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Everything posted by Cash

  1. Agreed. I'm usually on the side of messing up the sounds, and not being happy with the results. Not that my arrangement skills are any better. Maybe a newb question, but what does 40-120 refer to?
  2. Congrats Kristina and Mike! Both of you are awesome people and are now also awesome judges! And congrats to XPRTNovice for becoming a workshop mod, you have a misleading name for someone so talented.
  3. I'm glad you like it! I wanted to get you a Bahamut figure, but I couldn't find one when I looked. Ifrit is cool though.
  4. Excellent. I kinda prefer smaller albums to those 4 and 5 disc behemoths. I'm definitely going to audition for this album when the time comes. I love me some Golden Sun!
  5. Wow, hadn't thought of it that way. Here's to 14 more years!
  6. Got my gifts a couple days ago! Thanks Rexy! I got a couple of books in Stephen King's Dark Tower series, and a nice moogle keychain. EDIT: Oh, and I'll be sending out the package for my recipient today or tomorrow.
  7. Hey man, you're the one running the compo, you haven't let down anyone. We're all cool people (right?), we understand that sometimes life gets in the way of compos. Don't fret!
  8. For future reference, the video can be found on the events page before the Talkback goes live. The events page can be found by going to the videos page and clicking the drop down list that reads as "uploads."
  9. @timaeus, I also use FL Studio, I'd be interested in seeing how you do things.
  10. Oops, forgot about this. I'll vote now, hopefully you get more than mine.
  11. Happy birthday! You make some cool music, keep it coming!
  12. In my experience OCR has one of the better forum communities. Maybe something about VGM encourages respect. Even when I've come across the occasional rude person here, the person usually apologizes or just leaves.
  13. Only a day after the songs are posted and already this many votes? I need at least two listens to the tracks with time in between to decide, I can't adequately compare source usage after one listen. I like to sleep on it. Maybe it's just me and my slow voting. You didn't lose yet.
  14. My votes are in. Can't wait to hear this rounds entries! Brandon, might I suggest you don't make threads for people who don't turn in remixes? No point in voting when the other person doesn't turn in a remix.
  15. Hey man, congrats on your latest mix post! Awesome work! I definitely hear the influence from tefnek, good stuff! It's going in my permanent collection.

  16. Happy birthday, Master of Cakes! Have a good one!
  17. Hmm, I wish this compo generated more interest. I suppose people are focused on the FFCC at the moment. I'll be checking out the remixes (and voting), so looking forward to hearing the entries! Good luck competitors!
  18. I don't believe I know you, but happy birthday anyway! Have a good one!
  19. My question: is there any reason why there can't be a show specifically targeted at remixers? Having a show about applying music theory to remixing would be incredibly helpful to up-and-coming remixers, as well the more experienced remixers who may not have a lot theory knowledge. I suppose my idea could possibly fall under Source Breakdown. There can still be plenty of other content that appeals to non-musicians, right?
  20. Nope. In my mind, it's not cheating to put up suggestions or lists. No one is forcing you to choose based on the suggestions/list. Nor are you forced to post any suggestion/list. EDIT: It seems to me the only way to cheat at Secret Santa is to reveal the person's name beforehand.
  21. A few ideas for whoever gets me: I'm into anything gaming related, but I don't want any more games at this point. I have so many already. I like any video game related figurines or plushes. I also like game related shirts, my size is large. I also collect various odds and ends. Some examples of what I mean: I have a collection of small metal Samurai figures, some miniature Easter Islands heads, a medieval knight figure, a small bear figure carved out of wood. Any random kind of object is cool with me. Surprise me! I'm not not sure what else I really want. I do like to read, physical books. I'm into fantasy, but I've been trying to expand out into fiction. I have the first Dark Tower book by Steven King, so I'd be interested in checking out another one of his books. Or if you know of other good authors, send a book my way. That's pretty much all my suggestions. I'll update this post if I think of anything more specific. Whatever my secret Santa decides to get for me, I'll have fun with it! The giving and being involved in the community is the fun part for me!
  22. I get it, some people think music theory is boring. Plenty of people disagree, myself included.
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