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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Yeeeeeeaaaaah This is sounding epic! I too can't wait for the bass. I'd say currently the lead guitar is a smidge quiet but...is that...is that vibrato I hear in your playing? Thank god. Not going to lie, usually when I see "metal" as the genre for the remix, I usually expect the lead guitars to sound like a swarm of mosquitoes. HURRY AND FINISH THIS DAMN IT. There are dragons in need of slaying! Also, another Canadian! Awesome
  2. Honestly I would not even bother with Shreddage. Somebody stop me if I'm wrong here, but it seems like @Winning900 wants to do mostly rock and metal or at least electric guitar based music? If you go to your local guitar center right now, you can buy a decent guitar for 300-500 bucks that will last you a lifetime if you take good care of it. Couple that with a Line 6 POD or even software amp sims and you're good to go. You don't have to put in years upon years of practice to learn the basics of playing in a metal and rock style either. If you don't want to do that, again, just collab with a guitar player - there used to be this joke a drummer I know always told "I'm going to get some slurpees, want me to pick up some guitar players too?" That money you want to spend on VSTs is not only better used in a time when you have superior composition and mixing skills, it's best spent on instruments that are difficult to obtain like orchestral libraries or backing instruments like drums and bass guitars which are actually more important in getting a good, heavy rock sound than the guitars are.
  3. Can confirm. Outside of schools, grades really don't mean anything to employers in creative types of industries. If you'll allow me to name-drop for a moment, I was up at Bioware in Edmonton last month for this local game development thing they were hosting and afterwards everyone went over to the pub next door. Dave Chan (sound designer on KOTOR, Mass Effect etc.) was sitting at the same table as I and one of the first conversations was about education. I quote to the best of my memory: "You can have a degree, but everything in this industry is a trial by fire." I think people in the film and TV industries will tell you the same thing. If you aspire to become a media composer, being able to compose good music ("good" can depend greatly on who you ask though) having a professional work ethic and good networking/people skills is the key. How or where you learned to do it and what your grades were is irrelevant.
  4. The reboot on PS2 was pretty rad too
  5. I'm not trying to mini-mod here but I'm not sure if "reporting" or PMing a mod is the right thing to do or not and I don't want to report a thread that really is just people trying to help. However, this thread threw me off for a second when I clicked on it because I seem to remember it being about VST guitars in FL Studio. But @Winning900 is now asking a string of production questions completely unrelated to the OP. I would recommend rather than asking a string of such questions, focus on one or two things at a time, put them into practice in a composition or remix and then get feedback on them in the Workshop forums. It will be easier and more organized to focus on improving one thing at a time that way and you'll have examples of your own work there right from the get-go.
  6. Some more PS1 greatness This game seriously needs a remake or new entry! F-Zero with floating motorcycles! It was tough as nails because they used ghosts of runs from the best players for the AI so the opponents always had near perfect runs, but man was it fun and that Chuck Meyers & Lance Lenhart soundtrack was the best. My grandpa is a huge fan of the MediEvil games and beat 1 and 2 numerous times. He'd buy a next-gen console if they brought it back. Really good games. Twisted Metal may have reigned supreme, but Vigilante 8 had a certain crazy charm to it and Star Wars: Demolition needs no explanation. Not a PS1 game, but I just remembered this. BEST. BOMBERMAN. GAME. EVER. Billy West and Charlie Adler did the voices and it is absolutely hilarious. It's much more vulgar than the other bomberman games, really fast-paced and the animations for when a bomberman is cornered are also really funny. God damn, I miss this game.
  7. Are you bridging a lot of plugins by any chance? Perhaps it's an issue with the plugins you're using within FL and not FL itself? I've heavily debated buying Cubase or Studio One, but after using the trials and 1st party plugins aside, I'm unsure of what significant advantages they offer over Reaper aside from better support from the community and manufacturer.
  8. Sounds to me like you're using a 32-bit version of FL Studio. Any 64-bit DAW on a 64-bit system will be able to "take advantage of modern computers". That being said, Cubase and Reaper are great and I recommend the hell out of them.
  9. Called so because I currently don't have a MIDI controller due to it breaking. So I tried to come up with something without touching a keyboard or guitar in the process. It of course sounds like something that was rejected from The Matrix soundtrack as most of my electronic music does.
  10. Well, Googling and finding the original thread reveals that the creator never finished it and it seems nowhere else still has links to it since Square Enix themselves stomped it out according to a comment on the creator's YouTube demo of it. Outside of that forum, I doubt many people have it. You basically only have two options: 1) Contact YouTubers who've made remixes with the soundfont and see if they'll give it to you. 2) Do what the guy who was originally doing it did and rip the samples from the game files. Also, in all honesty, the sounds don't really sound any different/better than General MIDI Wavetable or most other soundfonts out there.
  11. I'm pretty sure the article said that he liked the games. Plus, he was MJ so if he offered or agreed to write music for your game, it would've been a huge selling point. Also, money. The article also says his contributions weren't scrapped - just his name being attached to it due to not liking the sound quality and possibly the accusations against him at the time. Furthermore, was MJ really an icon of the 90s? He always screams "80s" to me. My roommates hate that I have a Black Widow too. I wish they were more tolerant/unafraid of my choice of pets.
  12. You do it by failing. You just have to keep learning and keep composing - even if it's just 8 bars a day.
  13. Whenever I post, I know you're responding because I can hear you angrily striking the keys on your keyboard all the way from Philadelphia Hey, you know what that saying among Sega fans back in the Sonic vs Mario days was. "Better dead than red."
  14. Yeah, reading back it seems to have been confirmed for some time. The next headline will be "Michael Jackson did compose for Sonic 3, corpse confirms."
  15. I'm not sure I get it. I mean, I love the Sonic games and MJ's music as much as the next guy, but I'm not sure why some people seem to be so emotionally invested in this - demanding closure for how many years? For me it's just kinda like "Cool. MJ wrote music for Sonic 3." and that's it but for many it seems like this is a discovery akin to finally solving how the Egyptians built the pyramids.
  16. Actually, Lara Croft will celebrate her 48th birthday on Feb.14. Since she was born in 1968 We really need a game with old Lara like what they're doing with Nathan Drake. Anyway, Like you said, humanization, but since you're going to record it for realz, it's pointless to call that a "flaw" right now. I would add more variation to the rhythm and voicing of the arpeggios around the 1:10 - 1:30 and 2:40 mark since the accompaniment gets really repetitive there. I think that orchestral instruments would also go really well with it and ambience. Maybe like, orchestral hall noise or nature sounds and maybe some atmospheric synth pads or drones. Which reminds me, I need to get on re-doing my old Tomb Raider orchestral remix. Anywho, I'm excited to hear the finished version when you've got it done!
  17. What? Like I'm not kidding around when I say I literally have no idea what you're on about dude. It's like you're trying to go all SJW on the thread, but failing because no one is "complaining" about anything. No one's saying this shouldn't exist or something. It's just a weird marketing tactic that doesn't stick the landing and instead comes off as creepy fan service rather than serious marketing. Like, I'm sorry for poking fun at that? Hypocrite, thy name is Meteo Xavier. GOD DAMN I MISS WHEN EVERYONE ON THIS SITE DIDN'T TAKE SHIT SO FUCKING SERIOUSLY AND HAD A SENSE OF HUMOR
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