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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. Not that I know of? Was it yours? Next thing you know I'll be posting everyones OCR tracks to my soundcloud and claiming that I wrote them!
  2. ecto - stay away from my wife. She'd fall in love with you for posting what you did. I love to see people passionately and intelligently deconstructing the common knowledge (the common ignorance). There is such a gigantic hole in modern medicine and the knowledge of the general population when it comes to health and food, propagated by years of listening to doctors that had no clue what they were talking about and listening them tell you "eggs will kill you and butter is bad" on CNN. Love you guys. EAT (real) BUTTER.
  3. For some reason I didn't see any of these updates. What's my timeline for Cid's now that Steiner's is taken?
  4. I use an Audix i5 or SM58 into a Focusrite SaffirePro14 into my computer. $300 total of equipment. Granted, I've only ever had one voice over gig.
  5. Thanks Timaeus. A little too human of a performance, maybe. I'll fix those in the next iteration. I haven't gotten a lot of feedback action on this in the last few days. Do we think it's ready for mod review?
  6. Thanks C&C. I actually think the piano might be clipping at some points, which is giving it that harsh sound. I had to double-track the piano to get it to carry and then I didn't do a great job of adjusting the levels or applying compression. That should be an easy fix.
  7. This. Depending on how fast the person is, you're probably offering them $4.00 an hour. Best of luck with the project.
  8. Goal = turn Kepora's theme into a late Romantic-era piano concerto. Piano is played live (but sampled). Otherwise there is live clarinet, french horn, and trumpet in there in different places. This is sort of my first attempt at doing anything orchestral. Remix: https://soundcloud.com/xprtnovice/flight-of-the-dark-owl-v6 Source:
  9. I have to agree here, but that's part ego Also the 2nd sax section is too far in the background.
  10. What's my timeline and which would you rather have? February may be rough on me time wise. Military duty and baby showers and all that.
  11. Depending on timeline and the director's opinion, I might be able to scoop up another.
  12. I am actually really enjoying the digital sound design class so far. I made a topic for OCR people but only a few have posted there.
  13. The only way I've ever heard of that is asking for student IDs to validate a student rate of purchase. I'd stay away.
  14. I just found this tutorial, and found it pretty awesome (especially since he's literally using the same DAW and version as me).
  15. Not to argue, but the studio that was done in carpet actually looked really nice, because he took a tone that matched his wood shelves and put it neatly on the walls rather than ragtag.
  16. I don't know if this will help you or if other artists can corroborate, but someone I know went to home depot and instead of acoustic foam bought the cheapest carpet he could find - like 60 cents a square foot - and did his whole studio with it. It was cheap as hell, easy to install, and sounded great. Just something to think about. A space that small would cost nothing.
  17. I can no longer be blamed for delay! All 3 of my tracks are done.
  18. Biiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrttttttttttthhhhhhhhddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. oh yeah sure https://www.box.com/s/cw3u5wnfyig08toi7jwn this is with my "improved" kick - might have to fast forward a bit to hear
  20. I don't have any loops, but I'm going for the dream theater sound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STXFFYcuhuw the advice so far has already vastly improved my kick drum, thanks
  21. Yeah, I know. Thanks. It's been a rough learning curve for me lately and I've been getting a little frustrated. Thanks to everyone for the responses, I'm going to go back and play with this stuff and see if I can't get something good.
  22. I got studio drummer with Komplete 8 and I'm looking for a preset that will help me turn it into a great prog-metal kit. Right now it all kind of sounds like a really nice rock kit, but I need everything to have that metal punch/snappiness to it. I'm not an expert when it comes to editing samples, so I would only waste my time if I tried to do it myself.
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