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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Man....I'm honestly at a loss of what to do now with the arrangement.
  2. My philosophy has become "get a day job that doesn't suck". That's why I'm going back to school next year. I don't see why I can't be a musician/actor/magician AND archaeologist. The more things you do, and the more professions you have, the more interesting life becomes. In my opinion anyway.
  3. Nice! Congrats on the non-indie title. The most I've ever made with music was about 120 per tune to create MIDI scores for an indie game. Personally, I think I was being paid too well. Here's a question for you specifically Chthonic, would you actually want to be a full-time composer? I mean, I love music just as much as anybody, but I think if I could be able write music full-time and do nothing else I'd probably go insane. I'd have to like, work part-time or do volunteer stuff at least. Unless I had a whole bunch of different things I was doing with music like touring with some band, composing and perhaps something else too.
  4. Nice! Congrats on the interview. "Gaming musicologist" is a pretty badass title to have.
  5. When I was 11 years old, my only goal in life was to play guitar in a band. Little did the 11 year old me know that 10 years later I would still be searching for reliable band mates. This is the reason why I switched over to composing other genres besides rock and trying to learn how to record and mix my own music a few years ago. Over the past decade, I have never been able to find a band that can work. Meaning that they never play to a click track, know next to nothing about music theory, and make zero effort to improve their technique. Today, after "jamming" with my latest crew, I felt like burning my guitar and never looking back. For the most part, any band around my town that can play well are older guys who've been at it for decades. Anyone my age who can play very well has no interest in playing in a band and as such won't dedicate the time to it. Though the city I live in now has just a few hundred-thousand people and I am moving to a bigger city next year, is it really so much to ask for just a few people who can play and a singer who can sing properly? I've always thought that looking for college music students would be a good bet since anyone willing to pay that kinda money to learn music must have some dedication to it, but for the most part they are too caught up in their studies and work to dedicate time to a band outside of their school. I know this seems like just an annoying rant, but this infuriates me to no end. I can NOT be the only person out there with this problem, why is finding a bunch of rock musicians that can play together so difficult?
  6. I'm not really into chiptunes, but I love me some oldschool Capcom soundtracks in all their nostalgic glory. So I created one of my own http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/memory-lane Thoughts, comments, criticisms are all appreciated.
  7. Well the best I could find was this But it's not actually a soundfont like it says; it is just individual samples of the instruments from CPS2 and 3. I have no idea how to use the samples in a way that I can play various note durations aside from just the one long sample each file is. EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out
  8. Bitchin' tunes. That first one reminds me of the Goosebumps theme. I have followed.
  9. I want to try making a tune that is reminiscent of games like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAOzh1-DpPs Does anyone know of any soundfonts or anything that would give similar sound to those soundtracks? You'll be my friend forever if you do.
  10. I disagree completely. Just as one does not need to draw for a living to draw at a professional level, one does not need to make music for a living to be just as good as a professional musician. Professional is the quality of your work, not the paycheck you receive for it. OCR has many professional level tracks being given away for free by people who are only into music as a hobby. Obviously, a professional game company isn't going to hire a composer who they don't feel can make pro-grade music.
  11. Today, I was reading about various different composers after I found an alphabetical list of people who have wrote music for games. What I discovered is that most people who are known or remembered as "video game composers" have actually only composed music for just a few games. Like, 3 - 5 average. I've heard that these people make lots of money, but personally, I very much doubt that doing just that many games is enough to live on and last you your entire career...I know that guys like Tommy Tallarico have made many game soundtracks, but very few people are Tallarico or Inon Zur. How much does the average professional composer get paid, and how many titles would they have to score to make a living at creating only game music?
  12. Writing music for a porn flick would be awesome, it's not a weird request at all. Porn music is pretty much the same as 90s fighting game music. PORN MUSIC IS AWESOME Rock out with your out indeed.
  13. Exactly. What I'm getting at here is that I think it's dangerous for people to assume that companies can't touch non-profit, fan works. They can.
  14. At this point, most all of the major companies seem to understand what OCR is all about and realize that taking down a harmless community such as this is a complete waste of time and resources. They even have their own remix contests going from time to time and let's not forget the whole Street Fighter II HD Remix thing. Regardless, every one of those companies holds most, if not all of the rights to the music in their games. If there is any reason why they would want something removed, I'm willing to bet there is no legal reason why they could not have it removed. I find it's really just record labels that are pricks when it comes to this sort of thing.
  15. At this point, I think it's safe to assume that in the not too distant future, I'm going to go see a "band" play at a concert and the only thing that's going to be on stage is this and some flashing lights The future is a horrible, horrible place indeed.
  16. I will never understand why anyone would find glory in stealing someone else's art and claiming it as their own.
  17. I'll lose for sure, but none the less I shall try.
  18. I have updated the first post with a list of various positions open for helping out with this mix. Check it out if you want.
  19. No. I've never cried from a book or movie either. I just don't understand how a work of fiction can make someone cry. Then again I have no emotions so yeah.... EDIT: Unless it's a horror movie and it scares the shit out of a five year old. Then I get it.
  20. lmao well, I'm sure there is something you can help with. Just not sure what yet. What would you be interested in doing? Also, A new update has been posted in the first post. "Version 4". I improved my guitar solo, but I'm still not sure I'm happy with it. However, I do plan on re-recording the guitars with a superior amplifier anyway.
  21. I had no idea that video game museums even existed. Take pictures.
  22. A little song I came up with at 3 AM http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/stalking-wolves
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