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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. I keep trying to tell you that it's your project not mine - you can delay as along as you want! Just don't hit me with a "I need this tomorrow" and we'll be good
  2. Pretty cool brandon! I'd take you up on this but I already have plenty of my own absolute garbage that I need to learn how to mix...
  3. Uhhhhhhhh let's keep it under $300?
  4. Hey guys, I'm about to do a bigger jazz project for a video game and I'm looking for good jazz samples. I can do some myself, but I was wondering if anyone had used Garritan's Big Band 3 and what they thought of it/if they thought there were other sample sets better for that jazzy feel. I was also considering addictive drums with the brush kit, so would appreciate any feedback on those as well. X
  5. I bet Ecto can clear this up, but ultimately you should try exactly what soul splint said and cut your grains and complex carbs like sugars. Sounds like your insulin response levels might be causing you to build up excess glycogen stores around the organs around there. That's why, locationally, people tend to build fat on their bellies first when complex carbs are the problem.
  6. On further review, I actually think their ethnic bundle and all the stuff in there is pretty good. The orchestral stuff doesn't do it for me, though. But I have a huge gap in my library right now for good ethnic instruments and I really like the way some of these sound. To me, these sound better than Silk or Ra from EWQL. For 40% off, it ends up being $400. I know you were looking at the orchestral stuff, I'm just musing.
  7. I'd have to go back and look, but I listened to all the orchestral demos and got that overwhelming "These are fake strings" feeling. For the price, you might as well wait for an EWQL sale. But really that's just my opinion; if you like the sound of the strings, then bag them because that's a good price for a big library. The vocal chains had a nice mix of short/long.
  8. So I spent some time listening to the instrumental sample sets...I kind of think they suck. Saving up a bit could get you a lot better; even EWQL and Cinematic Strings. I don't know, they just all sound hokey to me. What DOES draw me in are the vocal samples. I might grab that bundle because for all THAT it's ridiculously cheap.
  9. I'll echo that I'm interested in hearing others' opinions on this. I have some studio money that I could use with the right deal... FYI: it also works on the bundles. So you can literally buy the entire library of this company's sapmles for $1200 (935 Euro)
  10. Based on scientifically proven analysis, I predict that this game is going to require someone dual-qualified in whistling and clarinet playing. I mean, I assume you knew that already, but just for public knowledge...
  11. This is easily one of my favorite orchestral pieces on OCR. I aspire to be able to arrange like Derek. He is an exceptional musician who obviously pours a lot of heart into his music. In my first couple of listens to this in the car, I literally shouted "YEEESSS!" at a couple of parts that made my skin prickle. Damn, this is just so good.
  12. Oh yeah, I'm good. Just had to avoid bending it for a couple of days...should be good for more parkour on sunday!
  13. I gained an inch-long gash in Parkour last week trying to do a kash vault and ramming my knee against the box instead...
  14. oh yeah, sweet, cubase. I'll send that tonight.

  15. Could I send you an OMF instead of hte stems or does it have to be stems

  16. This forum subsection is just for that - you can browse what people have requested and fulfill as many as you'd like. There are hundreds of requests out there for you already.
  17. Meh, I'm new to the whole composer thing, but I've landed 2 video games in the last month. Not great pay, but it's given me a little insight. 1.) Network. Know people and reach out. Jobs will not come to you, you have to go to them. Hang out where people are going to look for composers, have a web presence, bandcamp, etc. OCR is a good place to hang out, but I've only seem 3-5 jobs get advertised here over the last year, and many of them are NOT good deals, posted by people who just want free stuff and don't have their games completed. 2.) Have a good portfolio. 3.) Be a professional, not an asshole artist who thinks he's amazing. People want to work with a personality as well as get a quality product. 4.) Look at the music business thread.
  18. It really hasn't changed since the last time I sent it to you for a solo. Fishy hasn't done the drums yet, either.

    But I think it's probably better that I send you the stems; I'll do that tonight.

  19. Rexy, I can't even begin to tell you how many times and different ways we sent messages to Square Enix - we snail-mailed their official address, we contacted legal, we contacted online content managers, we contacted EVERYONE that we could get our hands on to no avail. We even contacted the same legal team that was in charge of the Balance and Ruin negotiations - blown off, to the last. I'm not surprised we got shut down, either, honestly. But we got to the point where we'd put so much work into the prepwork that it was like "well, fuck, SE isn't going to talk to us...let's launch and see what happens." Nothing to lose, right?
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