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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Transcribing many songs in their entirety completely by ear often requires much more than a "basic" understanding of music theory and it takes tons of practice to get good at. Just because you know your theory doesn't automatically make you good at playing by ear either. It's a skill that develops over time as you listen to and play more and more music. If there's any skill people should be practising, it's sight-reading. So many people can't even read sheet music now it's sad. Like that joke goes, "How do you get a death metal guitarist to slow down?....Put some sheet music in front of him."
  2. Omfg I'm so tired of seeing this elitist response whenever someone is looking for guitar tabs or something. Either help or don't. Not everyone has been playing for years and can play by ear. I can play by ear, but if I can find sheet music, tab or MIDI of it, why the fuck would I waste my time figuring out the same song someone else has already figured out? I do know of a MIDI, but it's for a metal arrangement of the track. Not sure how much use it would be to you and I'm not super familiar with the track. It could provide you with the melody at least? PM me if you want it, can't say how much it will help you though.
  3. I'm going to buy either a Kronos or an M3 in the next couple months. Can't decide which.
  4. All of pinball fx2/zen pinball's music is killer. Don't forget the Vengeance and Virtue tables too!
  5. I find it interesting how video games can unleash the animal within even the most calm people.
  6. The current gen one was great. It's sequel, as I said.....that's just shit.
  7. Arcade Gradius III? I made it past level two once. But only once.
  8. Ninja Gaiden III was so unsatisfying that I wanted to hit every member of Team Ninja in the face with a shovel. Twice.
  9. I got the same feeling with a racing game too. Only for me, it was F-Zero GX on the hardest difficulty.
  10. When I first played the Playstation. It was a couple years old at the time, but my parents never had much money and so we couldn't afford one. The playstation I speak of, was my cousin's. We had an old NES though and a few games, so I only knew video games by 8-bit graphics and low quality synth and white noise music. First PS1 game I played was the original Crash Bandicoot. It blew my freakin' mind.
  11. Makes me sad to see no replies.... Anyway. This could benefit most from much higher quality sounds. The drums in particular are very weak. See if you can get a bass player too.
  12. I don't think it matters really how you write the music. As long as your method works.
  13. Ooooh wait they are durrrr Sorry. I was sure it was the warp room song I remembered. Then when I clicked the link I was like "Wait...I must've been thinking of the title song". Nevermind...
  14. Would I be able to switch from the warp room to the title theme?
  15. Interesting. I like to try my best to realize the songs in my head. I've tried just jammin' to find something that I like and use it, but rarely can I write a full song that way. At least, I can rarely write a song I like that way. I like the challenge of being able to transcribe the songs I imagine and hear in my head. It's an awesome feeling when you have this great melody or riff in your mind and then you hear it for real. Helps with learning other songs by ear too.
  16. Let me elaborate further "What don't you like about making music and what do you think you aren't very good at." Is there any step in the music makin' process you just flat out hate? Something you find boring, tedious or frustrating? Also, is there something other people think you're good at, but you think you suck at? I'm just curious to know your thoughts. I hate recording and I'm fairly shit at guitar. That's my thing.
  17. Well, as far as I know, these Castlevania albums are all CD. But only a few tunes are 1/8 off. Would they have still recorded to tape if they were releasing the albums only on CD?
  18. Did I ask you before? I don't remember. An 1/8 of a pitch is important because if your guitar is an 8th or god forbid a 1/4 off, you're not really in tune.
  19. Several songs I've been playing, older songs from the early 90s, always seemed to sound a little off. By pitch shifting them and playing along, I've discovered that they are all an 1/8 of a tone higher than the key of the song. Some examples: Naughty Naughty by Danger Danger Bloody Tears & Cross A Fear by Naoto Shibata Project. Why?
  20. I'm not a mixer, so I'm useless. But if I was, "Party of Ghost" sounds badass. I'd pick up my guitar and try to learn it by ear, but it's probably more effort than it is worth.
  21. Isn't the secret to composing popular orchestral music (especially for film) to just get some horns and strings and go HONNNNNK ♫♫♫♫ HONNNNNNK ♫♫♫♫♫ HONNNN..... But nah really, sweet thread and shaggy freak's tune is pretty awesome in my opinion.
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