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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. Sonic Colors was actually a pretty great game. Easily my favourite 3D Sonic game so far, and I really enjoyed Sonic Adventure 2 for a while. Of course the classic Genesis titles are still some of the best games I've played. Still, Generations has me intrigued. If they remade Chemical Plant Zone complete with the music I'd be soooo happy. Or pretty much any stage from Sonic 3. On another note, I actually enjoyed Sonic and the Secret Rings on Wii. Am I alone in this?
  2. I really like those drum sounds. Are they from a soundfont, or some type of drum sample library or whatnot? I've always wanted really rocking drums for some upbeat songs like this but I struggle to find ones that are good enough. At any rate, I'm digging this whole mix. Some nice tones on the rhythm guitars. That lead near the end is pretty sick too, kudos to you. The piano could use just a bit more humanization in my opinion, but otherwise it seems pretty good and fits well with the rest of the son.
  3. Is that similar to the digital premium edition? That's the one I got which came with the Soundtrack (hell yeah!), world map, and a bunch of other goodies. Though I imagine having the physical copies would be a lot better. I wouldn't hesitate to hang the world map on my wall.
  4. The combat is much improved over the original I'd say. Its really tough at times, but it feels very rewarding to finish an encounter. The dodge system is a lot smoother, as are the sword strikes. The customization options for when you level up are also pretty great, I've barely even scratched the surface. And yeah, I'd say it does have a bit of an MMO feel to it. You get quests in town and run around killing things in the wilderness and collecting things to complete them, naturally. There's also a pretty robust crafting system akin to many MMOs.
  5. Yeah the few issues I have encountered have been easily overlooked based on the great execution of the game so far. I'm pretty impressed by the various choices to make, too. I always like that in RPGs, and its cool to hear that they may have a significant impact on your game.
  6. I've been playing the remake of IV on PSP recently and it really is an awesome game. So far XII actually isn't too bad, either. I feel like I'm playing a smoother, single player Final Fantasy XI which isn't exactly a bad thing to me, since I used to play it back in the day. I like the customization system too. It also looks fantastic for a PS2 game. I'm not that far yet so no comments on the story.
  7. I have a ridiculous backlog too so I really should have waited for this >.> But alas, I couldn't resist. Well, just remember it some time down the road when you have the time / money. It's certainly worth it.
  8. So I haven't seen a lot about this game on the forums, but this game seems to have sparked a positive reaction around the interweb thus far. Anyone else playing it right now? I'm only a couple hours in, but I'm personally amazed by this game. It has challenging combat, a deep customization system, some awesome storytelling, epic music, and it looks amazing. The new graphic engine they used for this game really shines. And the story is really engaging and has a very mature feel to it. The first game didn't really get a lot of attention. I tried playing it myself, but I couldn't bring myself to keep playing it, I don't know why. But this game, oh man. I highly recommend this to anyone with a good PC who enjoys RPG games.
  9. I always hear mixed things about Final Fantasy XII, but never played it before. I just borrowed a copy from my friend at work though, so its time to give it a chance.
  10. "The truth is that people like things that they like." You don't say? I read up to this line in that article, and then I just had to stop. This guy is too much douche for me to handle this late at night. But that fan art is very nice.
  11. I wasn't expecting a birthday thread, this pleases me. My copy of Komplete 7 is totally going to arrive in the mail today. It is a good day. *EDIT - Also seriously, thanks Much appreciated.
  12. I approve of this date of birth for potentially obvious reasons.
  13. The madness continues! I'm sure this password thing isn't a big deal. Looks like they fixed the exploit pretty quick anyways. I just want the store back. Final Fantasy VIII, I need you. (And maybe IX too)
  14. I get a very "Tales of" vibe from this. Sounds like a forest from one of those games to me. This is a good thing. That being said, I shall say a few things. The arp instrument that's used throughout (The sort of synthetic string thing) seems kind of weird to me when its playing on its own, but when the flutes and other instruments come in it seems to fit better, so I'm not so sure. It might be worth toning it down when the flute comes in also, so that the melody is clearer. I can discern the melody easily, but I feel like it should come through just a bit more. I also like the delay on some of the drum parts, but I feel like it could be a bit more subtle.
  15. I'm sufficiently intrigued. I'm currently still setting up some new things for my studio at home but I might be interested in this. I'll be getting Guitar Rig pretty soon, and I've got an interface ready to record with, so its definitely in the cards. I don't know if I'm really a good enough shredder for this, but its something I'd like to try. Could you perhaps put me as a maybe? I'm definitely considering this.
