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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. My wife is Paleo by necessity, as I've explained before, and she made my meals. So, I was probably 70% paleo, but if/when I wanted something with gluten or sugar, I would eat it. A typical day might be a protein shake for breakfast, yogurt with fruit and nuts for a snack, a salad with some meat in it for lunch, a banana with some almond butter in the afternoon, and then whatever my wife made for dinner that day. In the evenings I might have something like a cookie or a brownie or something, but not always. Beer and wine were regular, and pasta was maybe once every 10 days. Going out to eat I ate whatever the hell I wanted. Sometimes I'd have bread or rice or white potato with dinner or some beans.
  2. Lastly - VFF Bilkakalalal or whatever are available on Woot for $27 today. www.woot.com
  3. Never answered these, sorry. First, I'm pretty happy with where I am weight wise, though I could stand to gain another 5-10 pounds max. I have about 8% body fat. My chest looks a little 11-year-old-girl ish, but I can live with that. So my real goal is to be PRAGMATICALLY FIT by wasting MINIMAL AMOUNTS OF MY FREE TIME. Very primal mentality, so Mark works for me. Regarding the VFF; I have the Bilkilallalal or whatever. Wife got them for me for $30 on a sale. I'm still happy with the running aspect of them - sprinting in them makes me feel like I'm on a speeding train - but they keep doing weird things when I try to do anything non mainstream like parkour. I feel like they have the POTENTIAL to be awesome, but maybe I don't have the right model. If I got ones that laced up on top, I think that would eliminate the slippage problem. Too bad VFF names all their shoes stupid cool-guy names like See Ya and Kso (Japanese for 'shit'?) instead of describing what they're good for I don't want to spend 30 minutes trying to figure out which one works.
  4. So, I am now officially 2 weeks into Whole 30. Honestly, I feel no different at all, and I'm not sure I experienced any adjustment period (flu-like symptoms from die-off, etc). Maybe that's because I ate relatively healthy prior to switching, but I'm not bristling with energy or feeling like I could move mountains or anything. My allergies are still persistent as well (though I know 2 weeks aren't going to do much but it was the only reason I wanted to try this diet). It's mostly annoying. My parents came into town to visit their new granddaughter and my dad brought a 12 pack of beer and pizza. It was a major, major bummer, since most of the good times I've had with my family revolve around awesome food that isn't necessarily good for you. The diet, so far, has done nothing except put a damper on social gatherings and make eating out the most annoying thing I've ever done in my life. [/bitterness] And I really want to smoke my f@%#@g hookah while I'm composing.
  5. See, yeah, I'm not in touch enough with Japanese culture to even know what Moe was, except that I have an uncle named Moe and I was pretty certain he wasn't ruining Japan. I think he has the potential to ruin Japan, but right now he lives too far away. I had to look it up.
  6. Gantz was one of the most effed up ones I ever saw. I actually thought it had the potential to get really good but I remember hearing that the anime got cancelled before it could tell the full manga story, so the ending was awful. Also Paranoia Agent was really strange, too. Shooooonen Baaatuna!
  7. lol, thanks for the confidence. I'll do my best to make it work out, but I can't guarantee the judge's opinions. OA didn't seem to have nearly as much of a problem with it as larry did

  8. Same as it ever was, brother. I've tinkered for it for like 4 hours and the more I mess with it the more it keeps breaking. Larry's fixes are going to take a lot more time and maybe a lot more talent than I have. I will take another look at it this weekend if I have time (I may be ripping apart my studio for a paint job/rearranging) and give you a final call on it.

  9. Still where it was, brother. Sorry. Larry's fixes are going to take a shit ton of time that I'm not sure I have. I'll try to make some time to look at it this weekend, but it might get down to take-it-or-leave it.

  10. Just out of curiosity, have you made the deal potable yet? I.e. are you paying people or doing anything from your end to make it worth it for an artist? So far I've seen lots of "we're committed" but not "it'll be worth it for you."
  11. Flex those forum muscles! Sorry for being so lame, and thanks for judging.
  12. There's a bunch on VOTL that would fit the bill. Adrenaline Kick (though I think the spelling is off) is a good one for that. Oh, and you should listen to Shinra Shuffle. That's kind of a bebop FF7 tune. We're also in the middle of an OCR Big Band project, if that ever gets off the ground.
  13. Agree. Here's my argument as to why I don't like subbed: I don't understand the Japanese language. Therefore, I don't understand subtleties in intonation, inflection, etc. Therefore, I am missing out on a significant portion of the real meaning of the dialog and the emotion behind it if I listen to Japanese people doing it. Of course, that means that you need a translation that incorporates the appropriate feeling into English intonation, which doesn't always happen. That, and, in general, Japanese voice actors annoy the piss out of me.
  14. I'm not 100% about the game engine. After reading this, I'm going to have to get some more information about the project and get back to you. In the meantime, thanks for the advice and help. I might be taking you up on those sample things. Artistically, I have almost no interest in doing chiptune stuff, but it might be a good skill for me to have.
  15. I kind of got this impression as I was searching the web for how to do chiptunes. I get the nostalgia thing about using antiquated methods to create antiquated music, but I don't use an abacus to solve old math problems.
  16. So I've seen some threads on here that sort of skirt this issue, but I'm looking to make a chiptune based on one of my own arrangements so that it can be included in an 8-bit video game of sorts. I read all these things about trackers, etc - is that really even necessary? Can I just use samples and program it into a DAW like normal music (in which case, is there a good repository of chiptunelike samples)? I would like to experiment, but I don't really feel like learning a whole new area of production with trackers and other programs with which I am not familiar, particularly when I'm still a neophyte in the non-chiptune realm.
  17. I think this is more of it. If you get to the point where you're saying to each other "we need to solve this in order to stay together" then you've already gone waaaay too long without putting effort into your relatonship. Work doesn't mean concentration camp - it means solid effort into being compassionate, honest, and good communication. It sounds like your situation allows you to do that very easily. Many people aren't lucky enough to have that situation.
  18. In my experience, the foreknowledge that marriage is work and the desire/will to work on it are the two leading criteria for success in one. Those that think it's supposed to "work" without work get disheartened. But yes, marriage is awesome.
  19. Oh I'm just kidding around with you, sorry. Thanks for the vote of confidence!
  20. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22565945 Hm
  21. Just saw the notification that the kickstarter has ended. Congratulations on a campaign well done, Jill (and I'm sure Andrew helped). Looking forward to the magnet. Oh, yeah, and the music.
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