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Everything posted by Cash

  1. The director of two awesome albums has a Kickstarter? How could I not pledge my support?!
  2. Impostor Nostalgia was great, there was no way I could pass this up! I've pledged my support. Hilarious outtakes by the way!
  3. I have not played Secret of Mana or heard much of the soundtrack, but this album is amazing! To anyone who may hesitating on listening to this album due to lack of source familiarity, do yourself a favor and listen anyway. You will not be disappointed!
  4. I think it would be great to have links in the YouTube video description to the artist's own personal site or hosting page. This would be a good thing to bring up for the next OCR Talkback Live. Perhaps plans to update the YouTube descriptions are already in the works, but the people who run the site are all incredibly busy. I know people say it takes very little effort, but I'd imagine there are other priorities.
  5. Yeah, I always love me some more Badass. Bring on the album!
  6. I've always been a fan of your music, BGC. Best of luck to you in your career! I'll follow your work wherever you go (if "go" is the correct word). And if you decide to submit another remix or work on a project here on OCR, that's an awesome bonus. I missed all the drama, but I'm not sure why there was a negative reaction to your decision to put less time into OCR. I mean it's not like your saying OCR sucks, I guess there's always a group of people that like to vent on the internet.
  7. I hear that a week is common in other universes.
  8. Listened to the previews and downloaded the amazing Time Traveller's Delight, so excited for this album!
  9. Hey, happy birthday! I hope you enjoyed the day, despite it being Monday.
  10. Thanks for the review, dude! I definitely hear the clashing after listening to it again, still working on that in all of my music. The ending was inspired by djpreztel's ending to his Balance and Ruin remix, The Megiddo Brigade. I liked how he ended it with a triangle instead of a fade out. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. Do you have a specific time stamp for where the textures are sparse, and also when the percussion choice is confusing? As for the bass, I used a soundfont called Kik-Arse Bass, which I found on DarkeSword's soundfont website. I use that soundfont for a lot of my basses.
  11. Cash

    Not to be annoying or anything, happy 1 day late birthday.

  12. Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy the day!
  13. Finished and submitted. This is my best remix of the competition.
  14. I've got a minute of material so far, I think it's shaping up nicely. Better than my first two entries I think...maybe...I hope.
  15. Yeah, congrats on your first mixpost! I had been wondering for a while when you were going to get a mix posted, after all you are pretty damn good...for a dentist.
  16. Happy birthday! May the beard be with you! (not sure if you still have a beard)
  17. August 2011, so two years ago. I've come a long way, but still nowhere near where I want to be. I won't be satisfied until I make a song I actually want to listen to.
  18. That vote was insanely difficult, not that I'm complaining. So much good music.
  19. Not sure if you noticed, but the link for the WIP you posted in the workshop isn't working. Just thought I'd let you know. Also, did you get the last PM I sent you a few weeks ago?

  20. Dubstep has all sorts of interesting aspects to it, and overall I'd say I like it. Why not dubstep?
  21. "World's Apart Director" is listed under Fishy's name, getting closer? Unless I'm blind and its actually been there for a while...
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