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Everything posted by Chimpazilla

  1. This! Just dive in and make sounds you like. Try out different styles just to see if you can replicate them. Practice practice practice, and your favorite elements from everything you've tried will eventually come together and become your "signature style." It doesn't happen overnight though, and your style can change and morph over time as well. It's all good!
  2. Looks like that deal is actually 75% off. $899 now, $3,513 come January 1st. But I'm told they have massive sales like four times per year. I'm holding off on their stuff for now.
  3. I was thinking about EWQLSO gold, the price can't be beat right now, but I also didn't want drenched sound. NI had their big Thanksgiving sale so I instead bought Session Strings Pro from them. I like it quite a bit. The sounds are dry, and recorded close and intimate. There are 29 articulations that you can keyswitch, and there's this animator thing I haven't even touched yet. I just really like the sounds. NI still has their $30 coupon until the 31st I think. Oh and Joe, you're not an idiot when it comes to anything. Stop saying crap like that!!!
  4. Haha, thanks T! Yeah I've got about 2:30 of a wip on that battle theme, in an Indian "Bhangra" style. I'm not sure it's right for the album though. I'm handing it off to another friend to get more expansion ideas, so we will collab it and probably sub it outside of the project. After the success of Theo's Majora's Mask album, Theo and Emu are going to be even more selective about what styles they want for the OoT album, so I recommend contacting one of them with any ideas and/or audition wips you may have.
  5. I want to revise my answer. I'm thinking you can just point FL9 to your new paths. I'm sorry I didn't think of that sooner. How silly of me. Hope this is successful.
  6. From you, dude! And from other power producers, Zircon and Theophany come to mind. (oh and I just love video game music) Plus that crazy unidentifiable inner urge to just make awesome sounds.
  7. Freebies from Heavyocity! http://www.heavyocity.com/ (gotta like them on Facebook to get it) And a $30 coupon (although their stuff is already cheaper on NI site and coupon doesn't work there)
  8. The FL9 projects are looking for the plugins in a certain path which you changed. 1. Move the plugins back to the previous path (sounds like you moved them for a good reason, though). 2. Install a copy of the plugins in question into their previous path. Use to open the FL9 projects, save settings/multis/.fst's, replace the plugins with new instances in the new paths for future use, call up saved settings/multis/.fst's, delete old-path plugins. (unless you *want* two copies of those plugins on your machine) 3. Or, when your FL9 project boots up, load up a new instance of those plugins where the old ones were. The bummer is that your settings/multis/.fst's won't be saved. For Kontakt stuff, you'll just have to point the plugin to wherever you moved your libraries to. If you have Omnisphere and the STEAM folder, well, all bets are off there... Good luck!
  9. If it's a source I love, I can get the song written in less than a week, spending 2-3 hours per day. But then it can take me a month after that to get it mixed right and to add in all the bells and whistles. And of course, I always think of that "one more thing" right after hitting the submit button.
  10. pop music = playing 3 chords to 10,000 people jazz = playing 10,000 chords to 3 people haha!
  11. Btw, are you settled in now? I was thinking of asking you if you wanted to contribute some sax or something to my shop song. Pm me if you want!
  12. I suggest starting with Youtube. Type in "eq beginner tutorial" and see what comes up. You need to learn the basic concepts. Ok I just went to Youtube and typed in "basic eq tutorial cubase" and found several things, this looks good: You could do the same with compression, and reverb. Those are probably the three most important things to learn right away (eq, compression, reverb). After you get a basic understanding of what these things do, you should spend some time playing with them. Just make some random sounds in Cubase and really play with the settings on the plugins to see what they do to the sound. You're gonna have multiple "aha" moments, haha! Once you master the basic effects you can start getting creative.
  13. Hey Joe, don't you have a mix pending posting? (Not the Taxi you Whistled For) Like, direct post (no panel)? So yeah, your question is suprising. These are some resources that have helped me (and continue to do so): The Dance Music Manual Mixing Secrets for the Small Studio Mixing Audio Also you can always find a wealth of information by Googling or looking on Youtube for a specific topic. The advantage there is you can find tutorials using your own specific daw. Rozo's feeling saucy today, haha!
  14. Hi T, thanks for the listen! Yeah, the attack is too slow for the fast passages... I will check all the articulations and see if there is one that better suits those parts... but again, I will most likely be using these for backing elements rather than up-front solos! I'm sure LASS is wonderful... (better be, at $999)... I'm probably not going to do tons of orchestral stuff though, and SSP should be enough for my needs, for now. Thanks, friend!
