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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. I don't why you feel like you shouldn't have commented. All comments are appreciated. I like your remix, it sounds epic!
  2. I think I may have shared this one before, but I can't find it on the forums so maybe I'm just imagining things. Anyway, I managed to salvage this old chiptune sounding thing I had been working on months and months ago. I should really finish it one day. What do you think? https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/memory-lane-cps2-style-song
  3. I've playing around with electronic music again. I set out to just make a backing track I could practice guitar over and practice mixing more. There was this sweet little drum and bass preset that I was jamming over and I decided to try composing some melodies and such over it with synths. I think it sounds decent, like something from a spy or sci-fi movie maybe. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/the-mirrors-truth What do you think?
  4. I didn't know that DAWs, virtual instruments etc. even existed until a couple years back. I was of the understanding that if you wanted to record your music you had to go to a pro-studio and if you wanted sounds of other instruments, you had to get musicians who played those instruments or use a Korg Keyboard. So yeah, all this home music production stuff. I know I've shown some resistance to getting into composing music entirely within a DAW; but it's so hard for me to get a lot of this shit down since I was learning and writing music via notation, tab and ear for easily 5 years before discovering this home recording stuff. Most people here seem to have started with MIDI and Digital Audio Workstations so I kinda feel outcast....
  5. Because it is a smart-ass comment that does not help the OP.
  6. I've made music for like six indie-games and out of all of them, only one is 90% finished, but that's because it's being made by artists and programmers who actually worked full-time for professional developers at one point. All the other indie games failed. It's to be expected, honestly. Working for free is a great way to make a name for yourself, but I think that too many indie devs start looking for custom music and sound effects before their games are actually at the point of needing it. Which just makes for angry, disappointed musicians.
  7. Lol well, whatever works I guess. If it sounds good, it sounds good.
  8. That's a terrible method Really, it's not hard to learn all the different kinds of chords and how to make them.
  9. My computer always lags when recording stuff. So I have to turn off monitoring to fix it. Not that it really matters, since I don't record much.
  10. I always thought electronic artists consider the use of pre-made loops the ultimate sin?
  11. I'd say something like symphobia is over-priced when you can get something like East West for several hundred less and just as good of sound. Apparently though, your thoughts on price destroy credibility entirely.
  12. To me it sounds just as good as all the over-priced shit.
  13. Doing the same in Reaper will give you far more options.
  14. Well, you need to know all the intervals and chords that they create. At the very least, you should know how to make major and minor triads derived from the scale the melody is composed with. You should also understand the difference between consonance and dissonance. There is an endless number of ways to harmonize your melody. You could make each note a new chord if you wanted too. As Magellanic said, you should look for "chord tones" in the melody. For example, if the first bar of the melody primarily uses the notes A, C, and E, you could play an A minor chord beneath that.
  15. The only things I hate about FL's piano roll/sequencer thing are that changing time signatures is freakin' ridiculous and the quantization features (hey, I'm not a pianist gimme a break) aren't as good as a lot of other DAWs. Prog-metal is basically impossible with FL Studio, for me anyway.
  16. I'm a dude, and I almost always play as the women in games if possible. Especially in fighting games. It's just so satisfying watching Christie Monteiro or Sarah Bryant roundhouse kick Conan-style guys in the face. I've always hated the Conan-style, body builder crap.
  17. I don't think there is a solution to the problem. Because ultimately, some people will just never be satisfied with whatever solution one can come up with.
  18. Back in my day, ten year olds were shooting each other with spear-guns online in Aliens Vs Predator 2.
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