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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. This is gonna be killer. I can still remember the commercials on TV and the day I got the game when I was a little kid. Which makes me realize that I do have a pretty decent memory and I am ageing at an alarming rate.
  2. I don't like the Megaman games, but they do have good music. So far I'm enjoying disc 1. I think Fishy's track, "War was beginning" is my current favourite.
  3. Some pretty good posts so far. I think I saw an interview with Chuck Billy where he said he's a supervisor for some company...can't remember what. Regardless, the vocalist for Testament would probably be an awesome boss.
  4. Dibs on the warp room! One of the first VGM I ever learned to play
  5. I have downloaded this. Listening now and it sounds good so far.
  6. Dare I ask, what the hell is "composer-wank"?
  7. I think it is a safe bet that most of us on this website are musicians to some extent. Composers, performers, producers, sound designers etc. Many people want to do music for a living, but I think many of them don't really think it over completely. As I discovered, composing music full-time would be very boring. Plus, there are no benefits and the pay is highly variable; that is, if there is any pay at all. Which is why most of us must do something else to be able to afford to eat. Right now I do all the inventory stuff for an RV company, but in May I go to write my high-school equivalence test as I had to leave school around age 17. After that I plan to work security for a bit and then take on the Police application process. I have already begun preparing for the physical part of the application process. It's not gonna be easy. So what do YOU do to support your music hobby? Any other career path/goals you are pursuing aside from music? Do you like your day job or hate the hell out of it? Would you WANT to do music full-time? Those few of you that have managed to make music and audio-related things into a full-time job, what do you love about it and what do you hate about it?
  8. Thanks Mak! I almost forgot about that thing lol

  9. Requesting "likes" for the album is a lot like teenage girls taking provocative pictures of themselves and captioning it with, "tits 4 hits!" like they did on this social networking site that was around when I was 15. In short, it comes off as a desperate cry for attention. Carry on.
  10. Well, since Nekofrog has not replied yet, time to place bets. I think he's in the military. My bet is that.
  11. Oh poor you, we should really pay more attention to what Bleck said.
  12. Those are good points about dlc in general, but here's the thing The great idea behind DLC is that you can expand upon the game with ideas that may come to you later, or release content later so that the game maintains an affordable price for the average consumer upon release. But if you purchase the disc, you should be entitled to all of the discs contents. That is the argument in a nutshell. Personally I don't really care in the sense that I won't go broke by purchasing these 12 extra characters that are already present on the SFXT disc I have....but for shit sake why do I have to wait till the damn fall for them!?
  13. This. I don't know if he's trolling or serious, but I'm going to just assume serious. I lost pretty much all interest in music as well. Well, I still listen to it and play guitar/write tunes. Though I no longer have any interest in mixing etc. any more. Weirdest thing about it is, you're usually about "omg music is my life and love the hell out of it!", but then if/when the day comes where you just wave goodbye to it....you would think you would feel sad, but you just feel sort of relieved and "meh" about it.
  14. Sup So I play guitar and want to do a bitchin' remix of some tunes from the Street Fighter X Tekken game. I've anticipated this since I started playing fighting games as a kid and so far the game is everything I hoped it would be. The music is pretty badass too and I can play a few songs from it already. Pretty simple really. Here's some songs I can play So basically, I was hoping I could get at least one more fellow guitar player in here. I think it would be cool to get other live instruments as well. I'm thinking guitar, synths and orchestra. Perhaps some ethnic instruments as well. I also want to get someone who is experienced in mixing and mastering this kind of music to help get the best results. Not really looking for vocals though. Someone who is handy with programming synthesisers would be a major bonus. I can contribute to arranging/composing and of course guitar, but I can't do this alone. So before proceeding, are any of you up for such a thing and if so, what songs should we do and do you have any other suggestions? EDIT: Oh yeah, if you play any orchestra instruments or own some really great samples and can use them well, it would be great to have you on board.
  15. and here I thought the killer studio chops joke had died.
  16. Like I said in the SFXT thread, consumers are going to have to learn that it costs a lot of money to make and promote games. Gamers want more content and so companies make more content, but notice the games still stay at an average 60$ price tag? That's because they offer you more content that you can pay for at your own desire. That's not a bad thing in my opinion. What I do think is stupid is the fact that Capcom won't give us the option to purchase these extra 12 characters right off the bat and instead waits until AFTER the Vita version to do so....
  17. The analogy was supposed to be ridiculous and demonstrate that if you're going to refer to something as a crime (even if it is not) you should actually know the meaning of the word you are using to describe it as such. Anyway The thing that has me concerned with DLC is when the next generation of consoles takes over in full, what becomes of games I've purchased which are download only titles? If I deleted one of those games from my hard drive and decide in the future I want to play it again, how can I do so without an actual disc?
  18. Skid Row - compare Bach's voice to Slam Alley - or Dirty Rhythm - Notice that Slam Alley and Dirty Rhythm's album covers are very similar as well. I think it could be possible to confuse the three bands because the other two all kind of sound like Sebastian. I notice people also get AC/DC and Guns N' Roses confused from time to time. Any other good/better examples of singers who sound very similar?
  19. Well it was easier than typing out the same definition as the one in the dictionary on the bookshelf. If on-disc dlc is extortion, then my power bill is treason or something.
  20. ex·tor·tion/ikˈstôrSHən/ Noun: The practice of obtaining something, esp. money, through force or threats Saying "you have to pay to unlock stuff that's already on the disc" isn't extortion people....it's more like bribery.
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