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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. The obstructed vision in the 2nd one kinda reminds me of Nox. I dunno, I personally really like the 1st one with its simplistic design, and the 2nd one isn't too bad either. I can see why the 3rd one is more widely appealing, though. It's still pretty simplistic, and it looks clean.
  2. This has a lot going for it. I love that you use the baseline from Act 2 subtly throughout the piece. It fits quite well. When the theme comes in at 1:15, its really awesome. Of course as others have said, its definitely a little short and could use more of the theme throughout. What you have sounds great though. I really love this style, and its fairly well-produced (though YouTube doesn't necessarily reflect the true quality of the song). You're on to something mad groovy here. Keep it up.
  3. I was impressed with version 1, but version 2 definitely enhanced it some. I'm really liking the mechanical feel, it certainly fits Robotnik well. Theres a few moments where it feels like not much is going on, but it seems to fit in the context of the song to me. There's some great use of panning here. Having the theme reintroduced every now and then with different instrumentation helps keep it interesting. A bit more variation could help, but there's plenty going on in between the themes so I'm not sure if it would be necessary. Overall the mix quality seems quite good as well, but someone with good monitors might be able to elaborate more on that for you. There are some really good ideas here. There might be some room for improvement, but personally I'm pretty impressed. Keep it up.
  4. Amazing stuff! Subsonic Sparkle has an excellent groove! I'm really feeling it. I really enjoyed Spring Junkie as well. Nice work halc. Joshua Morse impresses as always with a nice smooth remix, Fifty Rings to Ride. For some reason, Under Construction sounds like it could be one of Rouge's levels in Sonic Adventure 2. Anyone else getting that vibe? Its a good thing, I really like it. Caos has some excellent strings paired with a smooth chill beat. Really liking that. Also that piano solo that uses all the melodies from the game pretty much, that's just awesome. I'm a sucker for smooth jazzy grooves, but all the tracks are amazing of course. Kudos to all who helped make this awesome album.
  5. Peak Controller can be used to sidechain different things, which might give a desired effect in that one thing will duck under another then come back in. Of course there are other methods of sidechaining, you can find some tutorials on the internet easily. As for gating, you can automate the volume (or pretty much anything) of any individual instrument by simply right-clicking the knob you want to automate and then clicking "Create automation clip". One the clip is made you can pretty much do anything you want with it and create your own gates. If, however, you think that might be too time consuming, FL Studio has some gate presets as well. Click Channel Presets > Automation Clips > Gates in the sidebar navigation and there will be a bunch of presets there. Simply drag these presets over your automation clip and voila. I've never really explained stuff like this before but I hope this helps at least a little bit. *EDIT - After checking out Glitch, perhaps I misinterpreted what you were asking, though I'm unsure. My apologies if so!
  6. There would be an audience for this kind of thing, granted I imagine that audience has slowly been diminishing over the years. I would personally enjoy a game like this, deep RPG games seem pretty lacking these days, or at least are much more limited in terms of the choices you make. If a game can grip me with an interesting story and unique choices that impact anything and everything, then the graphics really wouldn't matter. Text based games can be a real treat when they're done right. I'm sure many others feel this way, even if they may be a minority.
  7. For OC Remixers, there's a ton I listen to daily. Some standouts are Joshua Morse, Protodome, Posu Yan, Sixto, zircon, and Darkesword, but that barely scratches the surface. There's too much talent on here. Outside of OCR, some composers who inspire me include: - Motoi Sakuraba: He has made some awesome JRPG music. Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos and Eternal Sonata are personal favourites. - Nobou Uematsu: The Final Fantasy series, need I say more? - Koji Kondo: He created some of the most recognizable and iconic game themes, Mario and Zelda. His stuff is just too damn catchy. - David Arkenstone: He's all over the board, did some music for WoW but also has some chill electronica albums. Amazing stuff. Personally I'm still trying to find my own style, but all these people and loads more influence me every day.