  16. I'm gonna have to say Shinobi III on Sega Genesis. I rarely see any praise for this game and personally I don't really understand why. It had a really awesome graphical style for the time, and the game played remarkably smooth. It was a fine example of an action platformer. The few reviews that I've actually seen of it also seem to dismiss the soundtrack as simply "decent", but dammit I loved it. There were some really awesome songs that really fit the game well. (I also think it needs moar remix love)
  17. Overall not a bad piece. In regards to the horn sound, it is a bit harsh, but to be fair horn sounds are VERY difficult to emulate, and most horn soundfonts simply lack the feel of a true live horn. I didn't find it terrible, but it could be better is all. As for the mid section, I thought it was quite beautiful. However, I think the strings could use a bit more variation in the dynamics. Perhaps some volume swells could add an extra something to this piece. They tend to drone on at roughly the same volume for a little longer that I think they should. I'm no expert on this stuff, but to my ear I think the dynamics should change a little more. The melodic content is all quite good I'd say, so not much criticism there. Just a few mixing gripes. Overall, its pretty nice.
  18. Just listened to a little sample of the tracks here, and I instantly clicked that download button. I'm a sucker for smooth/groovin' jazzy tunes, and I've been getting into chiptunes lately, so this is a real treat. Looking forward to fitting this into my regular music rotation!
  19. I've heard the same. I just hope the network is up long enough for me to download Final Fantasy 8. I've been itching to play it =( But seriously, it sucks. Sony REALLY pissed off some people out there if they're planning to attack again.
  20. This song is absolutely fantastic. Its amazing what you can do with a simple object like a Coke bottle. I'm bookmarking this site, also, because I wanna check out some more of this free music you speak of. Looks like some great stuff!
  21. Really nice stuff. I knew your name seemed familiar and realized I heard your song on Songs for the Cure. Really great, by the way, and this stuff is right up the same alley (which is definitely my alley.) I'd say keep it up in the direction your going in. I honestly like the simplistic style. You don't use too many elements in a given song but it works surprisingly well with the instrumentation you've chosen. Kudos.
  22. Hey there. So there's a bit of a story to this one. My friend was in some class that had to do with social change, and he ended up organizing a conference about various nature-related things. One of the ideas he came up with was to interview some people in the local area about their best times outdoors, then to take those interviews and make songs inspired by them. Him and some friends played something live with a little trio band, and he asked me to try and produce a song based on one. Basically, this is the result of that. Some things to note about this: - It was my first time using recorded voice audio clips and messing with them, so I'm unsure of how the intro bit turned out in that regard. (There was also some crappy background noise in the recordings that I couldn't really get rid of, so apologies for that) - I realize its a little bit repetitive, using the same chord progression pretty much throughout. To be fair I was going for a simple chill song of sorts, but I regret not having a bit more variation. - This was also my first time recording guitar directly through my audio interface in FL Studio. (I may actually revisit the guitar part in the future and rework it) - I may revisit this song in the future, but it is a finished product as of right now. The thing I focused the most on in this song was getting a good mix quality. I tried to make sure all the instruments I chose worked together and fit well into the mix, and I tried not to clip (which I've been notorious for in the past). If anyone has any ideas about the quality of my mixing, the overall musical content, or even any redeeming qualities, please share! I'd really appreciate any and all feedback. Soundcloud: Click here! YouTube: Click Here! (I put it to a slideshow of Autumn shots from DeviantArt, so people at the conference didn't have to stare at a blank screen while a song played)
  23. I love and hate rumors like this at the same time. The was one of my favourite Gamecube games and a sequel would be awesome (though I wonder what the could do to expand the original concept) On the other hand, its a silly rumor with a "friend of a friend" kind of thing, which doesn't really assure anything in the slightest. Oh well, a man can dream. Retro Studios have proven (to me, at least) that they are a very capable development studio and I'd be eager to see what they could do with a survival horror game. *EDIT - Also, F-Zero in HD. Please do it, Nintendo.
  24. This game is amazing. A definite improvement from the already awesome concept of the first game. One of my favourite new additions are the light bridges. Story has some interesting hooks, but I haven't beat it yet so I'm wondering what else is in store. Can't wait to try out some co-op with my friend when he picks it up this weekend. Kudos Valve.
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