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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. Now that I'm finally done with a bunch of other stuff...I might try to flex my evil muscle for this.
  2. Oh, wow, great! I made a convert I'll have to tell my wife, she'll be so proud. Really though, it WILL be hard. For the first 5 days, you might experience what they call the "carb flu." It is literally your body going through withdrawal. Sugars are extremely addictive. Trust me - power through it and you'll feel fantastic afterwards. And unlike a "diet" this is a lifestyle - you can choose to eat that way for the rest of your life and it would not be nutritionally deficient. Most diets, on the other hand, rob your body of something necessary. Let me know how it goes!
  3. I'm your man. I'll take care of this today as long as you promise never to compare me to a final fantasy voice actor again
  4. Hey. I'm a professional VO artist but I'm not sure if I'm the style you want for this. Check out samples at www.renmanstudio.com. If it's for a non-profit project I'll do it for free.
  5. Nabbed this as my first ever non-stock plugin bundle. Hooray - I feel like a legit mixer. Also, if you enter FALL2013 you get another $20 off. I nailed all that for 80 bucks. Thanks Avaris!
  6. I ended up Newegging a Dell Ultrabook for $500. I guess I should have updated the thread : I'll change the title and we can maybe just bullshit about laptops. I don't use the laptop for too much except traveling; no real gaming. I do all my gaming via console and using rolled up pieces of napkin paper. It's a i5 3rd gen processor with 8GB ram and an integrated graphics card, windows 8 (which I've already modified) and a touch screen. I like the 32GB SSD in combo with the 500GB HDD. nice and quiet and fast. I like it so far and Dells have always been good to me.
  7. Don't forget to get your free ADpack with the AD purchase https://www.musiciansfriend.com/derivates/25/001/722/242/DV040_PDF_Copy_XLN_AddictiveDrums_freeADpak_103113.pdf
  8. I'm wary of anyone who only accepts a wire transfer and some other form of obscure escrow; everyone else does credit cards, paypal, etc...
  9. how's the shit sandwich I made you coming?

  10. I recently came into ownership of a tenor and a soprano. So, now, if I were to get a bari sax, I could do the whole section... RECORD YOUR PARTS, PEOPLE
  11. tough to build without weight, but check out bodyfit.com for body-manipulation workouts that are short, sweet, and asskicking
  12. This bothers the piss out of me. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to give internet tough guys wedgies and tell them to go learn how to approach people with some tact and grace. The illusion of anonymity did bad things for humanity and poisons so many threads. Back to the core of the topic, I love OCR and I'm so happy I found this place last year. I kind of consider it home base, and I will probably always consider it home base even if I'm the next HinsonZimmer-ShoreElfmanVersa. It's (musically) a safe environment where you can experiment, and get some honest, generally polite opinions on stuff. And, make some great connections and meet cool people. And hear some fucking amazing music. So why would anyone ever move on?
  13. And you have to listen to that idiot talk all through your workouts...ugh.
  14. If you want a ridiculously good book on how to reshape your diet from the ground up, you should check out "It Starts With Food." It has scientific explanations for a lot of its principles - think of it as Paleo Plus - and you can do a 30-day challenge called Whole 30. But it's not a DIET. It's not going to deprive your body of calories so that you lose weight; it changes what you're eating so that you're maximizing nutrition while minimizing sugar intake. Both my wife and I did it for 30 days, though we weren't trying to lose weight. You will feel shitty for about 5 days as your body goes through sugar withdrawal (yes, that's an actual thing) but then you WILL feel awesome and start dropping weight.
  15. It's awesome that you're striving for new goals! Be careful on depending on long stretches of aerobic exercise for weight loss (mix it with weights and burst exercises - I almost never do long cardio), and don't forget that 80% of your health comes from your diet, not from your activity level. If you're packing your stomach with sugar, bread, and grains, you're going to have a really hard time cutting fat and you'll lose the same 40 pounds over and over again. Best of luck and keep coming back to this thread for encouragement and advice.
  16. Is there a reward tier where BGC will take you under his wing and teach how how not to suck? I'd buy that.
  17. Major dehydration is a side effect. When I wrestled in high school, the medical guy would always come in at the beginning of the season and tell everyone to get the hell off creatine because it was going to kill them if they were trying to cut weight at the same time, etc...
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