  8. Yeah, the melody and drum track don't seem to be at the same tempo at all. Other sounds are very sporadic and don't really seem to make much sense in the context of the song. As far as drum programming goes, most music making software should allow you to sequence drums in beats so that they're the proper tempo for the song, but I don't know what you're using or why the melody and drums are so out of sync to begin with so I don't think I can be of much help.
  9. Thanks. For a first attempt at dubstep I'm feeling not too bad about this. (Obvious room for improvement, of course!) Yeah I'm thinking the main wub pattern I'm using is a little overused. I change it in a few bars here and there, but some more variation is on the to-do list. Perhaps do a bit more with the 2nd bass instrument that I used (and change it a bit, I like it but I think I could make it sound better). Having a hard time working on this because there's this guy who lives in the basement of the house we're renting so I can't be listening to crazy bass very late or else he will complain, haha. But I'll keep working at it when I can.
  10. I generally try to at least beat them, but I have game ADD and I always end up buying new ones before I'm finished with the ones I already have. I have a HUGE to-do list right now, haha. There are some games that I will try to 100%, but generally only the ones that I think are truly deserving of the times spent to do so. (Which is a decent amount, but a lot of games I'll only play through about once or twice) Heavy Rain, now that is a game I had to 100%.
  11. I really liked that first song. Got a very JRPG battle theme vibe from it. As for mix quality, I think the lead guitar sounds good. The rhythm guitar does sound a little weak in the mix compared to the other elements, but I personally didn't mind that and thought it worked fine. Of course a more rockin' rhythm guitar is always awesome provided it doesn't make the mix any muddier. Drums sounded appropriate for the genre and had good volume relative to the rest of the track. The second song was a little louder, and the lead guitar sounded good again, but I preferred the lead guitar in the first track, it seemed cleaner. The rhythm guitar is more prominent here which is nice, but I do agree that there's a bit of muddiness in the mids. Something sounds different about the drums also, though I don't really know how to specifically explain it. Of course it could have to do with the clutter in the mids. Also keep in mind I'm no audiophile, so hopefully someone else will come along with some more specific tips. What you've got going on is fairly tight so far.
  12. That bassline! Yesss. I'm loving this. The hi-hat seemed almost too loud at first, but after listening to it more it seems to settle in fine. I'm not sure. Either way this is really smooth. Link's Awakening is one of my favourite Zelda games and you've certainly done this tune justice so far. Keep it up.
  13. This would be a pretty neat idea. As handy as it is to have a full subforum dedicated to a given DAW, some are just not nearly as popular as others and they might be pretty dead forums. A straight-up DAW subforum with thread prefixes would be pretty cool.
  14. Yeah the Maximus is something I didn't play around with too much. I need to fiddle with it some more. Also I'll have to try some other means of getting a fuller sound without it being quite so muddy. At least its sounding a bit better. Yeah the ending is just temporary, as its still a work-in-progress. I wanna make it longer and will probably have a real ending of sorts in the future. Glad you can tolerate it at least, haha. I shall continue to refine it.
  15. Really liking "I Can Has This Dance?" It's got a prominent beat but is also pretty chill. I can groove to this.
  16. *UPDATED VERSION: http://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed/amphibious-gerudub-valley-wip2 So I dunno, I changed the bass sound to the more analog one as suggested and automated some volume/filters and such to get a better wub. I kinda like how it turned out, though I still don't know if its that great. I also did a bit of panning automation to make it bounce around a bit. Most notable in this version is that I added Maximus to the master mixing channel. It gave it a fuller and louder sound, however I feel like thats a pretty cheap way to go about it. Plus I fear that I may have muffled some of the sounds a bit. (I sort of notice this, and I'm sure any audiophiles out there will be painfully aware of it) So yeah, still a WIP of course. Learning some new things though. Any more suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  17. Yeah I'm familiar with automating knobs and such. Of course its dubstep that I'm not familiar with, so I just kinda went out on a limb and used that bass sound to try and emulate the wub. I liked how it was sounding but I see what you're saying about it not being a proper wub for dubstep. Interesting stuff, I'll have to try out some of that. I was starting to add a new part where the bass sound changes from what I have to the analog one you noted. Perhaps I'll change the first part and use it instead, or something similar, or maybe layer it with the one I have currently. I'll have to play around some more.
