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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. Sure! Basically that tone is either achieved by owning a gypsy guitar like a Gitane DG300 or by cutting out a lot of low and boosting a bunch of high. Play with it a bit and you'll find the right tone :)

  2. Hey guys, I just finished remixing 4 tracks for this proj-- But I have tracks and I h-- But can I still submi-- Okay, well, Imma start a new OoT track and send it to you.
  3. Aaaaand we have the most awkward line of the day, ladies and gentlemen!
  4. This thread is cool. I've been recycling old games forever because I can't seem to get into newer games for the PS3. I even started my own "to play" list. You're talking about the "Sitting in the chair explanation" sequence on Disc 2? I remember getting bored there, despite the fact that the parts of the story it was unveiling at that point were incredible. I've tried twice to play different Tales games. Abyss (ps3) and Symphonia (GC? I forget), but it felt too immature for me with stilted anime-style dialog and characters I couldn't connect with. Maybe I'm just getting old; can someone who is 28 really relate to those games anymore? I'm not sure. I seem to have no issues playing other old JRPGs though. One of these days maybe I'll muscle through one of them and have a whole-game perspective. If I were to play one of them that might whet my appetite and give me a good point of reference, would you recommend one? EDIT: lol, I also found this about Toyko Jungle: "Ellie Gibson, writing for Eurogamer, gave Tokyo Jungle a 9/10, describing it as "basically Grand Theft Auto with lions." and calling it "a celebration of classic games, with their ridiculous plots, repetitive tasks, excessive violence and all. It pulls off the impressive and nigh-on impossible trick of being an original homage. Also it lets you set a giraffe on a bear."[7]" I actually want to play this game now.
  5. I actually opened up a list of PS3 exclusives to see what they actually were...I have no good sense of that sort of thing. - Heavy Rain. Yes. People hate, but I thought this game was awesome. Definitely an experience. - Demon Souls. People love this game, but I don't know why. I got kind of bored at the lack of a plot. I hear it's really hard though. and I'll definitely throw in a nod to MGS 4.
  6. What do you like to play? If you want a sort of strange RPG experience you might try Eternal Sonata (loosely based on the life and death of Chopin). I can't think of too many PS3 exclusives that I really enjoyed...
  7. I use Cubase exclusively. But, a famous composer/sound engineer once said that the best DAW is the one you know. Becoming proficient at any DAW is what really makes it good; the rest, to me, are kind of semantics.
  8. Oh god, if Balance and Ruin was only one cohesive concept album, I never would have made it! Who wants to listen to 5 hours of weird clarinet arrangements? They would have told me "You're DIFFERENT and that makes you BAD." and it would have been grade school all over again I think I get what Mini-Me is saying, even though I disagree for an album of this length. But, that's precisely one of the reasons that I very rarely flip on Humans+Gears. I looooooovvveee Xenogears. It's seriously my favorite game ever. But I'm not real big into the style of music that was chosen for that album, so I almost never listen to it with the exception of Vampire Hunter Dan's track. The VGM community is a niche already; making a sub-niche of X style of music - especially with an album this large, appealing to so many people - would have been a mistake, in my humble opinion.
  9. Yeah, definitely a conversation I never thought I'd have. "Hey, you know what would sound good in this prog metal? Clarinet."
  10. REALLY an awful song to listen to while you are trying to work on your own orchestration skills. It's like standing at the bottom of a six-thousand step staircase. But yes, absolutely amazing piece.
  11. wow! thanks for the link. I am on a very long journey away from idiotsville, and this will definitely help.
  12. Oh. It's just. Oh my, it's awesome. It's so awesome. I grinned like an idiot for the entire piece when I heard it at our wrap up. You'll love it.
  13. Sounds to me like I have no idea what the hell I am doing! As usual I am stumbling in the dark. Sometimes I wish I went to music school instead of all this saving-the-world bullshit... Thanks for the feedback you guys. I wish I understood how to fix half of it...
  14. So, this is my first attempt at an orchestral original. Was going for an epic cinematic thing (I think). This is a severe case of rectal extraction. Looking for any and all feedback...I have my own opinions on sections, of course, but I'll withhold them for now. https://soundcloud.com/xprtnovice/terminus-est-wip2 :banghead:
  15. I collabed with Zircon, so I won't spill too many details. But THERE WAS AT LEAST WHISTLING (I did more than that)
  16. I'm actually an experienced a capella arranger, but I just don't have the time right now to commit myself to it maybe sometime in the future
  17. You are better off finding someone else for Baritone and limiting me to Beatboxing (I'm not a very good singer)
  18. some crazy guy named shariq bought a yacht or some shit
  19. Is there any sweet desktop wallpaper art or anything available already? That would be cool.
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