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Everything posted by Merk

  1. There's always the Cave of Ordeals.
  2. escorting ilia was no fun to me No fun for me either, as soon as I realized I'd be doing an escort mission I groaned. Escort missions is one of those things, like stealth, where unless the game is built around it, it sucks. EDIT: So then by that logic CE, your remote was broken through the first two dungeons.
  3. The VideoDownloader extension for Firefox should do all of what you're asking if I understand the question correctly.
  4. I used to do that, but I got tired of constantly installing it, so I found this
  5. Basically ASUS's website hates Firefox, it was the same with the automated 'Windows Update'-like thing they have on their site. Use IE or Opera.
  6. That's because it's not valley. Hurrrrrr and there's no Kokiri Forest but they use the songs for when you're inside a building there.
  7. Just making excuses..? So, if someone feels that the dungeon music was appropriate in Twilight Princess they'd be wrong because it didn't live up to your expectations? I agree that the dungeon music isn't very memorable... but I'm not sure that it "blew". Like Radical Dreamer said, "it was not invasive or annoying." It sets a mood and creates an atmosphere. In that way, I think the music was exactly what it should be. As for the 'non-dungeons' I don't really like how they just took the same music from OoT, like Zora's Domain, Lost Woods, the inside of a house...but NOT Gerudo Valley.
  8. THANK YOU, why couldn't those have been the words in the manual? Also my 'web rage' was a bit exaggerated, I more like dropped the Wiimote from about a foot above the couch I was sitting on, and my glasses came off my face when I was frantically pulling up on the Wiimote. I'm not sure why they broke, I think the frames got dented when I put them away while camping for Wii and then today falling to the floor was the straw that broke the camels back so to speak
  9. Eh... The bob fishing works, it just took me a while to adjust to what was going on. You just have to wait for a fish to bite it, the bob will then move down. After that just pull up. That's what I did and it pretty much worked. I'm pretty sure the best fishing is when you get the real fishing rod. Also, I am loving the controls. I really like using the wand movement and attacking like that. The horseback combat is alright, its not really hard to get Link to swing the sword. I totally understand why most reviewers said that they would never go back to the classic control scheme. It's just more fun and seems a bit easier, especially for aiming your slingshot. THAT'S WHAT YOU DO?? I've been swearing at the damn thing, and even switched TV/Video because it was so boring waiting for it to say "FISH ON" EDIT: No that doesn't work either, it just keeps getting caught and it doesn't pull up. Oh wait I got it now, WHEN I THREW THE CONTROLLER BROKE MY GLASSES AND THEN PICKED THE CONTROLLER UP UPSIDEDOWN. I caught a fish! Where the fuck is it? I DON'T WANT TO FISH ANYMORE!!!
  10. As much as I love Pixietricks's advances towards me and the awkward photos of zircon, I have a previous engagement further north in Canada.
  11. is really creepy. I was just thinking about how I've yet to see commercials for PS3 (or Wii for that matter) when they're both less than 3 weeks away.
  12. Fine, though they COULD add something to the gameplay, but much like the disney sports games, probably won't. So what about my other comment about that PDA software for the DS? Any news?
  13. I... I just threw up a little in my mouth. I hurd theirs going to bee a disney final fantasy gaem? itz gonna be called Kingdom Hearts, zomg teh stupid!!
  14. Slightly off-topic, but whatever happened to the PDA for the DS? Was that something that a lot of people hoped for but never happened? Something just in Japan, or what? According to EBGameStop's coming soon, there is a DS game called Meteos coming in March. Not Meteos 2 or anything, just Meteos. EDIT: Upon examining their site, it appears to be Meteos: Disney Edition
  15. Some of the older remixes in the torrents still have inconsistencies such as remix.overclocked.org as the website. Will there be a time, let's say, in honor of OCR1500 that all the previous remixes have a unifed ID3 structure and MAYBE the OCR#### in the track # and the year it was submitted (or rather accepted)? EDIT: OOOH and pictures for album art!
  16. It's as if you both just woke up after a long night and relized you're wearing each others' pants.
  18. I could never understand the lyrics to the beginning of VGDJ.
  19. How could you say no to that face? Okay, I haven't listened to this podcast yet, but what is this about Pixietricks never having played any of the Oddworld series? Look at my living room What's that you're posing in front of? Let alone the hardcover and sealed limited edition of this book in my room and of course, my sig. I officially don't know you anymore, Pixietricks.
  21. Considering the only video shot to my knowledge was the stuff for Play, I'd have to say no.
  22. To be fair, we didn't cover the 369 square km. I would have researched where to go, but I sort of figured the person organizing the meetup would know where to go. Our day was pretty packed anyway, the time we would have spent at the arcade/music store we spent waiting at the Olive Garden.
  23. Not sure what the caption should be between "Nice Clothespin", "Nice Meetup", "Nice Complete Stranger", or what
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