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Phonetic Hero

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Everything posted by Phonetic Hero

  1. Uh.... nope, witchcraft Starting mine right now, I'll have something substantial by the end of my working period, whenever that happens to be. Evolve Mutations... omg. Just, holy shit. Greatest investment I've ever made. EDIT: Also, one of my progression interps just turned into one of the X-Men: First Class progressions. Any problems?
  2. That'd be a whooooole lotta sigs. If they do happen, it'll likely be just one sig for all; it's an album after all, not a compo EDIT: And they already did happen and I'm a dummy
  3. Whew, that's a relief. I am ok with this slight wait. Lookin' forward to the match, ToN
  4. Been working on mine off and on all day, still getting over a hellish sickness that struck me down for the entirety of my break. I anticipate being done tonight or tomorrow, and then I'll be a-sendin'
  5. Ambience has a low and high pass filter, so you CAN adjust mids if you cut that high, but there's no functional EQ. Still a great plug in though, it's what I use Also how the buzzcock are you not posted yet Argle? The treatment of the Torvus melody was amazing. This is probably my favorite track from the Prime 2 OST, and you've done it some more than adequate justice
  6. Holy hot damn, what have we here!? Too lazy right now to post anything super in-depth, but this is sweet. A little repetitive at times, and relies on the bare drum bridges a bit heavily methinks, but I love the all the arps and gated synths. Sounds kinda like NIN meets Jazz Jackrabbit, as far as soundscape goes
  7. Gonna have to back up ol' Calum here. Rhythmic and melodic weirdness can be very cool, but I don't feel like I have anything to latch onto in this one, beat-wise OR structurally
  8. So ehhh, I've got a shitload of stuff I need to do in the next couple of weeks, but I wouldn't mind doing "The Universe in a Jar." I'll try to cook something up when I get a few things cleared off my plate EDIT: And obviously Bahamut, if you need me on the BoF project more, just shout at me again
  9. Ninja delete I figure you're more than capable of addressing these issues, I don't wanna step on any feet here; you ARE our fearless leader after all!
  10. I've been tearing my hair out over this mix for a few weeks, finally starting to get somewhere... Though I've got a deadline for another track coming up in the next few days, and I really really need to get cooking on that one. When is the hard deadline for these pieces? Seems like interest has been dwindling, even though it sounds like an incredibly awesome opportunity to write promotional material for a huge gaming tourney. Still trying to get mine done for UMVC3 ASAP
  11. How the fuck is the best track on the whole OST the only track not claimed. I was waiting till someone took it to force myself on them as a collaborator, butt seriously, SOMEONE AWESOME NEEDS TO TAKE THE JP SPECIAL STAGE
  12. I wouldn't count yourself out yet, I assume voting will go back to what it was a couple weeks ago; I wasn't able to submit anything new either, but we both still have completed tracks that need voting on Sounds like a hat trick for demotivation; I had like an anxiety attack or something followed by a depression flareup and haven't been able to produce anything at all for a week, despite have a zillion things I need to finish. BUT, I echo all the sentiments, can't wait to put together my compo EP, and can't wait to hear everyone ELSE's EPs as well For now, there's voting to be done, and nobody's out yet. Best of luck to everyone, and regardless of the turnout, it's been more than a pleasure competing
  13. Not saying anything new here, but I love the gritty, proggy drum patterns and the additional arrangement ideas. Nice stuff. I'd love to see you tackle this with some better arrangement chops and expand on it even more
  14. Mmmmmm can't wait to get started on that weird ass source, and to start getting WIPs to check out
  15. Zoom! Bam! Pow! Got 'em! Anyway, sorry I've been a little more absent than I was planning on, stuff came up, and then more stuff, and then more stuff. I wanted to get another rendition of the track to you guys before the date, but I'll for sure be getting more hammered out by the next check-in. Just checking in before the check-in. pH out
  16. Haha, turns out I already started another track that I'm doing that for though before all this started up... and I don't wanna bug people for more favors But we'll see what happens as the days go by, I'm kinda forced to finish up a few of my previous commitements pretty quickly, so it's very possible that I'll be able to do something And part of me just wants Jason to pummel me with awesome; I don't care much about winning at this point, and I want to hear how much more badass his track is after he sinks more time into it. Plus I already got what I wanted out of the compo. I've given it my all every round, I pushed myself and my opponents to become better musicians, and as a mega bonus, I gained an amazing musical ally in Omni, so I really can't complain too much. Plus 4 tracks for a Shield Sheldon EP I plan on putting out called "Clam Jams" (lol), so I'm really kinda sitting pretty in my point of view I'm not saying I wouldn't be up for making another track in the finals agianst NutS or N if it comes to that, and like I said, we'll see what happens as the week goes on EDIT: Yes, this. I'm really happy everyone was able to reach a conclusion rationally, things don't always go over so smoothly, as I've witnessed firsthand before. Thanks everyone for being so easy to get along with, <3 y'all
  17. Sounds like we've reached a fantastic compromise, I'm glad everyone was able to handle everything without freaking out, and again, I apologize for not double checking on collabs. Can't say I'll be able to do much with my mix before the extra due date's up, I've got some things I need to finish very quickly (including my track for the Apex album). I'm very looking forward to what you do with your tune though Proph, hit me with your best shot Also curious to see the new rule about collabs in future Darke compos...
  18. Shit, I thought it was cool in the WWRR too, I remember specifically asking for that one. I've never actually been in any of the Mega Man compos other than the WCRG; I guess I just assumed, since it was allowed in the last Darke compo, and the Sonic compo was rife with them. Though I guess the WWRR was something very different, and not solely for OCR, and the Sonic compo wasn't run by Darke. Sorry guys (especially to Proph), didn't realize! Do whatever you see fit, either way is cool with me. Not looking to cause any drama, seriously, if anyone thinks I should be DQ'd, just speak up. I'll gladly step down if I did something I wasn't supposed to
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