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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Much need. I prefer to write music as notation first.
  2. I think I'll just re-ask this as a new question instead: Are there any DAWs that support notation and/or guitar tablature I should look into? I hear Cubase and Protools can do it, but I've also heard it doesn't work well?
  3. It's certainly a pretty good song, but it is rather long for a "game over track" and not all that emotionally striking. Doesn't really give me that sense of "all hope is lost".
  4. I prefer to let people who know what they're doing and enjoy mixing/mastering music do that. It also makes for a better finished product when everyone does what they're best at. On top of that the whole audio engineering stuff just isn't my thing.
  5. Do they work very well at all or no? Inputting guitar parts as MIDI data via keyboard or just clicking it in is a real bitch. I've used guitar pro for like seven years now and it's easy and quick to use, but the problem with it is guitar pro is of course totally separate from a DAW....where all your virtual instruments are. So I often wonder if a MIDI guitar controller would be worth the money.
  6. Given the fact that there are orchestral and many other genres of remixes on this site which were arranged, performed, mixed, and mastered by a single person No.
  7. So, around January I had made this asian/orchestral themed remix of the Tomb Raider theme. She got NO'd largely due to production issues. Check out the original version here: http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/lara-croft-the-path-of-the I'm no audio engineer and I don't know tons about making orchestral samples sound super real. I also don't have a lot of expensive, high end orchestral libraries. So what I'm looking for is someone who is good at mixing, mastering as well as someone who has great orchestral libraries and is awesome at using those samples. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in doing, reply here or send me a PM and I can shoot ya my MIDI files as well as the couple sound effects I used.
  8. I recently found my old copy of VIII and started playing it. I'm totally addicted to the game and its music now! I can't really comment on the mix since I don't really mix... but something just feels off about this. In my opinion, the low tuned guitars and their rhythm starting around 10 seconds or so doesn't really fit with the melody. Just my opinion though.
  9. Oh yeah, and this is easily my favourite tune from the game. At least, I assume it's in the game
  10. I remember I was feeling kinda down about and doubting my own music. Then, I heard that Snoop Dogg track and realized my music isn't so bad after all.
  11. Music that is correctly marketed to its target audience is what sells. If you were unable to get a live drummer for your album, big deal. Video game soundtracks did and still do use sampled or synth orchestra. People still buy the games and listen to the soundtracks.
  12. I'm not sure I get it. If there was anything illegal about making an album where the drums are created via drum machine....we may as well just sue every electronic music producer ever.
  13. I'm still trying to figure out how to say "anamanaguchi"
  14. What!? Disney ripped someone off!? How dare the-....oh, wait. Disney likes to plagiarise
  15. What the hell, I usually just transcribe what I'm hearing in my head, but here are some chords I've found myself using more than once. Dm - Dsus4 - Dsus2 - Bb - F - C - Db/5+ Often with no 3rd on that last chord. Which would make it not really a chord, but whatever.
  16. I always made jokes about how this new album was Folk metal's "Chinese Democracy". Funny thing is, this will actually be worth the wait.
  17. I have nothing that is good enough to warrant sharing it. But I suspect that those who do aren't going to share anyway.
  18. While I love me some Tekken and fighting games in general, I have been highly sceptical of them as of late. I try not to get too jazzed about a new one coming out, because the last few major titles have been super-mediocre. I played Tekken 6 for a few months - got bored of it. I pre-ordered SFXT - Played it for a week and have not touched it since that week. Such a disappointment. Marvel VS Capcom 3 - Worst fighting game Capcom has made IMO. I did enjoy SFIV for 2-3 years though, so that one was good. Even so, most of the new fighting games offer nothing that really sets them apart from their predecessors and have horrible DLC money-grabs.
  19. I've really been into the Final Fantasy thing this past while and this track was the first one I listened to with these new monitors I bought today. Gotta remember to wear a helmet so it isn't so messy when you blow my mind like this. Great orchestral work. Holy shit.
  20. Okay Act 1: The kick drum is really weak. Personally, I would go with a kick that has more or just a better sounding low end. It sounds like you're using VST guitars, right? Ouch.....It's pointless to complain about vst guitars not sounding "real" but I can safely say that unless you get real guitar or at least really good samples in this, the song will never realize its full potential. I think I hear a bassline in there somewhere, but it is way too quiet and gets buried by everything else. I would say that a lot of the leads could be dropped in volume a bit. All my complaints about act 1 apply to act 2 as well. The songs themselves are fine though. Of course, these are just my opinions.
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