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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. You are better off finding someone else for Baritone and limiting me to Beatboxing (I'm not a very good singer)
  2. some crazy guy named shariq bought a yacht or some shit
  3. Is there any sweet desktop wallpaper art or anything available already? That would be cool.
  4. Ok, cool, I'll check with Fishy and see if I'm good to send them. But I can only send 1 at a time, right? Or do they make exceptions for that, too? I have 2 tracks on this project. ONE OF THEM INCLUDES TIN WHISTLE OMG
  5. But judges decisions take like...8 months now. Is there even a point at this point in the project?
  6. What kind of hurt and where? If it's muscle cramping or just soreness, it could be due to the skill atrophy. But if it's joint pain, STOP.
  7. err, should we be subbing to the judges panel? I'm not familiar with album protocol
  8. Aw, man, did you make me Gau because you think I'm useless and have a speech problem? Great trailer!
  9. So I think Esto Gaza is done unless Fishy has any more feedback for me. Do you need that Wav still? Cid's theme on the other hand...I handed in a WIP a while ago with a brand new ending; are we cool?
  10. It took me less time to google this than it would have for me to bitch at people who were trying to help you. KOMPLETE 6 from the NI Forum 1) You can sell your Komplete 6 product as a whole. You can not sell the individual pieces of it since it is all under the same master Komplete 6 serial number 2) You can not sell it if you used your ownership of Komplete 6 to buy an update version of Komplete 7 3) If the your Komplete 6 was an update or upgrade version (i.e. you used your ownership of another NI product to qualify for the reduced-price update/upgrade) then that product must also be included in your sale 4) To transfer the license you need to contact NI Registration support and have them remove/delete your Komplete 6 license from the NI Registration database. The new owner will not be able to register/authorize the software until the Serial Number is removed from your NI account. 5) There are no product transfer fees. From T-RACKS Website In order to transfer an IK Multimedia software license to another person, the current rights owner must purchase a "License Transfer Credit" in IK Multimedia's online store. If you already have one, please go to the User Area > My Products > (product name) > License Transfer. Paste your License Transfer Credit number in the proper empty field, and click Transfer. If you do not have one yet, please purchase a "License Transfer Credit" in the IK Multimedia's online store. Only OEM versions and versions bundled with third-party products can be transferred free of charge and without a "License Transfer Credit". After the license transfer has been completed, the previous rights owner is not allowed to retain any copy of the media. Please contact IK Multimedia Support if the product you wish to transfer is not listed in your account or if you are having troubles on transferring your license.
  11. I don't pay attention to it. I just avoid carbs that aren't found in fruits and vegetables.
  12. I'm definitely going. Wishy-washy on the room issue, though; I only live 20 minutes away.
  13. For EWQL composer's collection, I got kind of effed. I bought it secondhand, and even though I asked the person if I could transfer licenses and he said yes, when I emailed EWQL about upgrading they said, "Yeah, you're using that illegally. Our End User License Agreement says NO TRANSFERS." So it's program dependent. That doesn't mean, however, that someone won't buy it, because they probably will.
  14. Chernabog is (essentially) Russian for "Black God".
  15. Modus - I am a professional voiceover artist with over 20 clients under my belt. PM me if you want something.
  16. I don't know what Vice Pretzel entails, but I'll take the free hugs!
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