. On that note I've never had anything Nintendo makes break on me ever. chthonic knows whats up, Nintendo is spot on with their hardware quality.
  7. I wan this game so hard. 4 player co-op looks so exciting. Mainly because each character is totally unique which is just fantastic. Gonna buy.
  8. My dad always says "Don't expect and you'll never be disappointed." This is applicable to this situation.
  9. Lol. As much as an FF7 remake would be welcome in my books, I am not gonna hold my breath. Which site is gonna be broadcasting the apparent reveal?
  10. Lol, a few people were predicting that. I kinda wished it was true. There was a rumor that Square Enix had some big A-list remake in the works or something, based on their financial decline recently and the fact that remakes are all the rage nowadays.
  11. The 3D TV thing they showed where 2 players can each see an individual fullscreen image was pretty cool, but other than that not too much was new and exciting. Vita getting a price was kind of interesting if you care enough about it.
  12. Aw yeah, I'm digging this. I've always liked FFVIII so a mix from that game is always welcome. That lead that comes in at 1:40 is awesome. The various synth sounds are really awesome and fit together nicely. Very funky in a dark, synthy way. Kudos!
  13. Very nice. Following that up with something from No More Heroes 2, New Destroyman's theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llxpUdS-DLQ Its a pretty rocking tune. My favourite from that game for some reason. It just got my adrenaline pumping real good. This is also one of my favourites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drmC7bnF_1E Snowboarding in Sonic Adventure. A really awesome song. Lovin' the cheesy brass, and the guitars are rocking. *EDIT - OH I FORGOT THIS ONE. Sword Sparks from The Last Remnant: Such an awesome battle theme. Wasn't even for a boss or anything, just normal fights. Really love the rock infused with symphonic elements.
  14. Haha, kind of a pleasant tune. I can see your getting better at production. The MIDI slap bass is a bit generic, but given the style and rest of the instruments its isn't too out of place or distracting. The percussion seems to take over a bit from the rest of the instruments. A bit of a finer balance between them could improve this a fair bit. *EDIT - Oh also, those Trumpets. Not so sure about them myself. They seem a bit harsh, and kinda stick out in a not-so-good way. Perhaps toning down the chorus a fair deal (or removing it completely? I'm not so sure) would be wise. I also gave a listen to The Journey Continues. I really love the musical ideas here. A very well composed piece I'd say. The opening before the piano solo is quite nice, and the piano part is beautiful. Loving that suspension. Of course, production wise just a few small things I noticed. When the violin comes in, it seems a bit loud compared to the rest of the instruments, not to an irritating extent, but noticeable. It could be worth toning down just a tad, even though it is the melody. Same can be said for the plucked instrument that echoes the violin. A pretty great tune otherwise. I'm not really an expert on orchestral / classical / etc. music so I hope what I'm saying is still helpful.
  15. First one was also way too short. I recall being able to beat it in like an hour or two, but it was so long ago that I could be wrong. Regardless, they have generally been well received games.
  16. Alright, I just listened to the first 2 songs but I can tell this whole EP is going to be a real treat. I'ma listen through it, and might even give this a purchase. I'm really liking this style. Very clean production all around, some really tight grooves, tasty beats, nice synth sounds. I extend sincere compliments your way good sir.
  17. I only played the first ZoE but it was a really awesome game. And I've only ever played MGS 4, so it looks like I might consider both of these purchases. 2011, my wallet is really starting to hate you.
  18. The game is so good that I already made a thread on it XD http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=35158 It really is an RPG masterpiece though. It's beautiful, gritty, doesn't hold your hand, and is just a genuinely great game.
  19. Chord sounds pretty good to me. Could be a matter of taste. Either way, the way In the Water Garden starts (Just the first few harp notes) reminds me a bit of Ballamb Garden from FFVIII, which is awesome. The sitar instrument that comes in could be a bit more subtle at first. The notes all seem pretty loud in that first run, where a crescendo might sound a bit better. It also tends to get a bit muddy during the passages with fast notes, perhaps toning down its reverb, or changing some of the velocities of the notes? Interesting reverb effect on the snare with the panning between left, right, and center, I kinda like it. Overall though its a pretty solid song musically. Could just use a bit of cleanup as far as production goes. I'll have to give a listen to some more of your songs soon. From what I can tell so far you've got some nice musical ideas.
  20. For a quickie job this really isn't that bad. It's a pretty cool take on the source, and the tapping is certainly better than I could ever do. Overall it could use some of cleaning up, but its a solid foundation for a mix, I'd say.
  21. Add Liquid Tension Experiment and RUSH and you've got most of my favourite bands / artists out there. Anyways, this is terrible, pretty much. I refuse to believe this is a serious music video.
  22. I noticed a guitar tuning issue that I somehow missed after mixing this, so I fixed it and resubmitted again >.> This is the final version I swear. I'm glad you like it, haha. Give it a shot though man, I'm sure someone can do better! Best of luck.
  23. Aye, we got it back last night. It was pretty unstable at first but it works. I just bought Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX. Store can go down again for all I care now. I am one happy panda.
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