  15. Wow T... this sounds really good... great soundchoices, great mixing/soundstaging, writing, sfx. Sounds blend very well together. Really varied and exciting too! I love it! I have NO criticisms of this one, I think it's your best work so far. I can only say best of luck with the panel!
  16. I don't know these sources at all, so I can't comment on that or if it is too much of a medley... but your playing is gorgeous as always! I love it.
  17. Haha, made you look! Air on the G String - J. S. Bach So I bought Session Strings Pro from the recent NI sale and I thought I would give it a tough challenge. It still sounds quite samply in the faster passages... I've been fighting with this... trying several different solutions... this may be as good as it gets, but overall I think the strings have a nice intimate sound. I will most likely be using them as backing elements, not exposed as they are here. Anyone have a suggestion on how to make it more realistic? Or is this just the nature of working with samples? This song represents several "firsts" for me. First time with SSP. First time using keyswitching. First time automating CC11 expression. And mainly, first time transcribing something like this from sheet music. I don't read sheet music and have never done that before. It was a wonderful exercise, and this is a lovely song. Thanks for reading/listening, and thanks in advance if you have any improvement suggestions!
  18. A great friend gave me this link recently: introduction to 3d mixing I've found it tremendously helpful!
  19. I still love this... great writing! My previous comments still stand however... I don't care for the wide-panned claps. I would prefer them narrowed somewhat. (they feel stuck-on here, like an afterthought, not part of the mix) Also your leads are all super wide (saw, doubled flutey thing, brass) or super narrow (keys, piano). I think you could make the stereo field work more to your advantage by widening some things, narrowing others, somewhat. And for heavens sake, at least widen those chiiiiimes. (or, pan left to right) Also I feel like the track is overall a touch dry. Make sure you are using some reverb sends so everything gets a touch of the same reverb (even if you have reverb on individual tracks). I have some neat reverb tricks if you want to hear about them, pm me and I'll tell you. (I won't type it out if you're not interested) All that being said, really nice work on the writing and arrangement!
  20. Well I LOVE this. Really unique soundscape, and the dubstep bass is just right. I do agree about the drums, the samples aren't bad but they don't seem to match the other instrumentation. They seem too electronic somehow, especially that snare (too much fuzz and not enough whack), and there is quite a contrast, especially against those cinematic drums in other parts of the song. I would try something a bit more organic for kick and snare, something more snappy for the snare for sure, something epic to balance out against the cinematic stuff. I'd like to hear a tight snare with a good solid whack to it, with some great delay on it.
  21. OK... well fwiw, I think you could interweave these melodies, use one as backing for the other, maybe then have them trade places (backing/lead), or combine them as countermelodies or whatever, to make it more of a remix and less of a medley. Personally, I dislike medleys (one song after another)... but I always try to make my remixes with at least two or three themes, interwoven, with the writing/keys/etc. altered to fit into a cohesive whole. Whatever theme you start with you should also end with, like bookends, with unique stuff in the middle yet still referencing that main theme (kart select) at points in the middle. It's gotta sound like one cohesive song though. Just my two cents... (and I think I'm rambling now, sorry)... but I'd sure like you to continue this song, I truly like it. Those first two minutes absolutely rock.
  22. Sonic, what do you mean "not concentrated to one idea?" It doesn't have to be one idea, just 50% source, preferrably from the same game, and not a medley. I'm not sure what is happening starting at 2:01 in this song, I don't recognize that part, is that what you mean? You could always bring the Kart Select theme back in after this part, blend it, make it even more epic, and it's not a medley, problem solved. I wish you would keep working on this because It Sounds So Good. That sexy piano, the cool sidechaining, "dat bass," I love it. Really.
  23. Hey PP... check your PMs! Edit: PixelPanic has expressed extreme interest in this track and will be giving it a shot! Yay!
  24. Hi guys/gals, I'm looking for a trombone (or trumpet) player for an album project here on OCR. I'm doing a reggae/ska/island style track. The arrangement is complete, but I'm trying to replace much of what I've done in midi with live performances. I'm looking for someone to play trombone. There are some harmony parts throughout the song, and the end will feature a groovy solo. What I'm looking for is a similar sound to the brass in this song: " . (the wicked-awesome soloing begins at 3:40)Trumpet might also work. I really like the trombone-sliding solo in Ghost Town, but something groovy with a trumpet might also be OK. If you are interested and think you can help me out (or, if you know of someone), please get in touch with me! I'll send you the track and all the details about the project. Thanks so much.
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