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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Just a question for those of you who play an instrument as well. On average, how many takes would you say it takes you before you get the recording you're happiest with? The one where everything is the best you think you can play it.
  2. New version with some more guitar is up. Check the first post. I've also been wondering if it would be a good idea to include the bass riff from Nina Williams Tekken 3 theme? The groove is kinda similar and it's in the same key.
  3. I shall do that. Are you up for shreddin' some guitar again?
  4. Holy crap. I haven't done any kinda remix or whatever in like....six months. Anyway, I've been working on an arrangement of Morrigan's theme. It's pretty rough and basic right now, but I turn to the forums to seek guidance. I've got some other musicians lined up so that the end result should have female choir, bass guitar, some live drums, and if he has time for it and doesn't think the near finished tune sucks too bad; Brad Burr says he may lay down a bitchin' sax solo. Speaking of, in this version I have a space where the 1st real guitar lead will go. Still practising a few of the licks though before I record that. Currently, the only live element I have is a couple string bends I did in the intro because I thought they sounded haunting. I'm trying to slowly come up with original sections where each musician would be able to showcase their talents. Version 3 http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/darkstalkers-deserted-ch-teau Version 4 http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/darkstalkers-remix-wip-4 Any feedback you have....go for it! Also, what kind of genre would you label what I'm going for as? It's got electronica, jazz, rock etc... Original - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQH9zOJqdm4 List of things we need for after I finish the arrangement: Bass Guitar - Garpocalypse says he's got that covered. Not sure if that has changed. Saxophone - If he has time, Prophetikmusic may be down for that. Pianist - ???? Superior Drum samples - ???? Vocals - Local singer says she'll do it Mixing/Mastering - ???? (Someone who actually knows how to mix and master should do this. I'm terrible at production and don't have good listening gear.) If interested in filling in any positions with "????", please let me know!
  5. I strongly believe this character will appear in playboy at some point. Ya know, like Bloodrayne and Bullet Witch did.
  6. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/nickelback-animals-guitar Self explanatory.
  7. And that dude from MSI wrote the boss battle music. Regardless, I have a hard-on for this game and need to buy it. EDIT: I'm surprised the OCR "Bronies" aren't flocking to this game like moths to flame since the chick who voices "Twilight Sparkle" voices Juliet.
  8. A hot cheerleader killing zombies with a chainsaw AND Arch Enemy on the mother fucking soundtrack! How can anyone not love this!?
  9. I'm looking for a saxophonist (is that what they're called?) to lay down a sexy soundin' solo for a Darkstalkers remix I'm working on. The finished version of the tune will have various original sections, guitar solos, live bass and of course better sounds. This is the tune I'm working on http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/darkstalkers-deserted-ch-teau If you play the Saxophone and think you'd be interested in playing a solo for the final tune, send me a PM!
  10. Pretty sure the rule is "One song per thread/One thread per song" no?
  11. I remember Two Mix. Shiina's newest project is actually really killer. Anyway, I wouldn't say it really reminds me of Gundam Wing. Your song isn't bad, but honestly it could benefit from a major overhaul in the sounds you're using. The piano at the start also just screams "fake" to me. Same with the brass. I'm no mixing expert, but there also seems to be a lot of different things masking each other. All in all though, I like the song.
  12. Here is the final mix by Mak Eightman! http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/mak-eightman-criss-stratos I've updated the artist names to use my stage name in local bands because I thought "AngelCityOutlaw", my username, looked too long and weird beside "Mak Eightman". Anyway, enjoy the track!
  13. Lol glad you listened Gar! I think Mak did a fabulous job, hopefully he'll see this thread too.
  14. Yessss! I've added this link to the start http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/mak-angelcityoutlaw-venom-in Mak remixed it, added his own original leads and now it is 20x better than before! Check it out!
  15. My math sucks. But, say you have a piece of software and the minimum requirements to run it on a single core processor is 3.0ghz. What clockspeed would a dual core require to run the same thing? 1.5ghz right?
  16. I should finally have a pretty solid WIP of the Warp Room to ya in a couple weeks.
  17. Will do! I think I'll also pick up Symphobia 2, I've been listening to lots of demos and it's pretty inspiring.
  18. Thanks to all for your posts. I think I'm going to buy new plugins instead. I see I can get East West's "Ra" for like 300$. They have some kinda spring sale going.
  19. I'm at a crossroads between deciding whether I should buy a Korg (M3 or Kronos) or VST plugins like Symphobia. What are the pros and cons to both Workstation Keyboards and VST plugins in your opinion?
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