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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. Expertly Novice is the state at which I consistently feel my skills are sitting...I always said I was an expert among the novices, but a novice among the experts.
  2. Yep...aaahhh...they're talking about me. *sticks thumbs in belt loops and struts* Looks cool tho
  3. It looks great Pirate Crab; I hope you're happy with it. Ignore people who think that because they're behind a computer they can abandon all tact.
  4. Ack, I got annihilated. Congrats to all the winners and runner ups.
  5. Level up! 1-week of work=studio remodel. Also added an oud to my family.
  6. As I said, I'm not a font of experience. That's what I'd been told I should charge by some other people, and it appears I've been mislead. You (Dan) and I have never talked, but if you have as much professional experience as you seem to say, I'd love to talk to you about it and learn. As I've expressed, I'm new; I've had 2 music clients in my life. Both of them loved what I did, but both of them paid me not so much for it. Both of them also touted me as amazing and advertised for me. However, in the example you provided, you ended up not getting the job, so I'm not sure how your position helped you, there. You made zero dollars instead of $2.50 an hour, and your name didn't get out there in the credits. How does this advance your career? I absolutely understand the idea that musicians need to sort of band together and not undercut each other...but it's basic supply/demand economics as well as someone saying "I could either make $7 an hour, or I could make $0 an hour. I'll take the $7." It might be sad, but it's also true.
  7. "Hi. I have very little street cred, as I'm new, but I've been a musician for 20 years. You'd be my third client in the history of my professional career. Pay me $15,000." No. Taking low jobs is called paying your dues. You do it in everything. An indie designer approaches you with the idea for a concept trailer, you don't puff up your peacock feathers and tell him that musical dignity requires that he pays you $1000 for it. You establish your credentials and get some experience - the kind of experience that makes someone say "Hell yeah that guy is worth 15k for a trailer, and I have money to burn."
  8. Quick AC resume: - Beatboxer and baritone/low tenor - Founder of the a capella group at a military service academy - My AC arrangement of "Circle of Life" performed in front of President Obama in 2009 I'm in.
  9. Nope. No dairy during the entirety of Whole 30. I tried pulling back off the meds, but it makes life kind of unbearable. Oh well. Still have a week left to see some tangible results. I've had canker sores every once in a while since I was like 5.
  10. Now that I've completed week 3 of whole 30: Still no real changes. Still need to take 2x allergy medications to not sneeze every 3-5 minutes. Still have some funny skin issues (my hands feel like paper and things slip out of them all the time). Those two things - sniffly allergies and skin issues - are my only two persistent health issues, and I was expecting them to go away at least a little bit. So far, nothing. I also have a canker sore (not a cold sore, they're different and I don't have herpes) and it's making me cranky. Ballin' on your deadlifts, tho.
  11. That's pretty strange - any time I have a weird problem like that, I reinstall my soundcard drivers and it fixes it 80% of the time. Try that yet? I had issues once where if I opened my DAW and closed it, no other sound would work on the computer until I rebooted. Drivers fixed that.
  12. How many minutes of non-looping music will the video require? That helps give potential composers an idea of how much time they're going to have to put in. 10 minutes of original music is a huge amount to ask for $50, for example. Most people will charge you $50-$100 per minute (though I'm not a font of experience).
  13. I almost never use the same orchestration twice, and I've been continually upgrading and changing my samples, so a template doesn't make sense for me just yet. I've definitely thought of it though.
  14. Check out www.bodeefit.com It's like Crossfit but less impact and less equipment required. At least, as far as I can tell. More bodyweight manipulation. I did today's WOT and it was pretty rough.
  15. I really wanted to do something totally bizarre to What?! but I ran out of time. Oh well.
  16. Yeah, you might be right. I just can't justify that...I'm going to have to mug someone at a con or something.
  17. As much of a geek as I am, I don't follow the pulse of the video game market to really have understood what was going on, unfortunately. I'll get it eventually.
  18. I can't find this game aaannnnyyywwwaarrree without paying stupid money for it. Every time I ask at Gamestop they laugh at me.
  19. I'll be polishing mine and subbing in an 11th-hour fashion later today...deadline is midnight, right?
  20. Yeah, that's an interesting perspective that makes sense to me biologically. I'm also doing immunotherapy weekly, so my immune system is getting a challenge on a gradient. I'll tell you what - you call my wife and explain to her why I smell and why I'm not doing dishes properly, and we'll give this a go
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