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Everything posted by Chimpazilla

  1. YAAAAAY so glad to hear this. Keeping my fingers crossed for a total successful reinstall. I never thought you "bricked" your software, I knew it would get fixed somehow. I'm glad if anything I said helped or at least supported you! And I'm sure CrapCleaner is a wonderful product... hhhhmmm don't have it myself so can't really say (computer-guru friend thinks it is simply Crap)... but yeah I'd be really careful with things like that going forward. Good luck, keep us posted. Looking forward to reading "yay it all fucking totally works now" haha!
  2. I'd be delighted of course! Check out what I emailed you today, good stuff in there.
  3. Oh gosh Wes... I didn't realize how cool your interpretation of this was until I just refreshed myself on the source... WOW that's a very cool adaptation of that melody!!! And I do love the beat. And the gating. You should definitely keep going on this. It does need some changeups now. You could change chord structure and add the next part of the source and some original stuff, slow it down, speed it back up, then back to this part. Really great so far!
  4. Meteo, did you get this fixed yet? Did you have to reformat, or what? I never heard of CCleaner before this thread, but suddenly I'm hearing about it all over the place. In the past three days I've met two people who had computer problems and they had this on their machines! Eegads.
  5. Maybe one of these two videos, made by a good friend of mine, may help: drum output routing drum midi mapping edit: the first video may be the help you're looking for, the second one is just cool to know
  6. If only there was a way to just pluck out that .dll from your discs and not have to reinstall everything... but I don't know enough about that to say. My friend is offline, I'll ask him one final time when he logs back in.
  7. So sorry you're still struggling M... glad to see you posted in Looptalk... I just pinged my friend again to see if he has any other advice, if he does he'll post it there. Hang in there, it *will* get solved somehow. edit: this may be totally unrelated, but do you ever run something like Malwarebytes on your machine? Just in case there is some weird virus in there now? (it's free and wonderful)
  8. I hope it is just as simple as fixing the registries! Please let me know if that works.
  9. Well you can install 10 and just try out PLAY in there. You don't have to do anything else with it if you don't want to, just see if the PLAY problem is related to FL Studio. If PLAY works in 10, then we can focus on getting you a new install of 9. And when you're feeling brave, you can muddle around in 10 and see if you like it. edit: My friend finally replied. He said NEVER run CCleaner, it deletes things not actively used by Windows and deletes registry keys. Sounds like a bad news program!
  10. Don't be silly. If I can actually help you, that's my reward. I hate to see you not use 10 though, it's really not so different from 9 and you can activate those block thingies... although the playlist is so superior but I totally get what you're saying and respect your feelings. Let me know what happens with 10 and PLAY and we'll proceed from there.
  11. Neblix is right, you can enable those pattern blocks in 10 if you want. I still think you should download 10, just to see if it will handle PLAY correctly. 10 will install to a totally separate location than 9 and won't mess it up. If 10 works, and you still want 9, you can either find the download .exe somewhere online or I can give you my 9 files to install and you can re-register it to you, I dunno it's worth a try.
  12. Why don't you install FL10 anyway? It won't overwrite 9. Just install/authorize 10 and see if PLAY works in it. At least you'll know! Curious... why are you resisting 10?
  13. Holy crap... well it's gotta be either PLAY or FL... if you uninstalled/reinstalled PLAY, I would do the same with FL. Maybe uninstall both, reinstall both. Also what about registries? I know nothing about those except they get hosed up sometimes... still waiting for my friend. Trying! (I know how frustrating this is... maybe you'll help me sometime through a similar problem!)
  14. You could try reinstalling the demo of FL and see if that helps. I've asked my friend, if anyone can help it's him, I'll let you know what he says asap.
  15. From my little bit of research, it looks like PLAY could now be pointing to an older version of qtcore4.dll. It seems many people have been able to get it working again by reinstalling whatever program they are getting that error on. What about at least running an update on the PLAY plugin? That might get the right file back. Here's hoping. edit: what about just doing a system restore? edit #2: I just fired off the question to my computer-guru friend.
  16. Well the reason I asked was that I found this online. This question was about Photoshop but mentioned the possibility of qtcore4.dll having been deleted by an antivirus program. I don't know what to suggest... can you reinstall PLAY? (ugh...) If nothing works, I have someone else I can ask, if you like, let me know. Wish I could help more.
  17. Two things come to mind (sorry if they are dumb) 1. Did you sign in? 2. Are you an actual FL registered owner? edit: another question, did you change anything in your computer? Move anything? Install new antivirus software? Anything of note? (wondering why this *suddenly* happened to you)
  18. I've found tremendous support from that forum without opening a ticket just by posting there. Often Gol will even jump into threads. I really like that. If you don't get help in a regular post, then you can open up a proper ticket. Try it, and good luck.
  19. Yikes... did you post a thread in looptalk? They are usually super helpful about those types of things. Good luck.
  20. Just took a quick look at DaCapo... looks very versatile, and sounds really great... watched the first of their demo videos, going to watch the others, never heard of this before but it does look quite interesting! However (and let's see if I can get the pricing thing right this time), it is 300 Euros not dollars, so that amounts to $396.66. Still if it does what it looks like it does, and sounds dynamite, this is definitely one to consider. *wanders off to consider it*
  21. Oh good lord... of course you're right Neblix, man do I feel silly... *hangs head in shame* Well it isn't the first time I've said something stupid, and won't be the last. All I can say is "duh... oops." But still, I'm not sold on that PLAY engine, and I don't like being forced to buy an iLok to use their stuff. If they still had their SO library available for Kontakt, I would probably buy it, drenched reverb and all.
  22. Hey T, thanks, those are some great ideas! Wow, that is some super-precise timing, haha!
  23. Hero's Rest - by jordanrooben & Chimpazilla (mod review version 6-16-13) Hi everyone! Here is the latest collab between me and Jordan. He wrote a great arrangement and asked me to critique it, and as usual I liked it so much that I asked him if I could join in. This is the result. We hope you like it. Comments would be great before we put it on mod review. Here is Jordan's vision for this song: Morpheel has just been defeated, Link is exhausted from the battle and the rigors of the water temple, the fused shadow piece is floating on the ground and Midna is hovering nearby, it's one step closer to saving the world, but ruin is still around the corner and to make matters worse, the journey is far from being over. You catch your breath, listen to the music, and plan your next move. source:
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