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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. Oooh ooh wait I think I know this one. Mastering is actually an album term, when you bring every track on an album in line so that it all sounds alike in volume, timbre, etc. You kind of apply the same principle except you're treating almost all the songs on the album as a single track that you need to apply things to. Yes? Do I win?
  2. Hooray for being a noob and not knowing most of what any of you are talking about!
  3. Well, there's never been a time when ALL musicians made a good living doing what they do. You CAN make a good living doing what you do. Maybe. With luck and a lot of perseverence. There are a lot of high school music teachers that would resent that statement. It's all about what you love. If you want to work low hours and make some actual money, then yes, high school sucks and you should try for college. But if what brings you joy is impacting the lives of young people with music, and you have no issues working 15 hours a day toward that goal, then a high school music teacher may be the best and most rewarding job you've ever had. I know lots of music teachers that think this way. Teaching PRIVATE lessons is an AWESOME gig. I used to make $40 an hour in my house in my spare time, and there's nothing even remotely difficult about it if you've been properly trained and can articulate yourself properly. It's very unlikely you'll make a living doing that, but it's a great secondary source of income if you're only making 30k/year as a full time music teacher.
  4. Man, I'm trying to become a professional musician and a professional author all while holding a day job. From experience with other people I know that have successfuly crossed from the M-F grind into the arts full-time, their biggest advice has always been to persevere. KEEP PLAYING. KEEP WRITING. Keep doing whatever it is you want to do, and never make the excuse that you don't have enough time. Everyone I know that's been successful in the arts has been successful because they only got 4 hours of sleep for 2 years as they worked 3 jobs to try and get to the top. Myself...well, I'm not pushing so hard on the music side, but I've written 4 novels since 2010 and I've been spending money going to conferences and workshops. I also work 2 jobs and do freelancing work as a voiceover artist.
  5. Sweet, thanks, I'll give this a shot when I get home. You just saved me lots of tedium.
  6. Hey Cubase users (I'm using Cubase 7), I have a voiceover job I need ot finish and I'm trying to figure out how to do one of two things. 1.) Put some sort of marker in a single audio track so that when I mix it down, it breaks it into 25 separate files. 2.) If I were to, instead, record onto 25 separate tracks rather than use the marker method, export each track into a separate file. I've had to do this a couple of times the mute/unmute/re-export way and it's kind of annoying. I feel like there's a better way to do it but I'm still really new on the software side of things. Thanks!
  7. I'm a super bachlor. Just don't tell my wife and unborn daughter.
  8. I've been married for nearly 6 years. AND A BABY COMETH.
  9. Wait, I thought squats = running 24 miles with 260 pounds on a bar on your back? Cuz that's what I did.
  10. Two things. 1.) Leg day: They day when I regret that I put my music studio downstairs. 2.) Added some cucumber to my protein shake. Result: AWESOME.
  11. Yeah, I get that. The NES had a certain plastic smell, and you were almost always exposed to it because you were sticking your nose in cartridges or the console itself to blow shit out of it.
  12. Rite. Actually I just put it on OCRemix a lot of the time. If the place has internet I can use my phone and stream it, or I'll use what I have on my ipod. Other than that I like a lot of rock: Symphony X, Muse, Dream Theater. I actually really dig the Persona 3 soundtrack for working out, too. Sometimes I will listen to non-pump up music, but I won't go so far as Chopin. Maybe some acoustic guitar stuff like Andy Mckee or whatever.
  13. Oh man, there is some seriously good shit in that RAR file uploaded. I definitely don't feel like I deserve to be on the winners' board. Congratulations to everyone; I think this could be a cool album just as a package of contest submissions. I'm listening to "Following Forgotten" right now and I feel like it's actually changing my mood. I love it.
  14. 1. Waltz in B Minor Op 68 no 2 - Chopin 2. Sail Away - Enya 3. That OCRemix Zelda tune that's made completely out of beer bottles I crush it in the gym when I have those on.
  15. Today, Woot.com has a Yeti USB microphone on sale for a good discount. Anyone used this and have an opinion on the results? http://tech.woot.com/
  16. Nah man the only level after this for me is XPRTFaker
  17. Fishy hates all of my muuuusssiiiicccc :cry:
  18. Curious, though, that the most viral and famous romance novel of late revolves around the premise about a woman being physically/sexually dominated by a man (50 Shades of Grey, written by a female).
  19. Yes, yes, I rarely intend for tongue in cheek arguments to be taken as philosophical truth. You do make a good point. However! Look at the entirety of the romance genre of literature written by women and tell me that similiar stereotypes levied against men aren't present there. Can we really say that those are fantastical men for men? Regardless of the above point being valid/invalid about the romance genre, I am generally curious (and ignorant) if there are any female game developers/writers whose games we might point to for examples.
  20. I just wanted to throw out that I'm severely offended by every male character in Gears of War, Army of Two, God of War, the movie 300, or any game in which a male's status is represented by his strength or ability to kill things. I resent the fact that gender stereotypes force me to aspire to be a specific role like that. It marginalizes all other aspects of being male, and the trope is sexist. I also am offended by the idea that as a male I have to want to dominate, conquer, and control things. [/tongue-in-cheek] People get so wrapped around the axle about this kind of stuff. There DEFINITELY are situations where [race/gender/age] are distastefully portrayed. Sorry, but the little cars in Transformers 2 with the gold teeth and bling bling who stole things, couldn't speak well, and couldn't read was a racist portrayal of black people. A buck-toothed Asian farmer with a flat-brimmed hat who can't pronounce the letter L may not be 100% racist, but it's sure as shit demeaning and well beyond useful stereotyping. But the trope of amplifying gender roles isn't just applicable to women - it goes both ways, and there's an argumentative fixation on this sort of stuff that just bothers me. If people are going to flip out over a chick wearing a bikini in a video game, they should also be flipping out about muscular, idiotic jocks that scratch their nuts and womanize for social kicks. I'm all for lightening the eff up. To add to a list of non-NPC females that are strong-willed: -The female lead from Heavy Rain. At one point, she kicks the ass of a bunch of burglars in her house and, I think, sticks a drill bit into a mad scientist. -None of the females in FF6 have a damsel complex that I'm aware of (though Celes does get rescued once) and mostly proceed to kick ass. -Elly from Xenogears repeatedly rescues Fei, if I remember correctly. - Female lead from Secret of Mana - playable, with dialog, on a quest to save her boyfriend. - The cast of FF X-2, who spend their lives searching for a boy, and tour as singers and have special powers that let them change into skimpy clothes...wait, nevermind. Addendum: I hate the princess from ICO. I'm just throwing it out there. Her only job is to hold onto my hand and make squeaking noises, and she only does 50% of that well. God I hate her.
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