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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. No, it's not a capella I'm having trouble sticking to the source and making it clear that we're working with cid's theme, because my imagination is running a little wild on this one. I expct to have a first draft by Sunday night, although I'm working all day Saturday so I can't be 100% confident.
  2. Thanks for the advice, everyone! Composers collection wins for me right now, because: Separately: $4000 Collection: $900 Ebay Sniping Four Minutes Ago: $500, free shipping, no taxes. Win!
  3. Thanks man, some good food for thought. I'm thinking Composer's Collection because I already have Komplete (though not ultimate)
  4. I'm still a budding remixer (only been doing this since January 2012 and I mostly use my live instruments) so I'm definitely looking for: a.) a good orchestral kit, more strings than winds since I have winds at my disposal b.) some good epic drums Other than that, I have questions as to what I SHOULD be looking for, you know? I'm still sort of defining my style.
  5. Thanks Argle! I'll do some browsing along those lines. I have Morphine and Harmon synths...do think Omnisphere is worth getting even though I have a bunch of other ones? This year's Black Friday showed me some really good deals that I couldn't afford at the time, so I may wait it out until November to really upgrade the studio and put my tax refund money in a CD or something. I have some native instruments vouchers, too, so maybe that'll help. If anyone has any other suggestions for Kontakt libraries or building up my sound library in general, you would be my hero.
  6. Given that you have some experience, do you have some suggestions for Kontakt, then?
  7. I already have Komplete 8, if that's what you're talkign about, which comes with Kontakt 5. Or are you saying just go crazy looking for awesome Kontakt samples? If anyone could recommend some good ones or general repositories for Kontakt samples that would help me out, too. I'm pretty sure Orchestral Tools and 8dio works with Kontakt, but that will kill my $1,000 with one or two sample packs
  8. By Kontakt you mean just browse the Native Instrument site?
  9. I was looking at the composer's pack from EWQL. It seems like a ridiculous deal; you get like $4,000 worth of software and sound packs for $1,000 ish. I'm wondering if anyone here has shelled out the cash for something like that and what they thought of it. That aside, I was considering taking $1,000 of my tax return this year and dedicating it to music stuff. Granted that I already have a tube preamp, a legit DAW (Cubase 7), Komplete 8, and a good soundcard (Focusrite Safire Pro 14), are there any suggestions? I could either go the software or the hardware route, though I don't know what kind of hardware I'd get other than maybe some nice mics.
  10. I think I'm now enrolled in like 6 courses at once, and realizing that it was a very silly idea. I didn't even really finish digital sound design completely. I am going to rip all the videos for all the classes I'm in, I think.
  11. So much win in that bari solo. It's so cool when you get the collaboration of so many talented musicians to dedicate some rehearsal and performance time to VGM.
  12. If you all haven't heard these two mixes, you need to. Like right now. http://ocremix.org/artist/5042/the-runaway-five
  13. Hey, thanks for checking in on the novel. It was politely rejected by a very big NY agent (the guy who represents Brandon Sanderson) with the caveat that he'd like to continue our relationship and likely represent me int he future. So while In the Shadow of Legends might not see the light of day, I have a good "in" into the publishing world. I'm in the midle of another novel right now and I expect I'll be looking for readers come summertime, if you're interested. Thanks for taking the time out to read even a little!

  14. My office mate isn't here today, so I am excited that I can listen to OCRadio at work without anyone complaining that it's not top 40.
  15. Ick, no! I want them to give me the controller and let ME play Zelda, or put a game on that we can both play. If I went to hang out with a friend and they picked up a single-player game, I'd leave! Unless maybe they were like "dude I can't get this part, help me out". But that's me.
  16. (Moved from another thread to avoid hijacking) I'm actually just curious, since I've been seeing the links to LPs a lot while looking for source tunes on YouTube...what the hell is the point? Not to criticise what anyone does with their time, but I'm confused as to where the enjoyment is in watching someone else play a video game. I've never watched one of them - is there goofy commentary, or something, or anything that deepens your experience, or is there a strange enjoyment in watching Cecil tackle another imp through someone else's control? I just don't get it.
  17. Edit: I think this could be considered hijacking your thread, sorry. I'll move this discussion elsewhere.
  18. Totally just got the head nod to The Divine Wings of Tragedy. Well played, sir. Well played. Also, these are the dumbest reasons I've ever heard for not liking a remix, especially one as awesome as this one.
  19. You get nothing. You should have thought of that before you moved. Live is full of choices!
  20. Dude. That's cool as shit. It's a shame that if this were to be posted it would be without the video, as the video is awesome. Well done. I'm not a cellist so I can't give you any technical feedback. Maybe if you could make the mix itself sound a little closer and fill out, that would be nice. Everything's smack dab in the middle right now. BUT with that performance, who cares? Great job! Edit: Totally just recognized you as the guy that used to pop up on my Last.FM before I knew that OCRemix existed. Ha. Your stuff is awesome.
  21. Hey this is cool, chills me out. Gotta bring that female vocal back into the mix, particularly at the beginning; try reducing the level and maybe adding some reverb that gives it some distance. Don't make it go away too much. I really like that. It's like a lullaby. Just gotta blend better. The double guitar solo around 1:20-1:30 is a little jarring because I never find the beat for a while there. Only other thing I can recommend is for the synthetic strings, try to use some automation to make them swell more rather than abruptly enter and exit. Once this is polished with some nice production this is going to be really awesome. Great first post. I'm sure some of the more experienced folks will have better comments than me.
  22. ugh, this. I'm hoping the course stays open for a long time so I can view the videos as I have time.
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