  18. Haha, thanks for the suggestions. I'll consider adding some different bass sounds and tossing the wubs around I guess, it could be interesting. Definitely worth experimenting with. Also yeah, I'm not sure about the kicks myself. I'm currently layering 3 kicks, though 1 kick is only on the downbeat of every second measure to give a really deep punch. I have the bass sidechained to this kick so that it ducks under ever 2 measures and then sorta swells back in. I dunno though, I'll have to play around with it some more. Thanks for the feedback, glad you somewhat enjoyed it so far, haha.
  19. So here's the story. A friend of mine posted a "dubstep" remix of Gerudo Valley on my Facebook wall. It was a pretty nice remix and all but wasn't really dubstep. Then a bunch of my friends commented on it saying "I'm disappointed" and such. So I said jokingly, "Maybe I'll make my own dubstep remix." But they really wanted me to do it so I decided to give it a shot. Let it be known, I've never tried to make a dubstep song before. Also this isn't meant to be a super serious remix (I'm not even a huge fan of dubstep), its just a little side project for me that has been pretty fun to screw around with so far. And yes I realize there are so many covers and remixes of Gerudo Valley already, but oh well. Still a work in progress, I've only worked on it for about 2 hours. Let me know what you think! Version 1: http://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed/amphibious-gerudub-valley-wip - Early attempt Version 2: http://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed/amphibious-gerudub-valley-wip2 - New bass sound - New automation (filters, volume, panning) - Longer, with more melody - Maximus on the master mixing channel (very iffy)
  20. I lol'd really hard at Ark Factory Zone. Some pretty great tunes in here. That boss theme is awesome. Way better than the Sonic 4 boss theme in my opinion, bleh. Mechanical Rail is also a favourite.
  21. Throwback Galaxy! The original Bob-Omb Battlefield / Whomp's Fortress theme was always such a fun song that stuck with me over the years. When I heard it was remade for SMG2 I was more than thrilled. Love it.
  22. <3 Image-Line. Got it on my laptop here at school just to check it out. Can't wait to get home and try it on my main PC! Looks really awesome.
  23. Wow just look at all those artists. Fantastic! And for a great cause, no less. I am 100% sold, and then some.
  24. Hello there. I've never really asked for feedback on things before so this is kinda new to me. I've recently started working on music for my roommates SHMUP game. It's nothing serious, it'll probably be a free release and still needs a lot of time for development, but I figured I'd post the demo of what I have up here for some feedback! I tried using Soundcloud but it is taking forever to get my confirmation e-mail, so for now I'll just use my Purevolume: http://www.purevolume.com/amphibious *EDIT - It's the *SECOND* song on my player right now, "Raging Tide". (Ignore the last 25 seconds, thats just filler I used to fade-out over) I like the direction I'm going in with this song, but I want to improve it of course. A lot of these sounds are just built-in Sytrus presets, but I'm hoping to change them up a bit. I'm also thinking its a bit lacking in the low-med frequency range, theres a lot in the higher range (though no clipping, luckily). The main lead part I really like and probably wont change much, but the alternate lead that comes in later and the chords I'm definitely not set on. I was thinking of recording the rhythm/chords part on a guitar instead of what I have already once I have my stuff setup back home, but I'm unsure if it'll sound good. I added the Fruity Delay Bank to the snare and I personally liked the sound that resulted from it, but I'm wondering if its too busy, distracting, or otherwise unfitting for the song. Let me know what you guys think. And if you're interested I have a bunch of my other songs on my Purevolume as well. Some are older than others, and most are just short, incomplete demos of sorts. Thanks!
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