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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Thanks! Well, what are some general tips and/or warnings etc. to keep in mind when getting a guitar custom built?
  2. Well then, you clearly didn't read my post after Darkesword's. Which I'm not going to explain because it makes perfect sense to anyone with more than 1/4 of a brain. At no point was the "value" of a person judged upon appearance. Anyways, continue the crusade against video game sexism.
  3. I've thought about it for a long time, but I don't know too much about gear, so I thought I'd ask you. If I were to have a guitar custom-built, what ingredients would suit my style best? You know, wood, pick-ups, all that jazz. For playing metal/rock, funk, classical music and pop stuff through mostly solid state amplifiers?
  4. So who was basing the "value of a person" on appearance? Oh right, nobody. You're just looking for something else to complain about.
  5. Of course, but I think that pictures like that are comparing "beauty" of the past to now. When I saw that picture, "slutty" was not actually what came to mind first. You can take models from the 50s or even in the 80s and compare them to now and you'll see trends in appearance. Cultural perceptions of beauty change a bit each decade I notice. Have you saw modern playboy? I honestly think that the women in the magazine from 20 or more years ago were, on average, far more attractive. The same is true of actresses etc. If you think about it, very few people are actually attractive. Most are just average and there are a few ugly fuckers out there like me. So magazines, movies, TV will adjust to what people find attractive at the time and I really do hold the belief that standards have dropped to simply showing the most skin and the biggest boobs. Some of that may have to do with censorship laws changing over time and what not. Obviously, it comes down to personal preferences as to whether or not someone would agree with me and of course there are classy women today, but I think the "trashy" look is in style now.
  6. Sorry, I saw this picture today and for some reason it just reminded me of this thread.....
  7. Oh. Well I just thought of a good suggestion on the music thing. A good thing to do is make fan work and share it with the companies, but don't flat out say "you should hire me to write music for you." Do that, and you'll look like just another desperate composer. I used this "fan work" approach with my Tomb Raider theme and the community manager actually passed it along to the audio team. Which is no doubt further than someone emailing them and asking to write music for them would get. What I'm saying is, another way of going about it would be to politely share your work with them for fun. They'll probably be much more open to it that way and if they really, realllllly like it....maybe they'll call back.
  8. You mean you plan to apply for police too if all else fails? Cool. I personally would go with municipal police....not the RCMP anyway, Yeah. I think a good way of approaching it would be to just be friendly and socialize with people. Then after you've talked for awhile bring up the fact that you're a musician (or whatever). I think they would prefer that rather than the less "subtle" approach most people use. Which is throwing your resume/portfolio directly at them and asking (begging) for work lol.
  9. Yeah, entertainment biz is hard as hell. Remain persistent and don't give it up and you will see SOME success.....how much success is basically up to chance. Being good at what you do doesn't mean shit, because ultimately, there's always someone better or worse than you who is getting paid to do what you love doing. What I've decided I'm going to do is just keep working a regular job for the next couple years to see where a few possible jobs composing music goes. If it doesn't pan out too well, I'm just going to join the police and do music as a hobby on the side and maybe the occasional paid job. I guess what I'm saying is, Meteo Xavier is right.
  10. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/kick-ass-wip New Electronic-rock tune I'm writing. As usual, I'll record my guitars last and when I return home as I am leaving town again tomorrow. Tell me what you think I should do with this (besides more variation and expansion lol) There will be heavy guitars, solos etc. but I think I want some Saxophone in there too. Problem is, I don't know a sax player.
  11. Well, if you'd like, I can do a full fledged, screaming rock guitars remix of the song.
  12. Man I love this song! I can still play it on guitar too....I think, haven't played it in a while. Anyway, great cover though I don't really like the organ's tone in this one. I would've preferred the bridge pick up myself, but all in all well played sir....well played!
  13. Yeah that's one possible way, but most companies already have musicians they've been either using in-house or outsourcing since the dawn of time and have no intention of changing unless there is a scheduling conflict or something. That, and the audio director has probably known the musicians he wants to use since before he was even the audio director. I'm reminded of the advice I heard for people aspiring to be film composers, "Don't aim to work for Steven Spielberg; aim to work for the NEXT Steven Spielberg." In this case, just swap Spielberg for Kojima.
  14. I've been looking for a way to use those samples lol It may sound spookier not only with more dissonance, but with a piano instead of the bell sounds.
  15. Since my friends and I are going on an actual ghost hunt this year, I've been looking at pictures of creepy mansions. So, I came up with this tune in about 20 minutes. Tell me what you think. Spooky? http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/haunted-mansion
  16. Wow got to be honest.....this is the first time I've ever saw the "composer" job actually advertised. Wtf...
  17. I have heard Esaka yes. As for collab in the near future, sure!
  18. I'm aware this really doesn't count at all as a remix, but I wanted to share it. Today I was just jamming and recording when I did this little improv starting with the prologue tune from symphony of the night, leading into "tears" from the king of fighters. I know my muting was shit, but tell me what you think! http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/tears-guitar-solo-ft
  19. Yes he is. Also Monobrow...if I ever need a letter, contract, essay or novel written...I'm calling you.
  20. This thread can be described in a picture
  21. True I recall this discussion in school once as to whether or not holding a door for a girl is sexist. Of course, everyone seemed to feel that it's only sexist if it's a guy holding the door for a girl. Any other combination is not sexist.... I think it should be said that being too worried about "being sexist" or whatever can be a bad thing. Using doors as an example again, I shouldn't have to feel like a sexist douchebag just because it was a woman that I held the door for. A little girl once told me, "I wish I wasn't white." A 7 year old girl for christ sakes. You know why she said that? "because then I wouldn't be racist." ....I can say without a doubt that this girl was not racist at all. She's lead to believe that because society has successfully brainwashed many people into believing that being racist is exclusive to white people. Just as it has brainwashed people into believing every sexist person is male. I had an English teacher, she was hispanic. Most racist bitch I have ever known. She didn't seem to figure her flat-out hate speech against white people on the first day of class counted as racism. I guess what I'm trying to say with this post is...Yes, people should treat each other fair regardless of gender, race etc. but if you drill it into everyone's head too much, you get the reverse problem. People start feeling ashamed for doing nice things because the person they did the good deed for just so happens to be the opposite sex or whatever.
  22. The moral of the story here is everyone is a sexist asshole.
  23. Let me rephrase entirely what I am saying here. People are taking things that can be perceived as sexist, or maybe ARE sexist....and then exaggerating the severity of it and wanting to believe it's on the same level as abuse. I'm not really referring to the people in this thread as much as I am referring to others. The other thing I'm saying is that ironically the very image that is sexist is actually an image some women would find desirable. There are people out there who feel that game designers, artists etc. should be fucking crucified for adhering to this stereotype of women in media. That's ridiculous.
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