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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. First i was like Oh this is cool. but then I saw THE LION HAT
  2. Oh. Well. That's odd. Here's me. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Zerothemaster
  3. I already joined the OCR group. Is this a different group? It was a public group that I joined :/
  4. No harm in submitting to Darke. That's what I'm gonna do
  5. I hope you don't mind me steal... er... borrowing your lyrics
  6. well, now that prophetik is joining, I might as well quit. XD
  7. I'm waiting to see if Silv is still alive. Otherwise, I can challenge someone post-PRC202.
  8. pokepokepoke

    You still alive, Silv?

  9. Introduction After the excitement of the Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2011, some other musicians decided to form the GRMRB: Exhibition Matches, to create loads of MASSIVE BEATS, THUMPING BASSES, CRUNCHIN' GUITARS, AND OTHER SIMILAR EPIC SOUNDING INSTRUMENTS to hold us over until the next Mega Man Remix Battle! Current News Match #1, SilvernixSP vs. Geeky Stoner has finished! Check out the Match Index for the songs. UPCOMING MATCHES Zerothemaster vs. SilvernixSP (Search Man vs. Astro Man) chroxic vs. zach72 (Jewel Man vs. Drill Man) MATCH INDEX Match #1: SilvernixSP Vs. Geeky Stoner (Air Man Vs. Flash Man) SilvernixSP Remix: Flashing Sky Geeky Stoner Remix: Flares Remixers who may be Challenged: SilvernixSP (Astro Man) Taken, vs. Zerothemaster Chernabogue (Crash Man) Geeky Stoner (Flash Man) Zerothemaster (Search Man) Taken, vs. SilvernixSP SuperiorX (Quick Man) chroxic (Jewel Man) Taken, vs. zach72 zach72 (Drill Man) Taken, vs. chroxic FAQ How does it work? You, the remixer, choose any Robot Master from Mega Man 1-6 (NES), Mega Man 7 (SNES), Mega Man 8 (PSX), Mega Man 9-10 (DLC), Mega Man and Bass (SNES/GBA), Mega Man Powered Up (PSP), or Mega Man II and V (GB). This does not need to be your only RM, you may change as much as you like. Remixers will have an agreed on amount of time to write a "VS. Remix;" that is to say, a remix featuring the themes of their own Robot Master and their opponent's Robot Master. We do not have a public voting period... yet. So do I just pick a Robot Master? Is it first-come-first-served? You may choose any RM from the previously listed games, and you can change in between matches. When does it start? When two remixers agree to start. I'm not a remixer but I want to take part somehow. What can I do to help? We need sigs and artwork and stuff, so if you're good with the Photoshops, that'd be a big help. What about Mega Man X/Legends/Battle Network/Zero/ZX? This tournament is limited to the the main Classic series games. Can I be Dr. Wily/Dark Man/Dr. Cossack/Mr. X? Those guys aren't Robot Masters, so no, sorry. No intro stages either. ---------------------- That's what I've got for now. I edited Darke's original FAQ. I'm gonna discuss some ideas with Silvernix, should he ever appear. XD But here's a nice front page
  10. Jiggly's moveset: Rest. Over-B. Nevermind the rest, nothing else matters. BTW, I do know that Jiggly's a high tier character (especially in Melee), but I've never been good with him (I can't use Rest. I just can't hit with it!). I stick with Wolf and Lucario
  11. I played as Jigglypuff in Super Smash Bros.
  12. I got no jazz at ALL in that mix. But it was SICK. So was the Pokemon one.
  13. Ooooooo nice pick Subby. I've never heard of it before but apparently it's popular: I'll see if I have time, but I might not make it (other songs and stuff)
  14. you now have my eternal gratitude if you ever need to die i'll do it for you
  15. ... Soooo I raised the key? Or what did I do? And how do I fix it without changing the entire key of my piece?
  16. I'll admit, I was hoping to get the first Mario Gold mix on the site. I had an idea in my head... which was for a club mix. Like this. Maaaaannnnn you beat me to it. D: Oh well, It's still really sweet.
  17. The price would be key. Most decent music making macs run above the 1000 mark. I run a Toshiba A505 that I got for either 600 or 800 bucks (can't remember).
  19. Which texture? :S It's hard for me to work without sheet music (read: MIDI) to go off of. What exactly is the wrong part?
  20. You mean Valve isn't angelicly perfect? D: My world has been shattered... BTW I changed my screenname to [MLP]Fluttershythemaster. I hope I can do that :/
  22. I'll admit, even though I come here for actual advice (and I sure got it here lolz), I don't think it's a bad thing for people to simply give a noob a pat on the back. Because even constructive criticism is still criticism, and it hurts just a little bit to have your baby poked and smacked around. That's where the guys who don't have any "real" assistance musically but just stop by to say "hey, this isn't so bad! Keep it up!" come in handy because they give you enough of an ego boost to say "okay, I'm not completely gone for the dogs, I can get through this! Now, lets start editing..." And then we noobs feel like we can try again and get better. So I don't think one should discourage it: I don't know if I would have continued with this song (even if I should) if it hadn't been for HoboKa's encouragement (and everyone else's too... metaphist and OC, of course) I don't know what I would have done. IN CONCLUSION thanks everyone for your input, I hope to improve it. I'm going to overhaul it MAJORLY sometime soon... change the drums samples, instruments, wobbles... everybloodything. except the 8bit part. I love the 8bit part. X3
  23. I was just watching the LOZ:OOC one. At school. I had to stop because I didn't want to burst out laughing XD
  24. Well, thanks for all the... interesting...discussion... XP yup. I might try and fix it some and see if I can get it to a little above "meh" on the scales this afternoon. We'll see.
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